Author's Note: Okay so this is it: THE BIG CHAPTER! I'm freaking out right now because I don't even know what's going to happen! Okay this quote doesn't totally fit but I absolutely love it so I'm putting it in here! I'd like to point out that I currently have a total of one mob for the last chapter and a few mob resisters. All I know is that I would have started a mob.

Disclaimer: So…anyone want to bring back Jonathan from the dead so I can buy RENT from him? 'Cause I don't like seeing dead people.

Mark's POV (Sym meets his parents)

"In a world that gives you nothing,

We all something to believe in." –Something to Believe In, Bon Jovi

This is how I would have expected my parents to react: They would have sat in their chairs quietly, shaking hands politely, and making quiet conversation all the while never changing their minds because they were so hardheaded. And who could have blamed me? I mean, after the reaction they had at first how could I expect anything different. Boy, was I wrong.

The second I stepped into the living room my mother who, despite being so petite, was incredibly strong immediately squished me into a bear hug. "Mom? Remember when I was six and I told you that your hugs almost killed me? This is what I meant." I coughed awkwardly.

My father chuckled and my mother finally let go. "Oh I'm sorry Marky. I didn't mean to! It's just that you haven't been home in so long! I've missed you; we've all missed you."

I smiled at my mother's excited words. "Missed you too." I looked at Symphony somewhat amazed that she hadn't bolted out the door yet. "Mom, Dad, this is Symphony Taylor. She's…" I trailed off when I saw my mother's face. She looked…troubled was a good word for it…yeah, troubled. Like she was worried about something. Although my mom was prone to overreaction, it still worried me.

My father stuck out his hand to Symphony who took it politely and smiled. "Pleased to meet you," she said.

My father nodded. "Likewise."

My mother shook her head as if to shake whatever she was thinking from her thoughts. "Symphony." She extended her hand and Symphony repeated the process again.

As soon as we were all introduced I led Symphony over to the couch and sat next to her. My parents sat in their respective chairs and Cindy sat on my other side.

I frowned. "Where are Broc and Marcy?"

Cindy laughed. "Truthfully? I haven't seen them since we got here. They're probably playing hide-and-seek in the basement."

My father grinned. "Speaking of which…guess what I found down there shoved into one of those boxes." No one spoke up as he walked over to the bookshelf and picked up something round. Holding it up he said, "One of your first films." He flipped it over. "It's called 'Fast Friends.'"

I laughed. "You know, there was a reason that was in a box where no one would have found it." I shook my head. "That was horrible; I can't believe Mr. Kaale entered that into the competition." I looked at Symphony. "When I was in high school we had this crazy AV teacher named Mr. Kaale. He entered some of my films into competitions and…" I trailed off.

Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Jeez Mark!" She leaned forward to look at Symphony. "He won them all."

I sighed. "Does it really matter whether I won or not?"

Cindy scoffed. "Mark stop being modest." She grinned. "Let me guess Sym made the first move?"

Sym smiled. "Yeah. Roger was quiet upset."

I laughed at the memory. "I—" I was interrupted by the sound of feet running up stairs.

Mrs. Cohen's POV (seconds later)

Hmm…Symphony was an interesting girl. She was nothing like I expected her to be, but yet a lot of what I hoped for…aside from the whole non-Jewish thing. That was a problem. Symphony was probably one of the most perfect girls out there, and definitely the best Mark had dated in a long time. Nothing like Maureen.

It was that religion problem. I'd talked to my husband about it so many times. He didn't see what the big problem was; if Mark was in love nothing else mattered. At least that was his philosophy. I was just worried. I shook the thought from my head as my twin grandchildren, Marcy and Broc, ran upstairs.

Instantly they rushed over to Mark and tackled him into a hug. A chorus of, "Uncle Mark! How have you been? Did you miss us? We missed you? Did you bring her?" Marcy, my blonde-haired, blue-eyed, eight year old granddaughter looked over to Symphony and smiled.

"You're her?" She asked with wide eyes.

Symphony smiled. "Yes, I am and you must be Marcy?"

Marcy nodded and turned back to Mark. "You were right. She is pretty! And nice too. " Mark smiled and looked at Symphony who grinned at him raising an eyebrow. Before either of them could say anything Marcy squealed. "Uncle Mark! Can you and Aunt Symphony play with us? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" For emphasis she stuck out her bottom lip.

Mark shot Cindy a look. "As long as it's okay with Sym. And no matter what your mother has told you she's not your aunt." Cindy laughed out loud.

Marcy turned to look at her mother and winked. "Yet. She's not my aunt yet." Before Mark could even reply she hopped up onto the couch and sat by her 'aunt.' "Please play with us?"

Symphony shook her head and looked at Cindy, my husband, and I. "How do you resist that face?" She laughed and took Marcy's hand. "Of course. What should we play?"

Broc and Marcy looked at each other. "HIDE-AND-SEEK!" They yelled simultaneously before sprinting off down the corner, Marcy with her blonde hair trailing behind her and Broc's short brown hair ruffling slightly.

Mark and Symphony exchanged a look. Slowly, they covered their eyes and began to count. "One, two, three, four, five—"

"Sixseveneightnineten," Mark said in one breath.

Symphony uncovered her eyes to frown at him. "Mark, that's cheating. Don't you remember playing hide-and-seek when you were little? How much fun it was to find the perfect hiding place?"

Mark shook his head. "Cindy and I didn't play hide-and-seek. Instead, we played dress-up and guess who got dressed up every single time?" He shook his head and took her hand starting to walk in the direction his niece and nephew went. He stopped for a second. "Never tell Roger that. Collins, Mimi, or Maureen either. Or Joanne."

Symphony smirked. "And who's to say I won't?"

Mark shook his head grinned all the while pulling her closer. "I love you. Even if you do push my buttons." Sym giggled when he put his arm around her shoulders. Okay, I'll admit it: they were adorable together.

"PDA!" Cindy yelled. "Way too much PDA!"

Mark looked over his shoulder at her. "Really, Cindy really?" But he was grinning from ear to ear.


My son laughed before running off around the corner hand-in-hand with his newfound love.

Symphony's POV (Dinner)

To say I was surprised was an understatement. In fact, at first I thought I'd misheard. But when I looked at Mark I knew I hadn't. But wait…let me back up.

We were all crowded around a medium-sized dinner table. On the table there was a turkey and mashed potatoes. Broc had refused to eat any green beans, that is, until I'd offered to play hide-and-seek again. Needless to say, he had two helpings. Marcy sat on my left and, Broc sat on my right while Mark sat next to him. Cindy was to Mark's right, followed by her mother, then father.

After slipping around questions like, 'When are you guys getting married?' and 'Are we gonna have baby cousins?' from the kids the only sound in the room was the clatter and clanking of silverware on the plates as we ate in content silence.

There was a scrapping noise. I looked up. Mark's father was standing, looking at Mark and I…but he was smiling? I glanced sideways at my filmmaker, but he looked as clueless as I felt.

Mark's father grinned broadly. "Mark, Symphony. On behalf of my wife, I'd just like to wish you two luck in whatever you may do together." He sat down and continued eating; like nothing had ever happened.

I blinked. He'd…Mark and I…together? That meant…I looked at Mark, checking to see it meant what I thought it did. By the way he was smiling I was sure it did. I know it's been said time and time again, but words really couldn't describe how I felt right then.

I felt my mouth turn up into a smile and, after sharing a meaningful glance with Mark, nodded my thanks to his parents and continued eating. We didn't exchange a word yet we knew the other was overwhelmingly happy. Mark and I were funny like that; we knew what the other was thinking even without asking.

"What Mark? No hug, no make-out session, not even a kiss? Really?" Cindy complained.

Marcy and Broc grinned mischievously before chanting, "KISS! KISS! KISS!" Felt my face grow about a thousand degrees warmer. Out of the corner of my eye I glanced questioningly at Mark. He shrugged and looked at his parents who were waiting…expectantly? Like they were waiting for us to…this was going to be awkward.

I locked eyes with Mark and we stood at the same time, meeting behind Broc's chair. As crummy as it sounds, when I put my arms around Mark's neck and felt his hands on my waist I didn't care what his parents thought; what anyone thought. I didn't care how awkward this should have been, because it wasn't.


And we did.

Author's Note: Wow, sappy ending much? Well, this looks like the end, because, frankly, I'm fresh out of ideas and this seems like a good stopping point. Thanks to all who read and reviewed, and those who didn't because I write for myself and if other people enjoyed it, well that's just a cherry on top of the banana split. Okay, crummy metaphor, but you get the point. Thanks to all!

Peace, Love, Iggy, Mark.
