A new idea~! lol dunno how long I'll stick with it. Me attempting the 100 themes thing: so here's theme 1. Introduction.
Chapter Title: Song by FT Island, a band with beautiful background music and very pretty music. :] Korean, btw.
The full name is "A Man's First Life Will Follow Him Forever" but it wouldn't fit haha. However, the title is AMAZINGLY fitting. ;D Even though the song itself isnt ^^"
100 Themes:
Adrian Alexander Aragon remembers on his twentieth birthday. And it hurts; his skin feels stretched, his heartbeat pounding through his ears until all he hears is his incessant pumping. Hollow, a vociferous thundering that pounded a shield around him until he couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel.
Except these tangible voices he knows he's never heard before.
His voice. Desperate. Wild. Angry. Passionate. Despairing.
"Then I shall die as one of them!"
Names he didn't know, but recognized so deeply they tore wounds through his heart, pain he's never known he was capable of feeling. Arwen. Legolas. Gimli.
The air is too thin at the thought of these dear friends, brothers, these people closer to his heart than blood. The mere thought of these strangers makes his heart constrict.
Graceful beauty flashes through his mind, the kind that no longer existed. Clear, thundering waterfalls, trees of ridiculous elevation and a green so vivid, so vibrant that it was not of this world, and a feeling of comfort. Of warmth and home and a trust that allows him to finally relax.
But it's not RIGHT. Why, why wouldn't he relax, whyever not? He doesn't – he can't understand why tears slip down his face at these memories of a stranger.
Why – why – WHY?!
He's still crying – he who never cries – when he finally slips into blackness. Into thankful unconsciousness.
Across the world, a haughty man hesitates before silently interrupting the meeting.
"My liege," he murmurs quietly in a language none of the others in the room could possibly understand. "Elessar has awakened."