We had our whole plan for the next day planned out. We had spent the entire night coming up with ideas. First, we were going to humiliate them again by using Lili's power to dump water on their heads at lunch. Then, we wanted to show them how powerful our family was, so we were going to demonstrate Austin and Ben's powers too.

Austin was going to make the Cullen's do some pretty stupid things with his power, and Ben was just going to scare them by making fire appear around them. I still wasn't entirely sure I wanted to hurt them too bad, but Benjamin had convinced me that they deserved it, and by the end of the night I was all ready for the plan to begin.

We finished planning our revenge an hour before school started so Austin, Ben, and Alexandra were playing the Wii, and Lili was upstairs picking out her outfit for the day. I didn't feel like sticking around the house any longer so I decided to go out for a run. I told my family that I would be back in half an hour and then ran outside into the cool night.

I just ran around the quiet forest, thinking, until I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and automatically went into a defensive crouch. I made sure my physical shield was up and then looked up to see who was coming.

I straightened up as I saw the entire Cullen family come into view. My eyes narrowed as I stared at the people who had once been my family. It seemed ironic that I was now against them and that I had spent the entire night plotting against them.

"Hello, Bella," Carlisle said to me as he stepped forward.

"Carlisle," I answered stiffly. I just wanted to get out of here and get back to my family. I didn't have time to catch up with them, and I really didn't want to talk to them at all.

"Where is your family?" He asked me, and I could tell that he was trying to ignore the rude way that I spoke to him. But I didn't care if I had hurt his feelings. I had every right to be angry with him and he knew it.

I sighed. "They are all at the house playing the Wii," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Could you please ask them to come here?" Carlisle asked.

I looked around at the Cullen's. They all looked guilty, sorry, and curious. Edward looked like he was bursting to say something, but he controlled himself and managed to keep his mouth shut.

"Why?" I asked. I really did not want to call and ask them to come. Benjamin would not want to be interrupted from playing the Wii. He was in love with that thing, and hated to be interrupted.

"We just wanted to meet your new family," Carlisle answered. "We were also curious about their talents," Carlisle added on when I raised my eyebrows at him.

"That's what I thought," I said. They were probably also dying to know about mine and how I came to be a vampire. But I would do everything I could to keep my past a secret from them. They made it clear 100 years ago that they didn't want to be a part of my life, so I didn't feel the need to share with them.

I looked around at all of their faces again and then I sighed. I pulled out my phone and dialed Ben's number. He answered on the third ring.


"Hey Ben, it's me."

"Oh. Hey, Bella. What do you want, because we are sort of busy here."

I sighed. It was just as I expected. He did not want to be bothered. "Ben, wrestling Austin on Wii is not important. Now press pause and listen."

"Austin doesn't want to press pause," he said, even though I was pretty sure it was him who didn't want to press pause, not Austin.

"Well, tell Austin too bad.. Now shut up, press pause, and listen," I told him. He must have finally noticed that something was wrong, because he eventually listened to me.

It took him a minute and then he said, "Okay. What?" He sounded deeply annoyed that he had to quit his game. Oh well, he would get over it and he could always play some other time.

"I was running and I ran into the Cullen's and they want to meet you guys, so get over here," I explained dully and matter of factly. I hoped that he would just drop it and come, because I really didn't want to tell him about all of the details.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern creeping into his voice as he realized the seriousness of the situation.

"I'm fine," I replied. "Just hurry up."

"We'll be there in five," Benjamin said from the other line and I could already hear them getting ready to leave.

I hung up and turned back to the Cullen's. "They will be here in five minutes," I told them.

They nodded mutely at me and seemed to be at a loss for words.

I sighed and just stood there, waiting for my family. The Cullen's watched my every move, still looking extremely guilty.

My family came then and stood by me. They looked tense and they glared at the Cullen's.

Carlisle stepped forward and said, "Hello, my name is Carlisle. This is my wife Esme and these are our children Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, and Edward."

My family hissed at Edward's name and I flinched.

Carlisle ignored them and went on, "Jasper can control emotions, Alice can see the future based on what people decide, and Edward can read minds. Would you mind introducing yourselves?"

I sighed and looked at Lili, telling her to go first.

She stepped forward and said, "My name is Lili. Bella created me over 55 years ago. I can control the elements. Would you like a demonstration?"

Carlisle nodded and Lili made a piece of ground shoot up ten feet into the air. Then she threw water from the creek up in the air, and then she created a small fire. The Cullen's looked at her with wide eyes. This was a good lesson for them, and I could see that they were beginning to realize that we could take them on easily.

Austin stepped forward next and said, "My name is Austin. I can make people do what I want. I can place a thought in their head and they will have no choice but to obey. Bella would you like to volunteer?"

I grimaced and said, "It doesn't work on me Austin, remember?" He knew that I didn't want to share my power with them, but he thought that it was necessary, so he had said this purposefully so that the Cullen's would be sure to ask about it.

Carlisle, just as I expected, looked curious, "Why won't it work on you, Bella?"

"It is part of my talent. I will tell you when it is my turn," I said, throwing a glare at Austin.

Austin continued, ignoring my glare. "Do I have a volunteer? How about Jasper?"

Jasper stepped forward warily. Austin looked at him right in the eye for a few seconds and then Jasper took off running.

"What did you make him do?" Alice demanded worry etched on every part of her small face as she looked at Austin and occasionally glancing at the trees where Jasper had disappeared.

Austin chuckled and said, "I made him clean my room and then he is going to come running back and then he will do cartwheels."

Just as Austin finished talking Jasper came running in and started flipping around, doing cartwheels.

My whole family burst out laughing, he looked so ridiculous. Then all of a sudden he stopped and looked around. "I don't really like your talent," Jasper said to a grinning Austin.

"Most people don't," Austin replied, smirking.

Alexandra stepped up and said, "My name is Alexandra and I can turn invisible, but I am sure you already figured that out after school yesterday." We laughed and the Cullen's looked angry now that they knew what the source of their humiliation was. Once we had calmed down and stopped laughing she disappeared and reappeared behind the Cullen's.

"Boo," she said. They turned around, saw her, and jumped back. She laughed and ran back over to us.

Benjamin stepped forward now and said, "My name is Benjamin, and I can control fire."

Just as he spoke a huge fire appeared all around us. The Cullen's jumped away from the fire, instinctively moving closer to each other.

Benjamin went on, "That is the fire that can burn. I can also make fire that cannot burn anyone or anything. It just scares people. Bella would you demonstrate?"

I nodded and stepped forward. Fire appeared in front of me and I stepped into it while the Cullen's watched, looking terrified.

After a few seconds the fire disappeared and I stepped back.

"My name is Bella," I said lifelessly and the Cullen's went back to looking guilty. "I am a shield. I can block mental and physical attacks. That is why Austin and Edward's talent's won't work on me. My mental shield protects my mind and both of their powers work in the mind. My physical shield protects me from all physical attacks."

They looked dubious so I decided that they needed a demonstration. I stepped forward and looked at Emmett evenly."Attack me Emmett."

I didn't need to ask him again. He came charging right at me, but suddenly he ran into my shield and couldn't go any farther as much as he tried to. He kept banging against my shield and my family couldn't help but laugh. He just wouldn't give up, he kept trying to look for holes in my shield, but there were none.

"Okay Emmett, that is enough," I said, saving him from many more useless attempts.

I put my shield down as he went back to the Cullen's.

"I also have telekinesis," I said and then I raised Emmet, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, and Edward into the air. They all yelled at me to put them down so I shrugged and dropped them on their heads.

"You have some very interesting talents," Carlisle said.

"Yes, now if you will excuse us we have to go," I said.

"Wait," It was Alice who spoke this time.

"Yes?" I asked.

She looked nervous. I looked at my family and they were all staring at Alice with hard looks.

"Bella, we are so sorry for leaving! We didn't mean to hurt you. We didn't know that all of this would happen to you. Will you please forgive us?" Alice finally said.

I looked at her incredulously

Benjamin hissed and said, "What? You expect her to just forgive you after everything you did to her?"

I looked away into the trees so that no one could see the pain in my eyes.

Edward spoke up then, "How do you even know what we did?"

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

Benjamin answered him, "She showed us." I wanted to kick Ben right then. I knew that if he told them about that they would want another demonstration and I did not want to show them anything about my past.

Edward looked at him, confused and then said, "What do you mean she showed you?"

Benjamin sighed, "Bella can use her shield to show her memories sort of like a power point. Why don't you show them Bella?"

I scowled at him, "What do you want me to show them exactly?"
He glared at me, "Well I am sure they are all curious to see what happened to you these past 50 years. Why don't you start with the day Edward left you?"
I flinched but nodded.

I concentrated and the forest where Edward told me goodbye came into view, just like a power point.

It showed Edward saying they were leaving, saying he didn't want me, and saying I would never see him again. I kept wincing and Lili grabbed my hand. I looked at Edward and his face was twisted with so much pain. I moved on to riding motorcycles with Jacob and him saying we couldn't be friends, and then finding out he was a werewolf. I looked at all of the Cullen's and they all had the same expression as Edward. I moved on to talking to Laurent in the meadow and then him attacking me and the wolves getting him off of me. I showed them when I woke up and Jacob telling me I had to leave. Every single persons expression was now full of pain. I'm sure mine was too , even though I tried to hide it. I then showed them leaving my dad a note, telling him goodbye. Then I turned it off, I didn't want to show them anymore. My vampire life seemed very private to me and I didn't want them to know anything about it.

Every single person turned to look at me with pain in their eyes. I turned to hide my face and failed, so I gave up on that and said, "Well, now you know what happened and what we can do. I will be going now."

Then, I ran away, not knowing where I was going. I just wanted to escape all of those painful memories that had rose to the surface just because of this stupid little meeting. Why did the Cullen's always have to ruin my life?

Please Review! I hope that you are enjoying the edit. Please tell me what you think of it, and what direction you feel that the story should go!