A/N It's been a long time since I've written fan fiction, but this finally inspired me to get back to it. Also, need a beta. Will try to have everything as accurate as possible without one.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really, nothing. It's depressing.

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"So you think you'd enjoy it, angel?" Edward's face was so sincere it made me smile. He had no problem dealing with Renesmee's intelligence, he accepted it completely. When he asked her questions he was avidly interested in her answer.

She was smiling up at him, flashing her dimples, "Yes daddy. I think it would be wonderful." A slight frown marred her features, "But what about Grandpa and Jacob? Won't they be upset?"

Probably. "I don't think so sweetheart, if you want to go they'll be fine with it." Edward's smile was absolutely convincing. If you didn't know better.

* * *

We were keeping to our routine. Bringing Renesmee home to the cottage every night cemented my feelings of family, and normality. Well, as normal as you could be when your house looked like Hansel and Gretel's cottage, two members of the family were technically dead, and the trip home was made at speeds that occasionally threatened the sound barrier.

Renesmee was sound asleep in her bed, and Edward and I were wide awake in ours. Renesmee's hours asleep were the hours we devoted to each other. If it wasn't for my daughter I would probably have spent the first ten years of my vampire life in bed with Edward, as it was I wasn't prepared to miss a minute of my daughter's speeding childhood.

When I had first learned, from Nahuel, that Renesmee's fate was not to be an early death, I had been elated, thrilled, delighted. I still was, there was no question. But there were still realities to face. For one thing, she was already so mature, that childish things bored her, I understood. Her intelligence was such that they must seem inane. But her 'firsts' were coming thick and fast. First word, check. First step, check. First time reading, check. First time playing music, check.

That one had been quite beautiful. Edward was sat at the piano playing. He drifted from Alice's favourite composition, a sprightly piece that ended on a sweet note, (how appropriate for my elfin sister), to my lullaby. Renesmee had walked over and climbed up next to him on the piano stool and joined in. Duplicating the song perfectly two octaves higher. The combination of the two was beautiful until Edward, looking as though he wished he could still cry, had stopped playing to sweep her into his arms. She had touched his face, as she did, still preferring to express her emotions without words and a chuckle caught in his throat. "You'll be much better than me, love."

Yes, beautiful. But, I didn't want it to go so fast. She would be all grown up in less than six and a half years. Childhood should be a time of discovery. I wanted to have that with her. So I had brought it up with Edward. Kind of.

Edward slipped into our bedroom; I was sat on the edge of our bed. "She's fast asleep. Finally," he smiled, "She made me promise that we'd go hunting first thing so we could get back to Jasper quicker."

I giggled. The bell sound it made still surprised me occasionally, "Another chess grandmaster in the family?"

"I think so. You know for at least half a second, Jasper was actually concerned," he smiled and then gave me a mournful look, "It's not fair that no one will play with me."

I put on an entirely different kind of smile, "Well, I'll brush up on my chess and think about challenging you."

The smile was back. A low growl sounded in the back of Edward's throat and he launched himself at me. I smiled into his kiss. Edward's hand drifted slowly to my shoulder but then we both froze. Renesmee was stirring in the next room. We reluctantly pulled apart. Simultaneously and wordlessly deciding to give it half an hour.

Edward curled himself around me, turning me into the little spoon. He wrapped both arms around my waist and pressed his lips to the back of my neck, "Would you..?"

He didn't need to finish the question. I sighed contentedly and smiled, "Of course." I closed both my hands around his and concentrated. It was getting easier to lift the shield from my mind. Next to making love, listening to my thoughts was Edward's favourite thing to do.

I let my mind drift through our day. My pride in Renesmee's finesse at hunting. How wonderful my massage from Alice had felt. It was a new obsession of hers and we were all partaking. How funny I had found it when Emmett had been throwing Renesmee up and down, maybe twenty or thirty feet up in the air. Terrible if your child was human, hilarious if your child was Renesmee. Not only was there no chance Emmett could drop her, but even if he did she'd land safely by herself. It was something she took childish pleasure in, which in turn thrilled me to bits. I loved any evidence of the child still in her.

Then I had drifted over my concerns and Edward had stopped me, "Wait, hold on, that was a little fast." As soon as he spoke, breaking my concentration, the shield dropped back into place, "What's bothering you? Can I fix it? How can I help?"

God I loved this man…pire. I turned in his arms and pressed my forehead to his, "I guess I've just been thinking about how quickly she'll be all grown up. It would have seemed fast if it had taken the normal eighteen years. But six…it's just…"

Edward had nodded in understanding, "I know, I completely understand. But I think all parents feel that way, even when they have the normal amount of time."

I explained my feelings, about the 'firsts'. "I just want to make sure we don't miss anything that we don't have to."

Edward had smiled the smile that still turned my body to mush, "Well, how about you let me think about it?" He had sounded quite mysterious.

I didn't want to spoil his fun or my surprise if he wanted to plan one. As much as I despised them, I was beginning to appreciate how happy they made him.

* * *

Edward's solution had been elegant, wonderful, fantastic…complicated.

We were sat watching Renesmee and Alice swim in the river. Well, they swam occasionally; mostly they were splashing each other, sending water high into the air. It was sunny out but there was very little chance of us being spotted by humans. Alice would warn us if anyone was approaching and there were very few people who wanted to swim in a river in the middle of January anyway.

"I've been thinking about what you said."

I smiled at my husband, "Care to narrow that down at all?"

Edward slipped his arm around my shoulders and smiled into my hair, "About Renesmee. About the 'firsts'." I nodded and patiently waited for him to continue, "Well, I know that we delayed leaving Forks for a lot of reasons, Jake, Charlie, the Volturi…"

"Imminent death." I interrupted, "Threat of massacre, I remember."

Edward smiled that crooked smile that I was still completely unable to resist despite my vampire status, and raised one eyebrow. I mimed buttoning my lips. "Thank you. Well, it's just that maybe we could reconsider it with different motivations. I know that we don't have to travel; we know that Renesmee is going to be fine now, and with Charlie safely…well not in the dark. In the twilight I guess, there's no dire need." Edward paused and I could see that he was gauging my reaction, "But what if we just wanted to? What if we took the time while we have it? Let's have those times with Renesmee, as many as possible," Edward was talking faster now, but lower. He didn't want us to be overheard but he was excited about his idea. He had probably spent a lot of time thinking it over. I did the same thing now. My brain sped into action and I saw it all clearly. Maybe even the same way he did. If we planned it a little we could travel against the sun. It was winter here…and in Europe. We could take Renesmee and see the world. Edward, still watching my face, was evidently encouraged by what he saw there, "Wouldn't it be amazing Bella? Think about it, England, France, Spain…then maybe somewhere completely different like Egypt or China. We might not have as much time as an ordinary family, but because of who we are we could actually do more, could show her more. And because of who she is, she will never forget a second of it. We could even finish with a trip to the Amazon, go and see Zafrina and the others."

I held up both my hands trying to calm Edward, "Okay, okay, just let me think a minute here."

Edward frowned for a second, although not like he was angry, more like frustrated, "Why?"

"Because there are things to consider."

"Like what? An example please?"

I racked my brains, "Well, Charlie for one thing. Are you suggesting we just go? He'll be devastated, he'd never get over it."

Edward rolled his eyes at me, "Bella, my love, you really can be over dramatic. I'm not saying we should just vanish and leave your father. You're an adult, a married woman and a mother. Let's tell him the truth. Tell him we're going on vacation. Tell him that you'll call every day and send pictures every week. He wants what's best for you. He'll want you to have this experience."

Of course that was true. Charlie would understand. Hell, we could buy him a computer with a web cam and he could talk to us live whenever he wanted if we really wanted to push the boat out, though I doubted that would be necessary. This left only one thing, "But what about Jacob?"

Edward let out a small sigh, his eyes drifting to his sister and daughter as they played together. "Bella, I know. I mean, I really do. I know how much he loves Renesmee, and I know how pure it is. And I have tried to be as accepting of it as I can be, bearing in mind that I'm her father," Edward's lips almost twitched, "But I just can't help feeling that it's wrong."

"Edward, we've talked about this. Jacob only wants what's best for her; you've seen that in his thoughts. You even told me so yourself." The last thing I wanted was for there to be any hostility between Edward and Jake. I had thought that was behind us forever.

"Bella, you don't understand. I don't think Jacob is doing anything wrong. I think we are."

"What?" I found it hard to get the word out.

"Bella, we're just assuming that this is right because it's easy. Because it makes us happy, because it makes Jake happy. Because it makes things easier."

I considered that for a moment, "It makes Renesmee happy too."

"I agree that it does. Now. But can you see that we are perhaps, narrowing her path to one that suits us. We limit her company for her safety and for now it is necessary because living in a small town means we have to keep her existence quiet. Jacob may be 'the one' for her," Edward looked as though he was suppressing a very fatherly shudder. I almost laughed despite the seriousness of our conversation. "But how is she ever to decide that for herself if she never knows anything else?"

I was trying to see the other side to this argument, "I didn't need to try anyone else to know you were what I wanted."

As soon as I said it I could see that Edward had already considered that too, "And I you. But can you honestly tell me that if we had never had the chance to meet you might not have settled for someone else?"

There was no way I could deny this of course. As well he knew, before he had come back I had considered trying to commit to Jake, and I suspect I would have been happy.

Not like I was now, not deliriously, ecstatically, wildly happy. There would have been times when I was miserable, there would have been a lot of times when I would have had to fight against the blackness that had pressed on me; the sadness. But by and large I probably would have been happy.

And I suddenly realised that Edward had convinced me without my being aware of it. As he said, maybe it would turn out that she was meant to be with Jacob. That they were destined. Like I truly believed Edward and I were. Maybe it would turn out that they weren't. But there was more than enough truth to what he said to justify the trip. After all, if I was honest, there was nothing I wanted to do more. I smiled up at Edward, my answer plain on my face. He leapt to his feet and swept me up in his arms.

If my conscience grumbled as I thought of how I would tell Jake, I ignored it.

* * *

Edward was well and truly in his element and Alice, bless her, was right there with him. She was searching websites for property available for short term rental. However, while most people did this sat in a chair with a laptop on her knee, she was sat at the computer desk. In front of her was the main house computer with its ridiculously fast connection, and on each side of her there were three laptops. Her eyes flicked from screen to screen as she opened and closed web pages. Edward was picking contacts phone numbers from her head and calling property offices all over the world. Apparently hotels were impractical for vampires on vacation. Our presence was conspicuous, coming and going at all hours, avoiding maid service, never being seen to eat or drink, add to that a small child as one of our party and it was just too risky. No need to attract attention when we were trying to have fun.

Renesmee was sat on my lap but I knew she wouldn't be for long. She was excited by all the activity.

There was no hesitation in her excitement, she was thrilled by the idea of everything she would soon see. Rosalie had been telling her about England, about Buckingham Palace and the Royal Family. Renesmee was fascinated by the idea of real princes and princesses and was begging to be taken there first. We were 'maybe-ing' her at the moment, mainly because her enthusiasm in the persuading was so wonderful to watch. To be honest I was almost as enthralled as she was with the idea of seeing an actual palace. I smiled as she gave me a quick kiss and hopped off my lap, practically dancing over to Edward who swept her up in one arm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he nuzzled his face into hers, blowing a raspberry on her skin. She giggled and tugged on his hair, trying to pull him away, Edward did after a second, returning his attention to the phone still pressed to his ear, "Yes, I'm still here…No, at least a mile's clearance in every direction…Well, instruments can bother locals…" Ah, a family of musicians huh? Considerate musicians at that.

My daughter's pleasure in the trip pleased me doubly. I had been concerned that the idea of leaving Jake would upset her, but after she was reassured that Jake and Charlie wouldn't be angry she had asked no more questions. I was dreading the conversation with my best friend, and although part of me yearned to have it over and done with, another cowardly part was glad that Jake was at school today. He had returned once the threat of the Volturi had passed. I suspected the comment I had made about keeping up with Renesmee had helped with his decision.

Almost as though he had heard me thinking about him my phone began to ring. A quick glance at the screen told me it was Jake. Crap. I smiled at Renesmee, trilled 'won't be a minute', and shot out of the door. I didn't want Renesmee to get concerned when she heard my tone. Sometimes her powers of observation made it hard to protect her.

As soon as I was sure I was out of range of my daughter's sharp ears I flipped up the phone's lid answering as the third ring began, "Hey Jake."

"Hey Bells, how's it going? Everything okay?"

He sounded concerned and I knew he was wondering at the slight delay in my answering the phone. "Yeah Jake everything's okay…it's just…" I hesitated, but I would have to bite the bullet. I'd insisted on telling him myself and I might as well lay the ground work right now. "It's just that I need to talk to you about something."

The concern in his voice grew more pronounced, "What's wrong? Is…"

"Renesmee's fine Jake. Don't worry. I just have some news that you're probably not gonna like." It was so tempting to wuss out. But it would be hard to cover this now.

"Well, tell me then. Don't leave me in the dark."

"I'd rather tell you in person. Why don't you come over when you're finished at school?" It didn't seem right to tell him now. It seemed cowardly. If he was gonna get angry, and he probably was, I should face it.

"Bella, you are starting to freak me out. Will you just tell me please?" I could hear the irritation in his voice.

Combine it with my nerves and it started getting to me too. "Jake, calm down. You're done at school in an hour. Come over then."

"I'm coming over now." The phone went dead. Swearing to myself under my breath I turned and ran back to the house.

Edward was looking at the door as I came through it at a reasonable-ish speed. I gave him the smallest fraction of a second to register the warning in my eyes before I bestowed a glowing smile on Renesmee who had been sat on Alice's lap. She bounced off her aunt's knee and into my arms, "Is everything okay momma?"

I was relieved to see no real concern in her eyes. She was just wondering at my swift departure. "I'm fine my love," I already had my excuse thought up, "Are you hungry?"

She thought for a moment and smiled, "You mean it's time to hunt again?" Her little hand touched my cheek and I smiled too at the feeling of martyrdom it imparted.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. But Alice is going to take you this time. Daddy and I have to sort something out for the trip."

Her dimpled smile widened, "A surprise?"

"Well, you'll have to wait and see."

Alice was already ready. She held out her hand with a serene smile and Renesmee took it without a pause, "Is Jasper coming?"

Jasper was stood watching. He had picked up on the atmosphere the second I came in, "I would little love, but…"

"No Jasper…" I interrupted him. I knew that Jasper wanted to be here. They all knew what was coming. They knew who the call had been from. Jasper wanted to be here to try and keep things as calm as possible, I on the other hand, would rather he was with Renesmee. "Go on, Edward and I can manage."

Keeping his face impassive he nodded and smiled down at Renesmee taking her other hand.

The blurred out the door.

I moved straight to Edward's side and we clasped hands. I quickly concentrated and lifted the shield from my mind. I ran over the conversation I'd had with Jake, quickly bringing Edward up to speed. I heard him sigh as I finished and opened my eyes. "I thought I should try to warn him subtly…."

Edward held up his hand to stop me. He touched his fingertips to my cheek and lightly pressed his lips to mine. He pulled away before I could deepen the kiss, something I shouldn't have done anyway, given the circumstances, "Not your fault."

Edward held my gaze for a few more seconds, and then suddenly looked towards the door, "He's almost here," Edward listened for a second, "And he's worried."

As he spoke, Rosalie and Emmett appeared at the top of the stairs. They had obviously been waiting for Jake to get here to come back down. I nodded to them and they paused. I didn't want to Jake to feel like we were waiting to gang up on him.

I heard the rabbit skid to a stop and the door being flung open. I tensed and felt Edward's hand stroke down my spine soothingly.

The front door was flung open and Jacob was framed in the door, "So? What's going on?"

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A/N So what do you think? Bad? Good? Indifferent? Worth Continuing? Any opinion welcome.