Short Stories for Fanfic

Truth Or Dare

"What do yall want to do," Cyborg asked leaning heavenly against the couch on my right. "We have been sitting here for hours."

I made a point of sighing deeply. We had all woken up this morning ready for anything, but there was no attempt of evil today. For the first half of the day we had training and then lunch. Robin had just left to go to his room so he could scan the city for Slade.

"You are not going to find anything," I had told him through the bond. "You are going to worry yourself to death." I hadn't said anything out loud because no one else needed to know his obsession was getting worse.

"Today could be a new day," he had noted walking out the door. I knew today was the same as any other. I could feel the frustration rolling off of him like a waterfall through the bond.

"Cy, we have only been sitting here for a matter of 30 minutes," I said rolling my violet eyes so the half robot would get the picture.

"Well it feels longer Rae," he said flashing me a smile. I had been meditating and they were making it hard on concentration. I went back to chanting and at the same time sending peaceful feelings toward Robin to calm him.

"Azarath, Methrion, Zinthose," I chanted resuming my pose.

"I say we go to the mall of shopping," the alien said ignoring me as I shot her a death glare. I heard Beast boy sigh from his place beside me on the couch.

"Come on Star, we have gone three times this week. It's Friday do you have any idea how crowded it will be," he asked throwing his hands above his head. "You just want to go see Cody."

"I do not," she said though I could tell she was lying. I sighed and she knew I knew she was lying. Cody was an 18 year old that works at the food court. He was also her boyfriend. They had been dating for about two months now. Everyone thought her and Robin were meant to be and always told them. It kind of pissed me off, though it shouldn't. Robin was my best friend, but whenever I imagine him with another girl it brings out the four eyed girl in me. Just thinking about it now pisses me off. Why do people always throw their opinion into everything? I started shaking in frustration and I felt a little nudge in my head.

"Raven, are you ok," Robin mentally chatted. I could feel him coming out of his room to check on me.

"Boy Wonder, get out of my head," I demanded. He shouldn't be in my head while I was thinking about him like this. I stood up abruptly and headed to the window wall. I let my every thought be on the water, though I was still shaking a little.

"What's wrong," he asked walking into the room. He gave no emotion on his face, but I could tell he was worrying because of the little crease in his mask. He walked over to me and stood beside me. We set out gazes back to the gentle water. I sighed because I once thought about Robin kissing me that gently, but then a chastened myself.

"You don't know everything," I said. He cast a look at the others. They were in a deep conversation about the mall. Robin grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him wrapping his arm around my waste. Our chests were touching and during the pull I had put my hand on his chest to stop the impact. I glanced nervously back to the others, but they had not noticed. My heartbeat sped up to its peak and was thrumming so loudly in my ears that I was surprised he couldn't hear it. I put up a mental shield so he could not hear the thoughts that were running through my head while he held me close. I shouldn't be nervous because this wasn't the first time we had been this close. He had never kissed me and he wasn't going to now. That didn't stop the crazy thoughts my emotions sent to me.

"Kiss him," courage told me.

"No, let him kiss you," timid answered in return.

"Get him away from you," anger screamed from in the back of my mind.

"He doesn't like me," sad said.

"He loves me," happy screamed.

"Realize you love him," love answered. She was the last one to speak and it sent me into shock. It didn't help much that he lent down then to whisper in my ear; his breath hot on my ear.

"I could know everything if you would let me inside your brain every once in a while," he said leaning up. WHAT, I screamed to myself. I whipped my arms around his neck to stop him from moving.

"You know more than them. I tell you a lot and it's not because I have to. It's because I trust you," I said in his ear.

"I trust you ,too. So why won't you tell me what's bothering you," he said lifting my chin to look me in the eyes. I leaned him back down so I could whisper in his ear. He put both arms around my waste and picked me up a little off the floor so I could reach him easier.

"You want to know everything about me, but I don't everything about you," I said tracing the end of his mask. He sighed and I felt his hot breath once more.

"Maybe you will one day. If you want to," he said and I froze. He would remove his mask? He has no idea how much I want to see if his eyes are as beautiful as the rest of him. Wait did I just say beautiful.

"See you love him," love said as if she was stating a fact. I felt a tear slip down my face and land on his cheek since our cheeks were pressed together. He leaned back and shot me a questioning look. He wiped away the tear and leaned back down.

"Why are you crying Raven," he asked.

"Because I would really like that," I said melting into him. He chuckled to himself and squeezed me tighter. "I would love that." I placed a hand on his mid back and pressed him tighter to me.

"Raven," he moaned mentally. I was about to reply when I heard Beast Boy gasp. Robin and I both froze mentally and physically.

"What's going on you guys," Beast Boy asked and I could almost see the smile on his face. I pulled back from Robin so fast he still had his hands in a circle. I tossed my dark hair to cover half of my face. With the swift of my hand I had my hood pulled up to hide my blush. Robin let his cape fall around him and shook out his shaggy black hair.

"Hello, is anyone going to answer my question," Beast Boy asked starting to walk towards me. I made the floor below him a portal and when he stepped there he went through with a gasp and came out on the top of the ceiling. He landed with a thump and moaned as his rubbed his butt.

"Raven, what was that for," he screamed at me while he was standing. I let my hood fall back and let a huge smile spread over me.

"For fun BB," I said. Once he saw my smile he froze. He never could resist my smile.

"You know whatever you were just doing with Robin? I am more than willing to be next," he said in a flirting tone. My smile vanished and I sent a pillow flying his way.

"Dare you to try," I said. He was going to say something else, but then a thought came to him.

"That's it! Let's play truth or dare. What yall say," he asked sitting back on the couch.

"I'm in," Cyborg said.

"What is this Truth and Dare," Starfire asked.

"It's Truth or Dare, Star. It where you either answer a question truthfully or you do something they tell you to," Cyborg explained.

"Well, I'm in," she said sitting up.

"What about you guys? Or are yall going to make out again," Beast Boy asked with a glint in his eyes.

"BB, it's not actually called making out if we didn't kiss, but I don't expect you to know much about that. I mean, how many times have you kissed someone," I asked teasing him. I hid my smile and he turned red. Before he could explode Robin interrupted him.

"I am in," he said taking a seat on the couch. Cyborg patted the seat between him and Robin.

"Come on Rae, please," he asked giving me a puppy dog smile.

"Sorry, but there is no telling what Beast Boy will dare me to do," I said grimly. He laughed mysteriously at the mention of his name.

"Have fun," I said walking by the couch. Robin reached out and grabbed my hand. I gave a shocked gasp as electricity traveled up my arm. I accepted right then that I was in love with him.

"Come on Rae. Remember what I said earlier. What you said when…um… BB interrupted," he asked in his head. "About wanting to see my eyes. I'll show you if you play," he added mentally.

"That is not fair," I said out loud while removing my hand.

"I would do anything to see them," I said to him mentally.

"I know. That is the point," he said patting the seat beside him. I sighed deeply as I sat in between him and Cyborg.

"Jack-ass," I said. Everyone laughed but seemed confused.

"Fine," I said crossing my arms. Then… the game began.