I got this idea from a dream I had, a very vivid one. Anyway, I don't own Maximum Ride, James Patterson does. I do own any extra characters and the plot.

Max's P.O.V.

"I won't go." I said stubbornly, looking my mom in the eye.

"Max," Mom began, intertwining her fingers and placing them on the dinning table. Oh, boy, here we go. "You should feel honored we could even get you into the camp. They choose only select few. You and Ella should be over joyed to be able to go."

"I am happy to go. I've always wanted to go to Pine Lake," Ella protested.

The name alone threw me off. Seriously, Pine Lake? Aren't pine trees found in forests anyway?

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back. I sighed. "What's so special about this camp any way?"

"Well, you go to one of the woods in Ontario-" Mom began.

"You mean, in Canada? (Whoot! Go Canada!) Do I even have a pass port?" I've got to leave the country for this stupid camp?

"Yes, Canada, and you will do before you go. Anyway, when you get there, you are assigned cabins that you will share with six other girls. There are different classes and activities and lots of different sports." Mom said sports as if I would be hooked then. I did love my sports but I had my summer planned out. I wanted to spend it with Callie, at a sports camp in this country and state. But no. Mom would still make me go, even if I refused.

"And there are boys!" Ella piped up. Ella and her boys. I could really care less, if it was just girls or just boys. I still wouldn't want to go.

"Come on Max; please just go for this summer. If you don't like it, you don't have to go next year."

I sighed, knowing I already lost the battle.

What Mom didn't know or what any of us did then was, once you're a Pine, you're always a Pine.