Author's note:

Hey, hope you enjoyed Merlin, Slave of the Sepasnare. it can be set anywhere in Merlin's real espoisedes timeline as long as it's in series three (well, Freya wasn't on screen in series 1, was she?).

Anyway, noticed the next time bit at the end of the last chapter? They are all of the ideas for more Merlin and Fae espoisedes. i'll write them...if you review and tell me you want more.

Arthur: You better! Other's wise I get you burned at the stake

Emma(me): Oy, that's not how you persaude people! Call yourself future king??!!

Arthur: Hey, i am prince!

Emma: Um, sorry but Merlin was set in medieval times. Meaning you can't get us as in our world you're real name is Bradley.

Arthur: I can jump into that vortex.

Emma: But, daddy forbids magic, didn't he? And a vortex...i think you be scolded for the rest of you're life if you jumped in. Scoot off now, Daddy's little boy.

Arthur: Grr!

Emma: see ya next time, where i will be annoying of another Merlin character. Any suggestion?

Arthur: Merlin.

Emma: Nope, anyone part from him. I could always do you again. Bye for now and remember review for more!