Fit for a Princess

Chapter 2

Today marked Zeke Baylor's life. He was about to see his dreams come into reality. Yes, dreams, because there were two of them: having his own restaurant and asking Sharpay Evans to be his wife.

The opening went well. The ribbon was cut by his mother and Sharpay and now everyone, including their friends from high school, were eating and having a good time. Jason stood in the middle of the small dance floor that Sharpay insisted the restaurant should have.

"Attention, everyone. I'm sorry to interrupt your conversations but I would like to request my best friend and owner of Baylor's to give us a few words. Everyone, please welcome, our chef, Zeke Baylor." A round of applause went around the room as Zeke left Sharpay's side to move towards Jason and took the microphone.

"Thank you. Thank you to everyone for coming here. Today is a realization of a dream I've had since high school. Getting to here and now have been a challenge and I wouldn't be here without the help and encouragement of my family and friends, who, with your permission, I would like to thank. First of all, my mother, Leticia, for teaching me how to cook and bake in the first place." his mom stood up briefly to be acknowledged then he proceeded, "Secondly, my friends, who until now I still call the Wildcats. They've been my guinea pigs for the longest time, tasting whatever recipe I would try and giving their comments. And I tell you, feeding this group was no easy task, especially that it includes 3 jocks with bottomless stomachs and 2 who grew up with a family chef. Special thanks to Troy, who broke the status quo way back junior year with his beautiful wife, Gabriella. Thank you for making it cool to be two different persons at once." Troy raised his wine glass to Zeke as a response.

"I also want to thank the Evans family. First for taking me in as their own and secondly, for the support they have given me in making this dream come true. I would like to extend my gratitude to Vance, who have shared his experience and connections to me. I appreciate it every much, Vance, not only for the advice business-wise but even more for the fatherly advice you've given for the past years."

He paused for a while and sought Sharpay's eyes, "And most of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and love to the beautiful Sharpay Evans. Honey, you've been such an inspiration to me. You've inspired me to be the best that I can be. It wasn't enough for you to support me through this that you've also spent time attending to details I would otherwise have overlooked and provided deep insight and encouragement especially during the times when I thought I couldn't make it. I want you to know that as much as this is a dream of mine, all of this is also inspired by you and for the past four years, have been dreamt of with you in mind. I can't imagine building this without you there beside me. And I am so happy that you are here beside me at this moment. We've been through the best and worst of times, times when I felt that I don't deserve someone as beautiful and wonderful as you, that you deserve so much better than what I can only give you. But time and again you have assured me of your love. I know there were also times when you look back in high school and think that I deserve someone who isn't, in your words, as high maintenance as you. But honey, that's where you are wrong. What you see as high maintenance is to me, passion. You are the most passionate person I know, be it in the way you work, or the way you love and care for people."

A few tears have escaped Sharpay's eyes and were now falling on her face as she smiled up at him. Zeke took a few steps to stand in front of where she was sitting. "To your father, you are a princess, to the people who don't know you, an Ice Queen. But today, I want you to know what you are to me, what I want you to be to me." He got down to one knee and took the rectangular box that one of his waiters discretely handed him. He took out a custom-made transparent slipper that was made to look like a glass slipper. "Sharpay, please do me the honor of being my wife, my queen. Will you marry me?"

Sharpay, who was surprisingly tongue-tied for the past few minutes, then wiped her tears and rolled her eyes at him, smiling,. "Yes! Of course, yes!" she shouted in all ways dramatic.

Relieved, Zeke slipped the slipper on her feet and took the ring that was tied in the bow of one of the shoes. He slipped the ring on her finger as he straightened up to give her a hug and a kiss.

"We're getting married, everyone!" Sharpay announced rather loudly, again successfully stealing the show from him. He just chuckled and thought, he would give anything to always have her in his show.

As the event quieted down, some of the guests have gone, leaving just them and their families and friends. Kelsi, who couldn't resist playing the piano when she sees one, was playing with Ryan sitting beside her while Troy and Gabriella were on the microphone singing. Zeke and Sharpay were dancing on the dance floor, identical smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Zeke. That was wonderful! And very original, I must say." Sharpay said, moving her head back to look at him in the eye.

Zeke rested his forehead on hers, "Of course, it has to be suited to you. You deserve no less than a proposal fit for a princess."

This is how I would like my marriage proposal to be. Sorry for the long wait my dearies, this is quite short but I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks!