Okay. I juat had this thought...Everyone seems to love Mark in my earlier stories. Saying he's funny and adorable, all that jazz. So guess what?! A ChelseaXMark story! This is where you clap! Yay!

Chapter 1:

I took my first steps on the warm sand, looking around. What was his name? Haro? Naro? Taro! Yeah that's it. Where is he?

"Chelsea!" A short, old man with a balloon head waddled up to me. "Welcome to Vendure Island! Let me show you your new Ranch."

I nodded and followed him to my 'ranch.' Stupid father...making me come to this...this...


Although it did look charming, sunny, and down right happy, I had a bad feeling about the people here. What if they don't like me? What if I can't make any friends? I had friends in the city.

Taro led me to the land. It was huge, a huge field in the middle. A stable stood behind it, a watering hole, my small house...

My VERY small house.

"It's not much, but once I teach you the basics of your tools, you can work hard and make money--"

Being the stubborn, do-it-myself-don't-need-any-help girl I am, I raised my hand a bit, gesturing to stop talking for a freakin' second. "I got it, Taro. I read a book about ranching before I got here. I know how to do it."

His face fell. "Oh, I see. Well, don't forget to meet everyone on the islands later. Tell me if you need anything. Here's some seeds to get you started."

"Yeah." I mumbled.

I explored my ranch for a little while. The stable was was too small to hold any horses, I'm gonna have to upgrade as soon as I get a horse. My house was no better--It didn't even have a kitchen! How am I supposed to eat?

Anyway, I walked down the path to see the locals. I went to Taro's house first.

"Oh, how wonderful! A new girl! She's so adorable, too!" A young woman with long pink-ish hair greeted me sweetly.

"My name is Felicia. That's my daughter Natalie--" She gestures to a girl about the same age as me with short red hair.

"And that's my son, Elliot." A dorky looking boy with red hair and glasses smiled, who also looks the same age as me.

I talked for a while, I liked Natalie, and I hoped we could hang out some more later.

Next, I went to a shop that looked like a barn from the old west. I met a nice girl named Julia who was very beautiful, and her mother Maribelle.

I went along the road, meeting a full-of-himself gourmet named Pierre, a brash, tan fisherman named Denny, an ex pop-star...Lanna, I think her name was. A girl with strange clothes and likes to treasure hunt named Lily, Will, a handsome prince, his cousin shy Sabrina, her father Regis who looks like the undead, Chen and Gannon who run some shops, their kids, and some others. I'm bad with names.

It was getting late, so I walked my way back to my farm. Suddenly, I heard fast footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around, and somthing crashed into me like a truck.

"S-sorry!" A guy's voice apoligized.


The boy had bright blond hair under a blue cap pulled backwards, his green eyes stared apologetically into mine. His round, adorable face inches from mine. He helped me up. "Sorry about that. You okay?"

I checked everything. When I stretched my arm, a sharp pain went to my elbow. "Ouch!" He examined it. "Oh, no. It's all scratched up."

I blushed. Whoa, that's a first for me.

"Come on, I'll walk you home." I jerked my arm away, pain returning to my elbow. "N-no! I can walk!" He frowned. "Don't be like that. It's the least I can do."

So, he walked me home.

"Why were you running like a madman anyway?" I asked.

"I forgot something at Maribelle's shop."

"Oh. It must be important, since you knocked a poor girl down on the ground."

"My bad."

"You never told me your name."

"Mark. And yours?"


"Nice to meet you."

"Same goes for you."

"Your working on the farm?"

"Yep. Just started today."

"Really? Tell me if you need any help." I fumed.

"No thanks. I don't need any help. Especially gorillas like you."

"Your not very polite." He scoffed.

"Not the first time I've heard that."

"Whatever. Be careful, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah."

He walked away, his hands in his pockets. I watched him get to the end of the path, then stop. He broke into a run.

I smiled. Finally realizing what you forgot at Maribelle's, huh? Idiot.

I think I might like this kid.

So? You like? Heh. Just wait until she gets to know him better!

Review, please!
