x Author's Note x

Hey everyone! Wow, this story has taken me forever! 1st January 2010, that's when I started writing this story. For those that have been reading all the way since then, I really commend your patience and persistence!

I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you for keeping with me on this huge long journey. I personally write for myself, but when a friend pressured me at gunpoint all those years ago to join FF, I had no idea how much I'd come to appreciate the help and guidance you guys throw my way. It's been an awesome ride, and of course I will be posting more writing soon, including (but not limited to) *cue The Price Is Right theme tune*:

Dragon Age
Dragon Ball
More Fable!
Star Wars
The Witcher

I've got stories in the works (so many stories...), but I'm also hoping to get my Not of This World story finished at some point - unfortunately I've lost inspiration for it for so long that it's going to be difficult to jump back in, but that is the plan at some point :)

So, to finish up, thanks so so much for reading, and I hope to see you soon in my future stories.

Love and kisses,
