Hey everyone, this is the last chapter of this story. Thanks so much for all the reviews I have gotten from this story, it really means a lot and I'm glad you all like it! Be sure to check my page in the future for more Smitchie stories coming your way!
10) You never notice guys flirting with you because all you see is him
Mitchie smiled and ticked the box.
Shane had invited Mitchie to the premier of Twilight as his date. It had been a few weeks since the attack but Mitchie had been doing fine, she realised that the fans were only jealous of her relationship with him and there was nothing to worry about.
Mitchie and her Mom went out and brought a nice cocktail dress for her to wear with nice heels. Shane tried to give them the money for it but they said no. They were currently at the after party mingling with random people. Mitchie had been dancing for a while and started to get thirsty. Someone had come up to Shane and was talking to him about tour so she decided she'd get a drink.
Mitchie gestured to Shane she was going to get a drink so he would know where she was going. He nodded and she turned around. She pushed through the dancing sweaty bodies and made her way over to the bar. She wasn't old enough to drink so she just ordered a coke.
She sat on one of the chairs and took a sip of her drink; she watched Shane from across the room and smiled whenever he would quickly turn to her to see if she was okay. Suddenly someone blocked her view.
"Hey pretty lady" a cute tall guy said causing Mitchie to look up at his face. She smiled.
"So what's a pretty girl like you sitting on your own?" he asked trying to grab her attention.
"I'm not on my own, I'm just thirsty." she said looking back at her drink.
"Oh, well would you like another one? Or a dance maybe?"
Mitchie shook her head. "Nope I'm alright thank you. I'm just gunna chill here." she said moving over slightly to look at Shane again, when she couldn't see his gorgeous face she looked around quickly wondering where he went.
The guy moved in front of her again. "Oh okay, would you mind if I joined you? We can't have a pretty girl like you sitting here on your own."
Mitchie looked at him. "You already said that" she looked away trying to find Shane again. She finally saw him making his way through the crowd over to her.
"You're really pretty you know, the dress really sets off your eyes" Mitchie turned back to the guy again. Shane heard him say it and looked at him quickly then he turned to Mitchie who wasn't really paying attention to the guy, she was looking at him.
"Thanks" she mumbled looking at Shane smiling. "Hey Shane!"
"Hey baby, you alright?" he asked as the guy who was trying to flirt with her rolled his eyes and walked off moving onto the next girl.
"Yep, just having a drink" she smiled before turning back around. "Where did that guy go?"
Shane laughed. "He left, he was obviously flirting with you but you were paying him no attention."
Mitchie looked at him funny. "He was? Oh, well I was too busy looking at you" she giggled before leaning into Shane smiling.
Shane smiled softly; he leant down and kissed her lips softly.
"Only you could not realise that he was flirting with you."
(End of flashback)
Mitchie looked down at the bottom of the quiz, she read the answer for 10/10.
If you got ten out of ten, then you don't need us to tell you you're in love with him. Hopefully this quiz made you realise what you could have with him, we're not here to tell you what you should already know. Maybe you haven't admitted it to yourself yet, but if your guy does all these things for you. Then he is someone very special.
Mitchie closed the magazine and placed it on her dressing table. It suddenly hit her; she was in love with Shane. Recalling all these memories with him made her realise it even more, she loved him. She loved everything about him. He made her who she was today, and she loved him for that.
"I love him" she said smiling to herself. Now all she had to do was figure out who to tell him that.
"Knock knock" a familiar voice said. She looked up and saw Shane standing there leaning against the door frame. A gasp left her mouth.
"Shane!" she shouted jumping off her bed and running over to him. She wrapped her arms tightly around him. "God I missed you so much!"
Shane laughed and squeezed her tightly. "I missed you too Mitch." He let her go and pulled her over to her bed and sat down next to her.
She looked at him confused. "I'm going say this before I chicken out okay?" Mitchie nodded smiling. "Well, today I figured out something. Well not today exactly because I have known a long time and never done anything about it. But, being away from you has made me realise something very important. You don't have to say it back to me if you're not ready but, I love you Mitchie." He said looking at her directly in the eyes.
Mitchie smiled happily. "I love you too Shane" she exclaimed leaning forward grabbing his face, she kissed him with a lot of force catching him off guard causing him to fall back onto the bed, but she didn't let go, she stayed on top of him kissing his lips. Shane laughed and pulled away slowly.
"What?" he said breathlessly from underneath her.
Mitchie smiled. "I love you too Shane so much"
Shane smiled. "Wow, this conversation went over so differently in my head." He shook his head and pulled her face into his and kissed her again.
Mitchie silently thanked the magazine for helping her realise that Shane was the most perfect, special man anyone could ever ask for. She knew there would be ups and downs in their relationship, she knew she wouldn't see him as often as she would like, but she would NEVER stop loving him. He was perfect for her in his own special ways.
So it's the end. I'm really sad to see this end but I am happy I have managed to finish another chapter story. Check out my other stories I have and make sure you review and let me know what you think about this ending chapter! Thanks for all your support guys! I love you all! :)
You all are very awesome, so give yourself a pat on the back!