A/N: Yes, I have taken on the huge task of writing something, long or short, oneshot or drabble, for each day of 2010. There will be days where I don't have computer access, so I'll have to update them later, but I WILL write one for every day of the year.

Of course, I'm doing another one for CATS as well, so this is a major task to take on considering how I have to write two things each day AND uphold my other stories. Hopefully this will test my limits as a writer!

Also, for my first Glee fic, over 100 people read it and no one reviewed. Not even a flame. Was it really that bad?

January 1st, 2010 - Resolutions

A new year's resolution…

It was dark, the moon hovering above the sky and bathing it in a gentle, pale light as each person present waited for that moment. Couple's clung to each other lovingly, friends grouped together in drunk, giggling masses and Rachel Berry stood off to the side, a glass of alcohol she couldn't remember the name of in her hand and a thoughtful look on her face.

What could she say? Normally her resolutions were pointless or common, like not eating chocolate or putting a golden star next to her name every time she signed it (although she would never admit it, everyone had somehow drilled it into her head that that particular metaphor was not important).

The clock was ticking down quickly, the voices at the party quieting down to a hush as they waited for the classic fireworks to be set off, visible all over Lima. They were a tradition, something to take their mind off the fact that some of them would be seeing these fireworks for the rest of their lives.

Rachel's mind raced, trying to quickly think of something, something meaningful to bring about this new decade, this new year. As the crowd counted down in loud, obnoxious voices, Rachel stood still, raising her glass to the fireworks as she finally decided what her New Year's resolution would be.

This year, I'm going to be the friend Glee club deserves, not the diva Glee club detests.

"Happy New Year's." She whispered, finally taking a sip from her long neglected glass and dancing over to the group of Glee kids celebrating at a nearby table.

A/N: If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!