Prom, well it's noting like I thought it would be, getting dragged here was something I was dreading but wow... I've never been so happy between Carlisle and the Cullens, I'm home. I felt even better when I rocked up in my dress and found that it was in a black and white theme, there were big black and white material all over the walls and black and white balloons everywhere! The DJ was awesome playing music everyone enjoyed.

I danced with Edward the most because Rose and Em were eating face in the back corner, but Jasper and I pulled the moves, and Edward and I danced the slow more formal stuff. All in all a great night and a lot of pictures will be coming out of it. Just beofre it was the last hour to go Carlisle showed up in black suit that made his shoulders seem broader and made him very good looking too, it turns out he can dance, if its formal of course. And he is quite the comedian, we go a few stares but I didn't care, it was one of the best nights of my life! It all ended to quickly and so Alice offered to take me home.

She only drove me to the beginning of La Push, the treaty line as Alice called it, where Jacob picked me.

"how was Prom Bella?" he started up the car and took off.

"Yeah good, better than I thought it would be" I replied with a grin. Jake didn't look pleased and I had a feeling it was to do with the Cullen's.

I sighed and turned to face him "Jake, I'm Sorry okay, I know you don't like it when I'm with them, so I am going to make you a promise okay... I'll hang with you whenever!" I said making movements with my arms, I'm sure to anyone on looking that I looked like an idiot.

"I'll stay home every night I'll only sleep over there sometimes, if it makes you happy I'll only go over there on week days from after school till tea, and not go back, and weekend are all yours" I said jabbing him in the chest.

He turned to me as he pulled up in the drive way and got out without a reply and headed to the garage.

"Bella this has nothing to do with me, your my foster sister, a friend and in six months you'll be 18 theres nothing I can do to stop you at all, just a friend not approving can't tell you to choose life on there side, I..."sighing he put a frustrated hand through his hair. "I just care Bella, and in three months you'll either go back to Australia to the people you lived with for four years or you'll stay here and live with the Cullen's, I know you're with the older one, people talk Bells, I... I'm scared that when you turn 18 you'll forget me..." he said looking up at me from his spot on the table.

"Jake that won't happen, I am going to maybe go back and visit in Oz but then I'll be back here.i kinda like it here, a lot a little too much" I said smiling punching his arm and making my way to the door. "I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow yeah?" I said.

"yeah sure." He smiled.

"Good." and with that I went to bed.

The next morning around eleven Jake and I headed for the beach, it was pretty warm out. We walked along the rocks till we reached a hidden area around the corner.

"Jake, what is the treaty line?" I asked.

"how do you know bout that?" he asked completely shocked.

"Alice told me, I know what they are Jake."

"I can't tell you what I am, Sam's orders I can drop hints thought but they have to be suttle okay."

"sure give me the first." I said llaughing.

"Na ah ha... lets make a game out of it."

"Goddddd... okay, it will make it fun."

very short chapter I know but I am only just getting back into this lol , thanks to those with ideas, Poppyredknox... life saver you are! the other half to your idea will be in tact soon... I think. I won't say I promise anything cos as you all know I suck at keeping them... I have recently made a new story about Draco and Hermione and so please check it out! I think its good. So check it.

The name of its Saving Ryder. It a Dramione.

So read and review.


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