I looked out and saw what was coming. Yes. I knew perfectly well what the day would hold. The calm before the storm as they call it. It would be an very interesting day indeed.
But you're probably wondering who I am, aren't you?
No, I'm not one of the people you've been reading about thus far. I am someone that will take part in the story a little later. But enough of that. Let me continue about that not so faithful day.
The view from the cave was brilliant. Something that you would take a whole day out just to admire. The sun rising, the wind blowing...It was all just breathtaking.
"Ixen, what are you doing up so early?" A soft, smooth voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw my beloved mate, Hesjing. Hesjing was a beautiful anthro-Dragoness, she still is too, anthropic meaning she stood, in this world anyway, on two legs and not the traditional four. She had royal blue scales and an neon green underbelly. The membrane of her wings were a lighter shade of the green. Hesjing stood about eight and a half feet tall, her wings going a foot above that. Her tail blade, if you want to call it a blade, was nothing special, it came to a traditional point and had neon green hair, fur, either one, at about the last foot of the tail. But trust me, if you get hit by that tail you will die a slow and painful death. Hesjing also had neon green hair, yes hair, growing down to the small of her back. Her two sweptback horns the same green as everything else. I can't say enough how beautiful she is to me. Today she was wearing white robes. Like a mage would wear only without the silly hat.
"I, just couldn't get any sleep. So I came out here," I replied to Hesjing's question knowing it was a lie.
Before I go any further let me describe myself to you: In this would I am an anthro-Dragon. My scales are crimson red and my underbelly and wings are a dark green. I stand at nine feet and my wings go up to ten feet. My tail 'blade' is just four lines of oddly grown scales to make the end like a four angled spear head. My horns are white and sweptback. Instead of hair I have a yellow, retractable horn that looks something like a wing from a jet. I also have a a flame tattooed on both of my arms. I wore mage robes like Hesjing, only mine were green in color. Yes, more then once I was used as a Christmas decoration.
"Oh," Hesjing replied to my statement, "so it wasn't because you had a vision in the middle of the night and you can't help but know what ill things will come?" I gave her a questioning look.
"How did you...?" I was cut off when she came up and put a hand on my snout.
"You really need to stop talking in your sleep."
As if on cue to ruin the moment an explosion came from deeper in the cave.
"Well it looks like he blew himself up again," I commented as Hesjing and I went to investigate.
We had a few people living in the cave with us during a time of war. Since it was peace time they had nowhere to go. So we let them live with us until the fighting broke out again, which we all knew it would.
Turns out one was a real science freak. Always caught up in his experiments. He was trying to harness the power of the elements. Trying to make a chemical to but into your body to give you the power of whatever element you wanted to have. Needless to say he never really got it to work. Not without killing himself anyways. We thought we were lucky to just get an explosion instead of the other major catastrophes that could happen.
Hesjing and I went to where the 'lab' was. We found our friend, Jacob was his name, leaning on the wall in what use to be the lab. Jacob was about six feet tall. His hair and skin turned permanently black for all the smoke he was exposed too. He wore the traditional lab coat and glasses to match. Well he did when they were still intact.
"well Jacob," I started, "if it wasn't for me you'd be dead by now!"
"If it wasn't for your damned elemental abilities, I wouldn't be doing it anyways!" Jacob retorted between breaths.
"Now now, boys," Hesjing cut in, "do I have to separate you two again?"
"Separate? Ha! Between the blood samples and the drink mixes those two would go into withdraw!" Another one of our friends, Grieg, walked into the 'lab' and decided to join in on the fun. Grieg was short, five foot four, sun soaked skin and brown hair. He never went a day out there without some kind of combat uniform.
Then the female of our group came in to investigate. Her name was Luna. By human standards she was beautiful. She stood at five feet and had long flowing red hair. She had red skin, why we did not know, she claimed to never have any relations with red skinned people. She wore a simple Russian made dress.
"Is everyone all right?" asked Luna.
"For now but might not be for long," replied Hesjing.
Our day continued, mostly with the girls trying to stop the boys fighting. But little did we know what was to come...