Chapter 1: Hello little one.

A/N: Hello readers. Welcome to the new installment of my new story. I hope you all like this story as well. Alright enough chit-chat. And on to the chapter.


It was dark and stormy evening in the Valley of Peace, and all the residents were scurrying towards their homes. Some were trying to take shelter in nearby buildings, and some decided to bunk with friends they knew.

Not much was going on at the Ping noodle restaurant. Most of the customers had decided to leave, rather sit in the cold rain. Since they were leaving. Po decided to take it on himself to close the shop early, Due to the bad weather.

"Alright dad. I'm leaving now!" Po called out to his father, who was standing at the door that led to the back of the shop.

"Are you sure, in this weather? Wouldn't it be better to spend the night here? It's much safer too." Inquired Mr. Ping.

"I'd love to dad, but I'm the head chief at the Palace. They need me there to make dinner." Po said while taking out the wooden, cloth covered umbrella from the holder nearby.

"Well, if you must. Just make sure to get there safely. The real storm hasn't started yet." his goose father replied.

"Don't worry, thanks to my training, I can get there in a flash, no problem." Po smirked.

"Confident as always. Alright, go on. Be on your way. I'll see you in the morning son." Mr. Ping said with a smile.

"Alright. Bye dad, see you tomorrow." Po said with a smile. And with that, he was off.

Not too far down the road, Po was now jogging to steps of the Palace and with great timing too. "Wow, those lessons are really paying off after all. Just little more and I'll be able to surpass Shifu in no time. I can just imagine the look on his face." Po smirked to himself. "Hmm, now what to make tonight. I could make noodle soup like always… Nah. Even, I'm starting to get sick of it myself, and I'm one of the noodle folk too… How about teriyaki beef stew…on second thought I'm short on spices though. Maybe Chow Mien… yeah! That's what I'll make tonight…. Oh, what should be the main attraction? Tomatoes, Peppers Pota-"

Po's train of thought was cut off when he heard a crying from an ally that he was standing next too.

"What was that?" Po asked as he turned to look towards the alley. His question was answered when he heard the cry once more. Only this time, they were cries of a small child.

"A child, in this type of weather?" Po asked himself while walking in the alley to investigate. When he got there, all he saw was a couple of trash bags, and boxes. Just when he about to turn and leave, the cry rang out again, only this time it was louder and sounded like it was coming from one of the boxes. Po crept over to the box where the Crying was coming from. He peered over it and when he did, he got the biggest surprise of his life.

"Oh my Gods, it's a baby!" Po gasped out. Thanks to his sudden outburst, the infant began to cry again. Po panicked and began to pace around.

'Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh maaaan! There's a baby, A Baby right in front of me! "Oh man, what do I do!!" thanks to that little outburst the baby continued crying, a little louder this time. Po snapped out of his frenzy and leaned down, to pick up the infant.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shhh. It's alright, no need to cry now little one. Your gonna be ok now." Po said in his gentlest voice. The baby, now calmed down, but continued to whimper in need. "Don't worry. You're going to be alright now." Po said again patting its head through the blanket. "Come to think of it, who is this under the blanket?" Po asked. He tucked the umbrella under his arm, and began to unmask to the being from its blanket. Once he does, he was surprised.

The little baby was a baby fox. Its fur was a bright white color, even in this weather. The paws and the tip of its ears were pure ebony. And it had a small, black, crescent moon that was facing up. Po had to admit, it was very cute. But what he hadn't counted on was, once it opened its eyes, they were the color of Crimson. And they were direct at Po's face. Soon the baby began to giggle uncontrollably, and was raising its little paws out of the blanket, trying to reach Po's cheeks. Judging by how high the baby's giggles were, he made the assumption of it being a girl.

The Panda could only chuckle at her little performance and brought her close to his face so she could pat his cheeks.

"Well aren't you adorable, yes you are!" Po said while tickling her under the chin. She lets out a loud, happy Yip. And begins to giggle some more.

Po chuckled alongside her as well. Soon he noticed a white note that was sticking out of the blanket.

"Hello, what's this?" Po asked himself. With one hand securely holding the baby fox, and the other holding the note. He opens the paper and began to read it.

"Dear, Caretaker

To whom this may concern, if you are reading this letter, this means I leave my child in your care. Please find it in your heart to watch and care for this child, as I am unqualified for that position. I'm deeply sorry for pushing this burden upon you. My baby has been targeted by bandits, of some shady organization. Please, please I BEG of you keep her safe until the coming of age. All will be explained by then. Until that time comes, Keep her safe, give her a new name, and love as if she were your own child. Thank you for looking after my daughter. And Once again I'm terribly sorry.



Po concluded the letter and placed the note in his pocket, and looked towards the kit.

"Well, you heard the note all that's left is to name you. Hmmm… how about Qunhua: blossom?" the baby squinted her nose, trying to give a look of disgust.

"No? Okay how about… Ying: cherry?" Po asked. The Baby lowered her ears and looked sad.

"Okay, okay. How about… Chi: scarlet?" Po asked hopefully. She only looked away, and barked in a disapproving tone. "Oh man, your killing me here." Po said under his breath. She only looked innocently at Po.

"Alright how about… Jia Li: beauty?" Po asked hopefully. She lowered her ears and let out a small growl. Po cringed at her angry stare.

"Geez! Fine… all that's left is Xun: Crimson." Po replied, and in that instant she let out a very happy yip and he could feel her tail wag in the wrapped up blanket. Po looked at her and she was smiling right back.

"Oh? You like that… Xun?" Po asked again. She yipped even louder, and was giggling too. Po could only chuckle at her laughter.

"Very well, Xun it is." Po declared. And in response, she yipped once more, bring her paws together.

"Alright, now let's get you home so you can meet your new family." Po said while tickling her belly. She let out cub noises and was happily yipping all the way to the jade palace, even through the storm.

A/N: and there you have it. Chapter one is done. Awww, is little Xun the cutest little kit you ever seen. I just want to take her home too :)

Anyways, tell me what you think. Looking forward to your reviews. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Till then, See ya \/.^^.\/