This is only a short story with short chapters but when I posted it last time people seemed to like it :)

I posted this on my 'Kathrine x' account but I deleted that and it's now on here, a little bit improved.

Bella's POV

"I am so bored!" Emmett cried. Rosalie patted his arm lightly before going back to brushing Renesmee's hair. Alice went blank and Edward looked at me worriedly.

"Just know it'll be okay." He reassured.

"Why – what?"

"We're playing Truth or Dare." Alice announced.

"No we're not." I said immediately, this wouldn't come to any good.

"Please, please, please Bella." Alice pouted. Oh no she knows I can't resist that.

"N-" I started.


"Fine but I'm not happy about it."

"I know." She said cheerfully, "Well I'm going to go first and I pick -" Not me, not me.

"I pick Bella." She decided on, like she didn't already know, "Truth or Dare Bella?" I could see Emmett smirking and knew he was thinking I would be too chicken to pick dare.

"I pick – dare." I could see Edward's worry.

"Are you sure honey?"

"Yes Bella are you sure?" Emmett asked.

"I'm sure." Alive grinned.

"Okay well we all need to get in a car and follow me, Bella's coming with me." She pulled me and I decided there was no point in me putting up a fight. We drove for a while and on the way she informed me of my dare, Edward was in a different car.

"You have to express your love for Mike and say you've always wanted him, then kiss him on the lips." She had always been my favourite sister, even after Renesmee brought me and Rosalie closer. But now my so called favourite sister had crossed over to the dark side – the Emmett side.

"Alice! No!"

"I'm sorry, you have to. And we're here." We got out of the car as did the others in the car behind.

"You're mean." I said.

"Come on Bella." Alive urged.

"Fine, but if Edward kills him it's not my fault." I took an unneeded breath and knocked on the door. Stupid, evil Alive and her evil mind – she's gonna pay.

"Bella?!" Mike called out in surprise.

"Erm hi Mike." I said in a falsely sweet voice. He looked awful and drunk.

"You look gorgeous Bella, you've changed so much."

"Um thanks Mike, you look, er – nice too." He glowed in pride and heard Edward's teeth clench from the car, wonder what Mike was thinking – second thoughts no I don't.

"Thanks, so what's up?"

"I've left Edward and I want you all I ever wanted was you!" If I was human I'd be struggling to breathe round about there. Edward started growling as I pulled Mike down to my level and kissed him.

"Mi – Bella Swan what the hell are you doing here?!" Jessica screamed.

"Leaving, I feel sorry for the both of you – and it's Bella Cullen." I turned on my heel and ran slowly – well slowly for us – back to the Volvo where the others were splitting their sides laughing. The phrase 'if looks could kill' came to mind when I looked at Edward.

"Edward, I love you and no one else. Mike is just an overeager freak who deserves Jessica." I gave him a hug and turned to Jasper.

"Truth or Dare big brother?" I wondered what my expression was like to have caused that flicker of fear in the most fearless vampire I knew.

He gulped, "Dare." Knew he'd say that – wouldn't want to seem like a coward would he?

"Excellent, well I shall decide on a dare when we get home." We got into the cars and started to drive.

"Why get revenge on my Jasper? He's done nothing to you, it was me. You should be getting revenge on me not my darling Jasper." She kept up pointless comments like that all the way home and was closer to solving global warming than changing my mind.

"So my dear Jasper, do you remember a certain Mrs Cope?" I asked when we got home, he looked at me.

"No, should I?"

"Huh, well I'm sure you don't remember every old woman who lusts after you and your brothers," I shook my head, "Anyway my dare for you is to go to her house and actually tell her you've got a dare."

"Is that it?"

"Of course not!" I scoffed, "You have to tell her that your dare was to say the person you'd go gay for and tell them that in person." I paused to relish in their shocked looks, "Oh but first you have to ask if she remembers you and if she says something about not being a man you have to leave an awkward silence and say ah my mistake."

"That's brilliant Bella, you are a true Cullen." Emmett praised, patting me on my back.

"I can't believe you're making me do this."

"Believe it." We all got back into the cars and started to drive.

Jasper knocked, pausing to glare at me. The dishevelled old woman came to the door.

"Hello Mrs Cope, how are you today? Do you remember me?"

"Jasper Hale, of course I remember you! I haven't seen you in ten years and you haven't changed a bit my dear." She patted his cheek and he forced himself to stay still. Alice was being held back by a laughing Rosalie.

"Okay Mrs C I was playing truth or dare with my family and my sister dared me to tell the person that I'd go gay for the truth. So here I go Mrs C, I would go gay for you." We couldn't stand for the silent laughter.

"But Jasper hun, I'm a woman." We could feel the awkwardness from here.

"Erm are you sure? I thought that was just a cover," Her eyes widened, "my mistake, see ya around Mrs C." He ran down the little path, volleyed the gate and joined us back at the cars, an evil glint in his eye. O oh. Trouble.

"Edward truth or dare?"