AN: Hey everyone, I know it has been years since I've updated any of my stories or posted anything on here and for that I'm so sorry! I could drag on with excuses but I won't. I plan on updating all of my stories on here and the story line may change a bit. But I'm back!

Walking down First Beach hand in hand with Jacob was something that I've become used to in the past few months. It was our almost daily routine when the weather permitted, today was one of those days. We were enjoying the last few hours together at the end of a disappointingly short weekend taking a walk after dinner at Billy's. It had become a routine for Jake and Billy to come up to Charlie's on Friday nights for dinner and the game and in turn, Charlie and I would come down every Sunday for dinner.

Jake was quieter than usual during our trek across the sand and driftwood. But knowing that our midterm exams were coming up fast I pushed my worries aside and credited his silence to worrying over his grades. We were walking past the same bit of driftwood that we had sat on when I had shamelessly, and horribly I might add, flirted with Jake in order to hear about his tribe's legends regarding the cold ones and the protectors. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jake gently tugging my hand to lead me towards "our spot". He remained quiet for a few moments after we sat down just staring out towards the waves. "Bells," he began turning to face me. "I know that you're still torn up over Cullen but-"

"Whoa, let me stop you right there." I interrupted pulling my hand from his grasp. "Jake, it hurt when he left, it hurt like a son of a bitch, but I'm not hung up on Edward. He made it perfectly clear how he felt about me when he dropped me like a sack of potatoes he had been carrying for miles. There is nothing that I could have done or said that would have changed his mind either. I've accepted that fact and I've accepted that the first relationship you get into isn't always going to be forever, no matter what others may say. So no, I'm not torn up over Edward and I haven't been for a while now." I hadn't realized that during my speech that I had stood up and started pacing. Choosing to remain standing, I crossed my arms. I have a sneaking suspicion I know what he was about to say.

His face lit up and that sunny smile I love so much spread across his face making his eyes crinkle at the corners. He hopped up like he had just won the lottery and cupped my face in his hands so gently. "That is fantastic Bells! You don't know just how happy I am to hear this. Oh Bella, I love you, I'm in love with you please just give me a chance sweetheart." His words came out almost rushed but feverently. Before I could respond to him, his grip tightened slightly and slanted his lips over mine. My whole body tensed up at the unexpected affections and I shoved at his chest trying to get him away from me. I was able to jerk my face out of his hold and took a few steps back from him spitting mad. "I don't think our friendship means the same to you as it does me. This isn't anything romantic. I don't mean to be harsh but you're like a brother to me Jacob and if you think I'm going to be able to give you more than friendship then you need to reevaluate some things." Not wanting to hear any more of his excuses I spun on my heel and took off further down the beach.

What would possess him to just plant one on me like that? I have never given him any indication that I felt anything more than platonic feelings towards him. I've told him multiple times that it's just not like that between us, why can't he get that through his thick skull? So immersed in my thoughts I failed to notice the group of four guys lounging around an unlit firepit until I tripped over one of the logs they were sitting on. Closing my eyes I braced myself for the impact that was sure to come. Before my face became intimate with the ground two warm arms wrapped themselves around my waist stopping me just before I hit the ground. The mysterious owners of the arms righted me and sat me down on the log next to him. Sighing in relief, I turned to thank my savior and froze.