

This was a little idea I had, cos I uploaded some drawings of mpreg children to my deviantart and felt inspired to write this fanfic! Yaoi, of course, mpreg, lemon, etc etc. Don't like, don't read, kay? AU and yes, in this world, men getting pregnant is possible! 8D

Nnoitra lay face down on his bed, listening as he played the answering machine message again.

"Uhhh...um, err, hey. This is, er, Ulquiorra Schiffer? You probably don't remember me but, er, well, we became....acquainted, shall we say, three months ago. You probably don't remember, you were rather intoxicated. But anyway, I happy to be...um, well, pregnant. I doubt you care, but it's a big deal for me, so if we could meet up? Or not, whatever, I don't care. Bye...trash. Nngh-"

The sounds of sobbing at the end were probably not meant to be heard, but Nnoitra heard them all the same. The tall man groaned and flung a pillow over his head. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Of course he remembered Ulquiorra. You don't just forget someone like that. He was, well, beautiful, and funnily enough, the only one Nnoitra had ever taken to bed and considered seeing again. But that was not Nnoitra Jiruga's style. Once, never again. A long history of one night stands and broken hearts lay behind him.

But this kid was different. He was what, 16, 17? 18 at a push. Too young to be having a baby.


The phone rang again. Nnoitra propped himself up on his elbows to check the caller ID. Grimmjow.

"Yo." came the bluenette's voice from the other end of the phone.

"Yo..." replied Nnoitra.

Grimmjow laughed.

"What's up? You sound like you just banged up a chick!"

"Not a chick..."


Nnoitra explained his predicament quickly, leaving out the bit about caring. He didn't care about the kid. Or the kid's kid. The kid was just another average, boring, gorgeous, perfect.....oh, whatever....

It took a while for Grimmjow to stop laughing. In fact, in also took quite a bit of bad language and threatening on Nnoitra's part.

"Dude, you better go meet with him and tell him to, I dunno, have an abortion."

"I'm NOT having him abort my baby!"

"You care?"

Nnoitra sat, stunned at his sudden outburst. He couldn't deny that Ulquiorra meant something to him, but why did the sprog mean anything to him. It's not like it was even alive yet. And he wasn't going to have anything to do with it, was he? Coughing, Nnoitra tried again.

"So, you think I should go meet with him?"
Sensing it was better not to push it, Grimmjow answered nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I mean, you knocked him up, it's sorta your duty."

"Kay. See ya around Jeagerjaques."

"Over and out, Jiruga."

Ulquiorra sat on his bed, staring at his lap. The tears continued to pour down his face. How could he have been stupid enough to go to bed with the stupid man anyway? He trusted Nnoitra, he thought the man loved him back, but the next morning, the man was gone. He was alone again, as per usual.

"Arsehole. Trash."

Ulquiorra cried harder, thinking about the incident. And now look at him? Pregnant! Pregnant at 18! What sort of life was it going to be for him, or for the child? It wasn't like he had a family to lean back on any more.

"No son of mine is going to be a fucking fag!"

"Get the hell out of my house! I never want to see you again!"

"You're DEAD to me! DEAD! So far as I'm concerned, you never existed!"

Ulquiorra stood, gathering together what remained of his shattered character, so he could walk out of that house with his head held high, while his parents and his brother Yammy hurled profanities at his retreating figure.

He was just 14 when that happened. He was lucky; a man named Urahara had taken him in, and, when he was about 16, had left and given him the house.

"But Urahara-san! I can't accept this!"

Urahara laughed, and fluffed Ulquiorra's messy hair. The kid was quite cute when he didn't have that stoic expression on his face.

"Kid, it's your home as much as mine!"

"But sir!"

But Urahara had already turned away. Ulquiorra watched him leave with a certain remorse. Urahara took him in. It felt weird after that to see him leave.

But Ulquiorra was used to disappointment.

He'd given Ulquiorra the chance to have his own life. And look what he'd done with it! Pregnant with the child of a man who didn't give a damn about anyone. Alone with no one to support him. What was he gonna do now?

Sometimes life was just so unfair.

Szayel Aporro Grantz sat, searching through his medical records.

"Schiffer, Schiffer...AHA!"

He pulled out a thin file labelled: Ulquiorra Schiffer. Ulquiorra's medical records. Glancing through it quickly, Szayel came across the sheet he was looking for.

"Well well well, Ulquiorra Schiffer....who've thought..."

Picking up his pink cell phone, Szayel quickly saved the number on Schiffer's contact details.

"I think I'll be paying you a little visit..."

AN- So, what dya think? Also, if you wanna see he picture of the kid, there's a link to mah deviantart on my profile!