The Baby

Chapter 8: Footprints, teething and conversations, Oh my!

AND I'M BACK BABY! Yeah! Hey all, sorry for the late update, I've been working on another story that I plan to post when it's done, and yes, it's going to be M-rated. It's based off and Anime called Kaiketsu Zorori, a VERY good anime that was made back in the 1990s, y'know when shit was actually good and made sense before all this new crap polluted the cartoon world, that's right I said it. And I ain't takin it back neither, so there.

Anywho, I recommend you guys watch Kaiketsu Zorori; it's a very good anime to watch, and especially if you like fart gags and Zorori doing the whole 'Brock falling head-over-heels for a pretty girl routine. :-D, I thinks that where Pokémon got the idea for Brock's love spazziness XD. Go to YouTube and watch from season one, and the first episode for it to make sense. Can you believe it, they have five seasons of the show, I mean, Hamtaro didn't last that long and that shit was over-the-top cutesy, so you have to give this anime credit especially since it's a furry anime.

Okay, now moving, oh before I forget, for those of you who don't know what the hell is going one, go back to the last chapter before this and reread it, and *bam* you're all caught up.

Plus, it saves me the trouble of explaining it T_T. Now, NO MORE DISTRACTIONS! On to the chapter with you.

Go on, shoo, shoo.

Oh, and next chapter, this story will change to M-rated. just letting you know.

© Kung Fu Panda belongs to DreamWorks…. Copyright pending demons… OH!

*Time Skip – 6 months later*

It had been over six months since Yun Shui had come to live in the Jade Palace alongside Po, Xun, The Five and Shifu. Since then, things there have gotten livelier ever since… Along with bit of chaos, discord and cacophony added to the mix of course. Sure there were incidents here and there, but nothing too bad to be considered a problem. Yes there were days that were just havoc in the making, sure there were blunders here and there, and basically the Jade Palace would turn upside down on some days and everything would be backwards.

But nonetheless, Peace reigned over the Jade Palace.

During their last six months, there were changes at the Jade Palace; most were big and noticeable to the Valley residents while some were small and better hidden to the outside, the only ones who knew the small changes were Po and the others of the jade Palace. And not just the Jade Palace itself, but there was changes to the characters of Po, Xun, The Five and Shifu.

For Po, He was becoming more and more like an actual warrior, much to Shifu's satisfaction and Tigress' delight. He had been training so intently, even more often than usual. He even moved on to the Jade Tortoise, and had already mastered it like that. How he did was a mystery, even to Shifu. His dedication to learning the 1000 Scrolls was beginning to show results, the farthest he's made it to be was 899, The others could only gawk at his progress in such a short amount of time, but they never questioned it. Instead, they rooted and encouraged him to go for broke. While his body began to shape up with more muscles appearing in various areas of his body, even though he still big around the gut, His demeanor began its metamorphosis as well. Over the period, he began to get more serious and logical, while maintaining a straight face. He still had his happy, carefree, jovial personality, upbeat attitude, positive thinking and goofy like smile, but he's managed to keep them in check while developing a serious and nonsensical side of him, one that Tigress was particularly fond of.

For Tigress, She was embracing her feminine side more and delving into the meanings of begin a girl, with Viper as her main coach, and trying to fully embrace motherhood. While she was getting tips on how to a proper mother from Lady Yun Shui, Tigress found herself enjoying the feeling of accepting her girlish persona that had been kept in her for so long. She began trying out things that before, she would never try. Things like: Trying on mascara, putting on makeup, wearing *warm colored eyeliners; I.E: Red, orange and yellow, painting her nails, wearing ear clips, wearing accessories; mainly on her neck, ears, wrists, and tail, trying on different clothes and probably the most significant symbol for femininity: wearing perfume. Her personal favorites were Jasmine Lilacs mixes, Cherry blossoms and her most cherished choice curtsey of Po: Tiger-lily scented perfume. Even though she was embracing her more feminine side, she was by no means a weakling or anything less than that. She was still Master Tigress, leader of the Furious Five. She still had her mask when she went out into the public and still set an example that she could be strong AND beautiful. But when it came to being a mother, she still had a bit of trouble with that. Yes, her maternal instincts awoken and have been doing most of the driving for her and guiding her, but when it came down to it, she was still in the dark, thankfully Yun Shui was able to so Tigress the ropes.

Mantis, Monkey and Crane were still the same as before.

Viper was still that doting aunt that Xun loved to be around when given the chance to. Even though she and the others still had their daily fourteen hour training regimes, they each took turns watching the infant during the day and afternoon. Basically their training would be shortened to 7 hours; But Viper had the most fun looking after the cub during her turn, the other Males enjoyed it as well, but Viper loved most of all.

As for Shifu and Yun Shui, Things couldn't possibly get any better for the elderly couple. Ever since Yun Shui had come back to her husband, after she found out that was alive after all things have gotten way better. For starters, Shifu had become less strict than he usually was, but only by a margin. He was still strict when it came to monitoring Po and the others' daily training, but when they were off the clock; he was calm, relaxed and jovial with the others. His relationship with Tigress had also improved, the dents were buffed out and they spent some of the time together, just the two of them. Sometimes, he would give them the day off to just enjoy themselves, but not without getting in at LEAST 3 hours of training. Things with his wife however, they being going well, during the early mornings both he and Yun Shui would go over to the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom and watch the sun rise together, or he would play his flute and melody 'Ode to Dawn' for her which she loved greatly, or just enjoy their company and reminisce about their childhood and adolescent years together, somewhere along the lines how their hormones were almost IMPOSSIBLE to control among other things. But other than that, they were glad to have the remaining together than alone. But when it came to their sex life… well, it went a little… haywire after they were reunited. Thanks to their absence, their hormonal level had increased tenfold and it was difficult to control… not that they were complaining about. Thanks to his status, he and she were able to get away with the constant rutting in various places of the Jade Palace, aside from the student quarters which they vowed never to do at all, but the idea and opportunity were VERY tempting, but no, both Shifu and Yun Shui resisted. But thanks to their need to fornicate, the Palace (lightly) reeked of hormones, pheromones, arousal, frustration, musk, sex, and in Shifu's case: Shame.

Oh the Pride wounding shame he felt.

But that was remedied with a quick *Fellatio session from Yun Shui every time he felt that way. When done, she would often refuse to wipe her mouth clean until he saw her handy work, which made him blush deeply. Often he would repay her with a *Cunnilingus session of his own right away, but most of the time, she would stop and tell him to save it for later with a suggestive grin, one that would often result in a quickie in whatever room was empty and available at that moment.

Basically, they were like horny teenagers again and they were reveling in their chance to relive the past they had to give up.

But still, aside from the constant shenanigans, the Jade Palace was peaceful and lively.

*Present Time: Outside in the Garden*

Both Shifu and Yun Shui were sitting on the bench, surrounded by various flowers, listening to the gentle waters of the pound behind them and enjoying the shade that was casted over them, thanks to the tree that was nearby and blocking the morning sun.

Both of them were enjoying the company of one another.

"Well, my dear, here we are six months later. Things around here have gotten pretty lively haven't they?" asked Yun Shui as she placed her muzzle to the crook of Shifu neck and lightly began to nuzzle him.

"Indeed they have love; I never would have thought Po would turn out to be such a fine example of a warrior or Tigress embracing her feminine side. Both have truly surprised me. It makes me proud to be their Master." Shifu said while resting his paw on her left hip, giving light strokes.

"Indeed. I never would have thought that he would suggest a nursery for Xun. That was a kind option he had to offer." Yun Shui added, lightly taking in his scent, which smelled of sweat, musk and nature; a turn-on for her.

"Yes, Po never ceases to amaze me. I'm surprised that this idea of his actually worked. A Kung Fu introductory; but for infants, I have to admit, he's coming up with innovated ideas. Letting the infants get use to their surroundings, placing objects to help them explore, games to increase their attentiveness, help them socialize with one another, just not the way older children would, and giving their parents a chance to briefly rest. I never would have thought of as a young adult. I truly am getting old." Shifu mused as he let out a small sigh, but it didn't go unnoticed. Yun Shui kissed the crook of his neck and nuzzled him affectionately.

"Oh Fu-Fu, Yes, we are getting, but that's they joy of it. We're full of wisdom and experience, things the others here have yet to go through, and besides…" she moved up to his ear and lightly blew her warm breath into them before continuing "You learn certain…'Things' that only old age can offer you. So it's not all bad honey." She added.

Shifu blushed lightly and only chuckled at her response. "That is true my dear, I have picked on things that only old age can show us, but from time to time, I still feel like an old man." Shifu responded. At that point, Yun Shui had hoped off the bench she was sitting on, broke off from Shifu and now directed his attention to her with a devious smile.

"Well, we'll just have to fix that. Let's go back to our room, and you Show just how much an 'old man' you really are." She stated, casting him a hungry grin. Shifu just let a sigh and smiled, already know what his wife wanted, seeing as how she couldn't go without it at least one day.

"You really are trying to throw my back out of commission, aren't you my dear?" He asked while taking her paw into his.

"You never complain about it when you're on the bottom." She replied.

"Again, that is true. But this time, I am the one leading, no questions asked." Shifu commanded, pulling her close to him while placing both paws on her bottom, lightly squeezing them and causing her to gasp lightly.

"Can we do some queening this time?" she asked; her blush was clear and evident.

"Of course, I always enjoy starting out that way." Shifu said while taking her paw into his and their both quickly made their way to their bedchamber, not being able to wait any longer.

*Meanwhile, in the Nursery*

"Up goes the baby," Po said while holding onto Xun, raising her into the air lightly wiggling her a bit, "And down comes the baby." He said slowly bringing Xun down to his stomach slowly, "And bounce goes the baby!" Po said while bouncing Xun on his large belly and proceeded to repeat the process once more, extracting a fit of giggle and squeals from the fox infant, who was flailing her arms toward her daddy trying to reach him, Po could only laugh at his daughter's attempts. "Alright Xun, here go!" Po said as he proceeded to do thing that made the cub in his paws happy. In his arms, Xun was no longer wearing a wraparound blanket or a little dress; she was now six months old and a little bigger, that most of her old baby cloths didn't fit. She was now donning a red infant sized vest with gold lined lotuses and was also wearing white pants with a blue band on her waist, she looked like she was wearing the same thing Tigress was, but you could tell it was different. Xun was also wearing a blue mini dragon ear clip on her left black ear and wearing two gold bracelets on both of her black-furred paws. All of the things she had, courtesy of both the Dragon Warrior and Master Tigress. Nearby, Tigress was laying on her front while resting her head on her folded arms and was watching them play. She couldn't help but smile widely as her daughter and the father shared a moment together. Even though she was watching them, the fact that the two were happy, she was happy just watching them. A small purr came from her throat and her tail was gently swishing from back to front over and over again. She was watching them but her mind was somewhere else, it was in a more soothing place.

"Alright Xun, daddy's arms are getting tired. I'm gonna put you down now," Po said as he began sitting up. Xun was pouting while puffing out one-side of her cheeks while gently placing her down on the soft, comfy floor next to him. Once done, he got and walked over to where Tigress was laying, a content look was on her face. Taking a seat next to her, he let out a sigh as felt the soft floor beneath him and joined Tigress in watching the infant crawl around, exploring her surroundings. He placed his paw on Tigress' back and began to administer gentle back rubs, making the stripped feline purr a little louder, which Po was definitely fond of.

"Hard to believe that it's already been six months since Xun came to live here with us, She gotten so big since then." Po said while watching the little cub, play with a large ball, moving it back and forth with her paws, sometimes bouncing it and giggling with amusement.

"I have to admit, it's been a shock for me as well. It was a shock, but a welcomed shock, if you ask me." Tigress replied, shuffling closer to Po.

"Yeah, I'm glad I found her when I did. Poor dear, her mother was forced to abandon her. I couldn't just leave here there in the rain, she needed shelter," Po said while recalling the memory back to when she was in that box. "Thanks to that Shady Organization again, they threatened her, I can see why the mother did what she did. I can relate to what my mother had to do, just so that I could be alive this day… I hope she's alright…" Po said while remembering his mother's sad face, having to leave him there while she sacrificed herself for his sake.

"I'm sure she is Po. Shen never said that she was dead, so there is a chance that she could be alive somewhere." Tigress said while lifting her head up to look at him, a caring smile was her face.

"Yeah, you're right. You're right; there is a chance that she could be alive out there, and so could my dad, my other dad." Po replied while smiling widely.

"There you go. That's the Po I know. No more melancholic thoughts, alright?" she asked while nuzzling his knee cap, purring audibly.

"Yeah, I know, Thank you Tigress." Po answered, smiling down at her.

"You're welcome. By the way, you've been rather quite about this 'Shady Organization' for some time now Po. Why didn't you say anything?" Tigress asked, bringing her body into the upright sitting position.

"Well, y'know…" Po started, but fell short on explain.

"Also, you said 'again', I take it you heard that name again I take it?" she asked, folding her arms.

"Well yeah, I heard it from Lady Yun Shui, remember back then?" He asked.

"Yes I do, but that's beside the point. The point is, whenever I tried to ask you about that topic, you've managed to sidestep so far, both you and Shifu. Care to explain why?" she asked.

"C-c'mon Tigress, you know I'm not that type of guy…" Po uttered, letting go a nervous chuckle.

"Po, Answer me." Tigress said in an eerily calm manner while casting him a silent, stony stare that sent chills up his side, her face was expressionless.

"Tigress please, y'know it's difficult to say in a correct sentence-"

"Now, Dragon Warrior." She calmly demanded, but her eyes were blazing with controlled anger.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you! Just stop it with the staring, it burns!" Po caved, causing Tigress to smirk with self-satisfaction.

"Since finding Xun in an alley nearby my dad's noodle shop, I found a note in her blanket. It mentioned 'Shady Organization' by Xun mother. I planned on telling you all after I found some leads about them, but so far nothing." Po admitted.

"So let me get this straight. You kept this kind of information from the rest of us, and decided, on your own, to investigate, without so much as telling us what you were doing, especially me?" She asked.

"All in a nutshell." Po answered, worrying about what Tigress would do next.

"Well Po, normally I would slap the living daylights out you for doing something this boneheaded and reckless," She then smiled. "I have to admire your dedication to protecting our daughter with everything you have. So I guess, I can over-look this 'little' problem," Tigress added while leaning into his personal space, casting him a knowing smile. Po only blushed at the amount of closeness that was between them. "However," she added.

"However?" Po repeated in a small voice.

"In exchange that I don't tell Shifu about this, I expect you to b-" Tigress started but was cut off by what she saw while turning her head after catching a glimpse in her peripheral vision.

"What, be what? What do you want me to do?" Po asked, still not getting a response, and not liking the fact that she stopped in midsentence.

"Po… look at that," Tigress said while trying directing his attention to what she was seeing. "Look at Xun… look at what she's doing." She said.

"What is Xun doing that is so…" He stopped as he looked to what the infant was trying to do. "Oh my…"

Both adults could only marvel that Xun was attempting to stand on her feet while in front of them. She was wobbly in the process on her way up, but made it and on her own. She was now standing up and on her own, holding out her paws for balance. She was facing them and smiling widely. Po and Tigress could only gawk at her.

"Oh Gods, Po… she standing, she standing up!" Tigress exclaimed while batting him on the shoulder, feeling proud of her daughter accomplishment.

"This is so AWESOME! Just look at her!" Po exclaimed while grinning widely. Tigress got on her knees and held arms out to the infant who was still standing there trying not to lose her balance. "Come on Xun, walk to mama, you can do it. Come on." Tigress encouraged, trying to get her to walk. Po followed suite and got on one knee and held out his arms as well.

"Come Xun, come to daddy, I know you can. Come on, come here" he encouraged.

Hearing both of her parents call out to her, Xun nervously took a small baby step forward towards them, making them both ecstatic. She was stumbling here and there on her way to her parents, but the encouragements and praise from the both of them kept the infant on her feet and moving to them.

"C'mon Xun, you're halfway there, you can do it dumpling," Po encouraged, really wanting his daughter to continue.

"That's it Xun, you can do it. Just a little more Fengmei, keep going." Tigress said, eager to see her daughter come closer. Little by little, Xun advanced her way to her parents, but made her way to Tigress. She was really trying her best, the only problem was, which one should she go too? Rather going to one, she went down the middle. She was quickly walking while trying not to fall which was harder to do, but fortunately Xun had made it all the way to Tigress and Po, much to both her and Po's enjoyment. Upon arriving, Xun stumbled and landed on both Tigress' and Po's thigh with her paws falling on them. Xun looked up and smile happily at the both of them while giggling and cooing, wagging her tail back and forth.

"Uuuuu!" she cooed while looking up at her mother and father. Po was doing everything in his power to keep from bursting out with joy, Tigress' heartfelt smile appeared on her face and she picked up the kit, and brought her into a warm and motherly hug, gently nuzzling and lapping at the cub's cheek. Purring could be heard in her throat, but that was beside the point right now, this was a moment that would be forever cherished by these two.

"My little Fengmei Huaban, I'm so proud of you. You managed to walk all the way over here by yourself. You did a wonderful job." She praised while hugging her gently.

"Mama!" She yipped out while wagging her tail rapidly.

"Your mother's right dumpling. You did a very good thing today, you make us so proud." Po said while petting the kit's cheek with one finger.

"Baba!" she called out while reaching for him. Tigress handed the girl over to Po and he gladly took hold of her, she immediately reached up with both paws and patted with his chubby cheeks, giggling loudly as they bounced, wriggled jiggled every time she lightly patted them. Both Po and Tigress couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, today's been a good day so far; we had a good breakfast, a nice family morning walk, a decent training session, and a lovely bath." Po winked to Tigress, who blushed heavily and looked away while letting out a cough, covered by her fist.

"Y-yes, I suppose we did, even though I INSISTED to bath alone." Tigress added while side-glancing to Po, who was chuckling lightheartedly.

"Ah c'mon Tigress, you enjoyed it. Don't deny the fact that you did." Po stated while holding Xun with one paw and lightly slapping Tigress' behind, making her gasp out and blushes deeply.

"Would you stop that?" She asked while trying her best to hold back a smile. "And yes, I did, but what truly amazes me is the fact that Shifu doesn't mind after he caught us." She added.

"Yep, ever since Lady Yun Shui reunited with Shifu and has come to live here, he's been surprisingly calm," Po stated while administering light rubs on her backside, making her gasp out a little louder that time. "Like we can get away with anything now." He added while casting Tigress a knowing, toothy grin.

"Po would you please stop groping my backside, I don't want the others to see us, and I certainly DON'T want Xun to see or know of this, not for another eighteen years at least." Tigress said, trying not to show any signs that she loved it, or… 'Needed' it. "And Shifu is still our Master. Do not forget that." She added.

"Eighteen years? I don't expect us to keep her in the dark for eighteen years Tigress, C'mon Hon, be serious. At one point when she a little older in a couple of years, she's going ask us where babies come from," Po said "Will we be able to use that old 'The Stork delivers the baby' lie? Xun is a very smart kit, even right now. She's bound to know when we're lying. She has that whole 'You're lying' look, like you." Po added.

"Gods I know, but you honestly think that we can explain that the genitalia are used to make a baby to a three year old?" She asked while looking at him.

"We'll find a way, but what we really have to watch out for is…," He shuddered at the thought but shared it with her. "Teenager years." Po groaned out along with Tigress.

"You are REALLY going to have to stay on top that when the time comes Po." Tigress said.

"Yeah, I guess I a- What do you mean me?" Po asked with wide eyes, causing Tigress to chuckle. "You're her mother too y'know." He added.

"Yes, I know, but the thing is, I won't be spoiling her so much, but Gods know you will." Tigress countered while smiling.

"That was a low blow Tigress. Not cool," Po gipped as she stuck out her tongue at him. "But oh man, when her hormones start to rage, oh geez." He mused.

"Don't worry about that Po; I'll oversee that part during her growth." Tigress affirmed.

"Yes. I'll leave it to you," Po replied. "Wait, why are even talking about this, it'll be awhile before we have to start worrying about this." He added, while moving his paw to Xun ear, lightly flicking it back and forth, making the infant giggle happily. Tigress could only smile at her daughter that was so happy resting in her father arms. Just as the three were enjoying the silence, the door to the nursery opened up and in walked both Shifu and Yun Shui, wearing content smiles on their faces and arms wrapped around one another. Shifu was smiling at his wife, while she was sighing and giggling repeatedly while twirling his thin moustache back and forth between her thumb and index paw digits, Both were satisfied, which could be easily notice. As the two stayed where they were, Po and Tigress could obviously see what had happened to them. There robes were wrinkled and uneven, Exposable fur was matted, messy and tangled, sweat could be seen on their foreheads and the most obvious sign.

They smelled of musk, hormones, pheromones and sex.

Po let out a small chuckle while Tigress just let out an airy sigh of annoyance. It didn't take the elderly couple long to realize that they already know about what recently transpired. Shifu just let out a cough while placing his free paw, clenched into a fist, over his mouth, while Yun Shui was blushing lightly and smiling placidly. Both were a little uncomfortable, but quickly over it.

"Tigress, Dragon Warrior," Shifu said before continuing, trying to find the right words. "I apologize that you have to see us like this but-" "We needed an interval." Yun Shui said, cutting off Shifu, making him blush deeply. Po let out a small chuckle while Tigress just rolled her eyes.

"À-*Àiren please, that is not the reason at all. We just wanted to go on enjoying this wonderful day didn't we my dear?" Shifu asked, trying to feign his way out this, but Yun Shui was smart and caught on to his charade and decided to play on his embarrassment a bit more.

"Wo Ai, don't be silly, you wanted to take a break, so that's what we did." She said while looking at him.

"No, I just wanted to go for a walk with you down in the Valley and have some lunch at Mr. Ping's restaurant, nothing about taking a needed brake." Shifu insisted, his face becoming more read.

"Noooo, you definitely wanted a brake, that's understandable. Preforming excellently for five rounds is no easy feat 'Master' Shifu," She smirked deviously while putting emphasis in her sentence and using his title. At that point Shifu was blushing deeply and was about to defend himself but was quickly cut off. "I mean, you managed to hit the 'spots' so accurately and perfectly, I thought I was going to lose it every time, but you managed to keep that from happening until we reached the end together," she said while snuggling up to him, feeling the heat emit from his body. "And when we did… well, it's a good thing we had the soundproof glass put in, wasn't it Fu-Fu?" she asked while looking at him, at that point, Shifu could no longer hide his shame, for he gave in to her.

"Yes dear, everything you said is true." He admitted, causing his wife to smile, and snuggle up to him. On the other side, Po and Tigress could only stare at what just happened, while Xun was gently gnawing his fist, making baby noises, not the least bit interested with the adults.

'*Psst* Tigress,' Po whispered gently to her, gaining her attention while trying not let Shifu overhear them. 'Am I hearing things, or did Shifu just cave in front of his wife?' He asked.

'Po, I'm still stuck on the fact that she called him Fu-Fu.' The feline admitted while just shaking her head in disbelief.

'I know right, this will make excellent blackmail.' Po said to her, grinning widely.

"I don't think so Panda," Shifu said, causing Po to jump slightly, and causing Xun to giggle at her father predicament. "Unless you wish for me to place you on a strict diet until the start of the Chinese New Year," he added, looking at the panda with a deadpan stare, making him shiver.

"H-Hey now Master, c'mon, why so serious?" He asked, but Shifu kept the stare, making Po cringe. "Okay, okay! Just stop it with the burning stare! I get enough of that from Tigress." He said, while both Tigress and Shifu only smirked.

"Good, now that both of you know of my shame, I expect you both to keep it to yourselves," Shifu stated before looking directly at Po. "Especially you Panda." Shifu added.

"I get it already; you don't have to remind me." Po said.

"Good, good. Now that, that has been establish, what has happened in our absence?" Shifu asked while he and his wife were still standing at the door to the nursery. Both Po and Tigress just smiled while looking at the infant that was patting Po's arm. "Did something good happen?" he asked again, seeing the smiles on their faces.

"Well Master, rather than saying it, we'll let Xun show you," Po said while placing her down on the carpet. She was confused as to way she was being put down. Once down, she looked back at her father with confusion, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Alright Xun, show Yeye and NaiNai what you showed to us, go on, walk over to them." Po said while pointing at them. Xun understood and did as she was told.

Like before, she struggled up onto her feet but she made it and was now standing up, her legs ere wobbling, but she managed to stay upright and then she began to take little steps over to her grandparents with her arms out in front of her, trying to reach them.

In their moment of excitement, the two elders could only rejoice as their granddaughter was making her to them.

"Shifu, she walking, she actually walking!" Yun Shui said while placing her paw over her mouth while smiling, while the other was held out.

"It is amazing my dear, it simply is." Shifu said while smiling and had his paw out for her.

After a bit of time passing by, Xun finally made it to them taking both of their hands and giggling loudly while looking at them.

"Such a smart child, I feel so lucky." Yun Shui said while petting her cheek.

"As do I Wo Ai, as do I." Shifu stated as he held onto her paw which the infant was holding onto tightly. "Now, shall we join our student's he asked his wife, who was now holding the infant's other paw.

"Yes, let's." she replied, walking alongside the baby over to the two Kung Fu Masters, who were still smiling as the three approached them. Upon arrival Xun let go of both their hands and plopped down onto the soft floor in the sitting position in front of her parents, giggling and cooing as she did. Po and Tigress couldn't help but smile at the little girl that was now crawling on her paws and knees, trying to find something to do.

Shifu and Yun Shui now sat down in front of the two students and let out a sigh, knowing now was as good a time as any to talk about what both he, Yun Shui and Po had been keeping hidden from Tigress and the others, but for good reason.

"Actually Po, Tigress, the reason why Yun Shui and I are here, is that we been meaning to talk to you both about the 'thing' that has caught my attention, most likely yours as well." Shifu said.

"If by thing, you mean 'Shady Organization, then yes, it has caught our attention, mostly mine Tigress stated before Po could say anything.

"Tigress how do you know about tha- Let me guess, you extracted it out of Po?" Shifu asked.

"Yes Master." Tigress answered.

"He resisted?" he asked again

"That's right." She answered in the same tone and manner.

"Did you use the Burning Stare?" Shifu asked with a smirk.

"Oh yes." Tigress answered back, ginning cheekily.

"Excellent work my student. I taught you well." Shifu praised.

"Thank you Master." Tigress replied, placing a paw into her palm and bowed to him. Po just made a face of annoyance while they talked about him.

"Now, back to the matter at hand. Like I said beforehand, Ever since Po brought back Xun to live here in the Palace with us, things has changed for the better, I will admit, but a few months ago, Po mentioned to me about this Shady Organization and how the mother had to give her up because they were after, that has been bothering me for a while now." Shifu said.

"It's been bothering me as well, but not like losing sleep over it, but more along the lines of being cautious and watchful." Po said.

"Really, this is a first time I've heard of it. But yes, now that Po mentioned that, he has been more attentive as of late." Tigress said.

"I do not blame him, I mean he is the infant's child after all, but he's been taking precaution. Not only that, Wo Ai, didn't you say that you meet with the figures before?" Shifu asked while looking at his wife.

"Yes, I did. They just suddenly appeared at my house one day, announcing that Jiàntóu was dead, showing me proof that his they were his clothes and there was blood on various spots where the vital areas of where his body would be." The raccoon female said to her husband.

"I see. You said that you saw them Fengmei," Shifu asked. She simply nodded. "right, now, can you tell us where they were wearing? Anything like clothes, markings, piercings, anything that would cause them to stand out from everybody else, and can you recall how many of them were there? And if you can, tell us what species they were?" Shifu asked.

"Yes, I remember," She said before closing her eyes and recalled the memory to surface. "That day when they appeared at my home. There three… no there were four of them. Two males, two females. They were wearing all white. Both males were wearing white changshan and black pants with black belts at the waist. The females were wearing shot black cheongsam with white lining going all over their dress and they were gold tail rings. As for the species, the two males, One was wolf, the other was a rhino. As for the two females; One was a vixen and the other was a lioness, which is odd, since that kind of specie can be found only in the west. Alright, now what made them stand out was the fact that they were wearing a type of band over their eyes. The males were wearing black, and the females were wearing white, but they had a symbol on them, but all the same, ones that you all are familiar with." she said while looking from Po to Tigress and back to Shifu.

"A symbol? What kind of symbol are we familiar with?" Po asked. Shifu sighed out while Tigress did a face palm at the blatant answer that even a child could understand.

"Po it's obvious, she's talking about balance. You know, like Harmony and Discord, Peace and Destruction, Sanity and Instability, Good and Evil, Yin and Yang." Tigress educated. Po instantly caught on by what she was getting at.

"OH! Yin and Yang, okay I get it now." He replied while smiling. Tigress just sighed at his ignorance, but smiled afterwards, that ignorance was a part of his charm and while loved him in the first place.

"Thank you for explaining Tigress. Now back to the topic. The thing is, when I saw the lioness, she wasn't like the others." Yun Shui added.

"What do you mean my dear, aside from species, was she the only of their group that stood out?" Shifu asked.

"Yes. She wasn't an adult like the rest of them, Shifu; she's only a teenager, no older than fourteen years. Dear, she is still just a child." The raccoon said.

"A child you say, oh my, she must have gone through a rough period of her life, if she associating with adults rather than her own parents. Can you remember anything else Fengmei?" Shifu asked.

"Yes, there's more. The four of them had weapons on them, but for each of them, they were different." She added.

"Weapons?" they all asked in unison.

"Yes. But from looking at them, they weren't hostile in anyway, but it was odd seeing them carry around such things." Yun Shui said.

"Can you tell us what they looked like?" Tigress asked.

"Yes. From what the two males had, the wolf had a slim sword in a red sheath tied to his hips. I think it was called a katana. The rhino had a spiked club strapped to his back. For the girls, the vixen had a large fan on her back, and the young lioness, she was carrying a pack of throwing daggers strapped to her left thigh." She concluded.

"You got that much huh, well, I've been doing some digging around at bars and seedy areas to find out information about those guys and the whereabouts of Xun's real mother is and what happened to her, but so far, nothing. I even went to Bandit's Haven for info, even they didn't know anything." Po admitted, earning a shocked look from Tigress and Shifu.

"Po, Bandit's Haven is the roughest, and most dangerous gang hangout, you went there alone, at the skill level you are right now?" Tigress asked, shocked by his actions, worried about his safety, and pissed by his stupidity.

"I didn't go alone; Mantis was with me all the time." Po added, trying to make the situation better, which was hardly working.

"One, two, or three… It doesn't matter; you could have been maimed, hurt or worse!" Tigress claimed.

"I knew what I was getting into, that why I borrowed the sword of Heroes whenever I went to those kinds of places." Po retorted.

"Oh! Well that just makes EVERYTHING better when we have weapons by our side to help us defend ourselves. Doesn't it?" She asked, now irritated by his negligence.

"Tigress, I knew what I was doing from the very beginning and fully aware of the consequences; I wouldn't do these kinds of things if I knew that I wouldn't come out of this unscathed. I not as dumb as I look or as people portray me to be. So don't look down on me." Po retorted while looking dead into her eyes, while his gentle green eyes becoming sharp and analytical, making Tigress shudder a little. At that, she didn't want Po to get the wrong idea that he thought she was like everyone else.


She let out a sigh before continuing. "Po I would never look down on you, or say anything to make you feel anything less than adequate, the reason why I got so angry is that, well, I couldn't bear to lose you at all. I almost lost you once you were hit by Shen's cannonball, I couldn't handle it if I lost you for real. Please, next time you decide to do something like this on your own, at least me and the others know what you're going to do, Remember, we have a daughter now who needs us," Tigress said while directing his attention to the infant that was on floor before them, she was on her back curled up and playing her tail while making sounds of happiness, oblivious to all that's going on around her. "So please, no more stunts like this again, alright?" she asked, smiling lightly while placing a paw on his shoulder.

"… Alright. No more boneheaded things like that. I promise," He said with a smile. "And sorry for snapping like that, I didn't mean to." He added.

"All is forgiven Dragon Warrior." Tigress before leaning to him and placing a warm kiss on his cheek, making his blush like mad, while a goofy smile comes to his face.

"Things may have been overlooked by Tigress, but not I Dragon Warrior, Not yet at least," Shifu said, coughing lightly. Po groaned inwardly as he braced himself for what was to come. "So, you mean to tell me that you, along with Mantis, have been roaming about for information in the underworld on a daily bases?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Well, not daily, but I have asking around." Po answered sheepishly.

"I see. Well, I hope you found out some useful information. If not, I'm placing you on the yearlong diet, no question asked." Shifu said, making the Panda quiver with fear.

"Shifu honey, what is the underworld that you mentioned before?" Yun Shui asked.

"It is a hideout where criminals gather during the night or hide during the day to avoid suspicion from the public and authority. They gather together to either: buy, sell, trade, prostitute and extort the use of their bodies and contraband items they either stolen or smuggled from neighboring lands or other countries. Most of their ill-gotten gain I believed to be received from land called… America, I think was the name, such a shame, a lot good those things can do is being contorted for the wrong cause. But that aside, sometimes the criminal underworld is connected with bars and seedy locations, for example, Bandit's Haven that Po and Tigress mentioned, it is one of the most dangerous places one could ever travel to." Shifu informed.

"Ah, I see. My, my, would he travel to such dangerous places?" she asked.

"Wo Ai, I do not know, but what I DO know is that he has better received some good information before he loses all his privileges and goes on a diet for one year." Shifu said while looking at the Panda.

"Alright, alight, I heard you… geez." Po groaned.

"Alright, so please Dragon Warrior, share with us what you know." Shifu said.

"Okay, here is what I got. After defeating the entire bar that tried to jump me and knocking out a bad guy to the next Shanghai Province, his buddy, who was slipping in and out knowing was going on, was the one I questioned. I asked him about the shady organization and who they were. He said that, he didn't know much about them; neither did anybody else for that matter. But what he did say provided something," Po said, stopping for a breather.

"What did he say?" Shifu asked.

"He said that the organization that he heard about is that, they aren't involved in anyway with criminals, they handle the really dangerous threats like an invasion of a hundred thousand people from a rouge settlement from another area of the country. He even said that they 'aren't normal' people." Po said, making Shifu's eyebrow raise. The term 'not normal' instantly caught his interest.

"Interesting. Tell me Po, what did he mean by saying 'not normal'." Shifu asked.

"I tried to get that out of him as well, but he passed out before he could anything else. I even tried the 'wake-up' slap, but he was out like a light, even after slapping him ten times." Po concluded.

"I see, interesting. Now we have more information to go on for now. Alright Po, no yearlong punishment diet. Instead, you'll be placed on a weeklong diet instead." Shifu ordered.

"W-WHAT? But you said that I told you what I knew, you wouldn't punish me." Po complained.

"Po, you honestly didn't I would let you go with giving you some kind of punishment did I? You should know my reputation and how I do things." Shifu smirked, making the Panda whimper and the others laugh out.

As the adults continued to talk about things, Xun was now bored out of her mind, after losing interest with her tail. Rolling onto her paws and knees, she began to look around for anything that could entertain her. As she looked about, at particular object caught her attention.

The tip of Tigress' tail. It was moving back and forth over and over like a snake slithering about. Something about the way it moved, just made her want to pounce and play with it.

She moved a bit closer before getting into the predatory position. Once done, Xun leaned back slightly, making an inward arch in her back, placed her ears back, while swaying her tail up and down while focusing on the object of her attention.

She waited,

And waited,

And waited,

And waited,

And waited, until…

She pounced!

She let out small 'rawr' sound as he landed on it and began to bat it back and forth with her black paws while making little sounds of amusement and joy. After moving it back and forth she flipped over with the tail still in her paw, bouncing it with her paws. It didn't go unnoticed either. The others could admire how the kit was playing predator and prey with her mother's tail, like most lion and tiger cubs did, but the thing was, Xun was a pup, yet she was exhibiting behavior of a tiger cub playing that kind of game. It wasn't unnerving, but it was odd that she was behaving like a cub instead of a pup. Just when Po was about to say something, she held on to tail and placed it in her muzzle and began to teethed on it. It was gentle teething, but tigress could feel the pup's canines starting to come in, she made a mental to buy a teething ring. She didn't mind that, in fact, she was glad that Xun was doing that, so she decided not to stop her.

"Looks like someone is taking after her mother." Said while looking down at the infant before looking back to her mother.

"How adorable, she's trying to be like a tiger, just like her mother." Yun Shui smiled.

"How peculiar, normally, pups don't pounce, only cubs. I wonder why she did." Shifu pondered.

"It doesn't matter to me at the moment; it's nice to see that she's taking after me as well. Before, it was only Po she took after," Tigress said, side glancing to Po. "And we all know what that is." She hinted.

"Oh what, like having a normal appetite is a bad. It just means she's healthy." Po responded. Everyone in the room just laughed at what Po said and was enjoying the little performance that the kit was put on for them.


On the mountain top above the Jade Palace that looked down into the nursery, four figures that were covered by the shadow of the large tree were looking on the people that were inside the room, observing them and the target before them.

"It seems the infant development is progressing. Slowly, but surely, in time, she'll ripen to our expectation, She's already mastered the Art of mimicry and she's only six months old, Phenomenal." Said one of the four.

"Should we retrieve her now? With the way she is, we won't need to wait for her to fully grow." Said the second.

"No, she's still not ready yet. We need to give her a few more years to grow, than at the coming of age, we'll take her." said the third figure.

"Hmm, I say we take her now and save ourselves the trouble later on. And don't forget, Lady *Huhuo wishes to see her bambino again." Said the fourth.

"The Huli jing is truly a confusing one, but what can we do. For now, let's just keep put reputation the way it is. Now, number three," the first figure said to the small child that was still observing the infant.

"In the next few years, you will infiltrate the Jade Palace as a student, and observe the infants activities, once you learned all that you needed to know, you send us a message and promptly, we will retrieve the child and you. Remember these orders, for they are from the head leader of the Tao. I will remind you on the day you depart for your mission. Failure is not an option, do you understand?" asked the first.

"…Yes… I understand…" the third figure replied, regret somewhat hidden in her voice.

"Very well. Taoist, we depart for now, we have out report, let's us return home." Ordered the first. The three of them jumped of the cliff and disappeared into the clouds below, leaving the three one behind. Just as she was about to leave, she could help but look at the infant that was content and happy living with the Dragon Warrior and her new family. She turned her back on them and mused to herself "Is sacrificing her happiness really worth if for our cause?" she asked to nobody but the air around her. no longer seeing a reason to stay, she too jumped off the cliff and vanished into the cloudy sea of white.

AND DONE! *whew* I tell ya, doing these chapters is tiring work, but fun to do I assure you. But yeah, glad you enjoyed it readers.

So, what do you think of the new chapter? Did you like it, did it need work, and do you have any ideas you want to share to help make it better? Just drop a line folks. But yeah, Now we know the name of the Shady organization and their goal, aside from that, what is their cause?

What could it be?

Why am I ask you all they question? Hmmm?

Well guys, that's all for now, Next, going to work on 'Founders of the Wu Xing' but after I sleep. I've been working on this for HOURS O_o. I need mah sleep. Okay y'all, c ya next time

Oh, and if you guys are wondering what's a fellatio and cunnilingus, copy these words, go to Wikipedia and paste them, and you'll have your answer, I warn you now, the images that you see there are not for the young, the ignorant and THE STUPID! Like I said before in the last chapter, these chapters are going to be a little more 16+, so, no crying about it, or blaming me. For I warned you in the last chapter, if you didn't listen, well, that's your own damn fault, not mine.

Now, Remember guys, R&R

*leaving the keyboard.*

PILLOWS! The only marshmallows you cannot eat. *Plop*

COVERS! The flexible loaf that is inedible *yank*

SLEEP. The wonderful gateway to dreams. *ZZZZZ*

And so I depart for now until the morrow.

Sweets dreams to me and hopefully to you all as well.