I do not own the characters of Fullmetal Alchmist nor the characters from Twilight.

Edward Meets Edward

Major Armstrong was walking down the streets in Armastas in search of his charge, The Fullmetal Alchemist. He had a knack for disappearing when he wanted to do something he wasn't supposed to. Armstrong looked across the street where a stranger happened to walk through a patch of sunlight and began to sparkle! Another one of his own. He bounded across the street ripping off his shirt to flex his dazzling muscles.

"Hello there mister, I do say you sparkle quite nicely!"

The teen's eyes bulged in shock. He'd never been confronted on the streets for sparkling before. And this fear was a first. The man scared him.

"Are you a vampire sir?" the boy asked confused. But now when he thought closer, he could tell the man was not one of his own.

"No, I don't think so…. What is a vampire?" The major asked slightly confused.

"Then why do you sparkle?" The boy asked again.

"Because, it was passed down through generations of awesomeness." Armstrong replied flexing his muscles for a second time. "By the way, what's your name lad?"

"Oh ummm…. Edward C-------"

"Wow! You have the same name as the kid I'm trying to find! How ironic."

(All the man does is talk! And he's big…… bigger than Emmett. And his thoughts keeping bouncing back and forth to his awesomeness and where some short kid could be located. Weirdo)

"Well, umm mister, you're charge is behind that group of tall people and I r---------"


Ed stopped mid stride and stared in horror. How had the major spotted him from behind the large group of tall people he's picked out so that the major wouldn't find him…. And why is that guy sparkling? Hesitanyly Ed walked over with his jacket billowing out behind him.

"Fullmetal, meet Edward."

Ed put his hand in front of him and the other Ed shook it. They were ice cold.

(Hmmm this kid has funny thoughts about a red stone and a suit of armor. At least I don't feel strange compared to these people.)

Ed looked at Edward suspiciously.

"So, What makes you sparkle?"

"Uh.. I'm a vampire."

"What's a vampire?"

"Well, ummm, It's a once human creature that has fangs and drinks usually human blood."

"Ewwww! That's gross!"

"But I'm a vegetarian."

"How so?"

"I only drink animal blood."

"That makes since…. No, not really."

"Well what about you? Wait don't tell me. You're an alchemist in search of a red stone called the philosophers stone so you can change the suit of armor who's really you're brother, human again. Am I right?"

"Whoa! How did you know that!"

"I can read minds."

"No way!"


Edward shook himself. Why was he letting this person delude him.

"You're not that cool."

"Yes I am, shorty."


Edward laughed. The kid was amusing.

"I like you Ed."

"Yea, well I don't like you so get ready!"

Ed clapped his hands and slid one hand over his automail arm to create his sword. Ed then rushed Edward. Cullen dodged easily.

"I can read every move your going to make kid. Give up now."

NYAAA! Ed charges again but in mid air he changed his mind and struck left instead of right, catching the vampire off guard.

"Oh, so you do have some skills little boy. I guess I could rip you to shreds. If that's what you really want."

The two attacked relentlessly until they were both tiered and worn out.

"Touché my friend, Touché. Well, I'd best be going. Bella will through a fit if I'm not home by supper. Ellesmerera is proving to be quite a handful. If you need a vampire's help just call anytime. Bye!"

With that Edward rushed off in lightning fast speed, leaving Ed confused and dumbfounded.

'Well Fullmetal it's best I return you back to the colonel." Armstrong said appearing from nowhere."

Edward walked into his apartment and saw Al.

"Al! You won't believe this, but I saw a vampire today! He could read minds and he looked just like me except with shorter hair and taller than me, and….."

"I think you need to stop eating your pizza cold before you go to bed big brother."


Please review. I'm new at this and I really want to know if what I'm writing is of any interest at all.