AN: This is the first chapter of a new story! This chap doesn't really have anything to be worried about, but this story will… I swear. I'm feeling very naughty with this story. I think I've lost my beta reader. So.. excuse mistakes. Tell me what you think! PLEASE R&R!

Disclaimer: So... I have scheduled a meeting with M. Kishimoto about letting me own the character, but for now... they're his.

Letting Him Know Ch. 1:

There he was; the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He was so popular. All the girls wanted him and one boy. Did he know this? No, he didn't know in the least. Did he know who I was? I doubt it. No one besides my friends, what few friends I had, knew who I was.

I had been in love with him since I first saw him and that was about five years ago. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I loved him. I mean, he doesn't seem like the gay type. Another thing that made me think he wasn't gay was the fact that he had about three girlfriends. There was Sakura who seemed to never leave his side. Another was Ino, she knew who I was and used to have a crush on me, but I turned her down and straight up told her that I was gay. The last was Hinata, she didn't seem to fit into his group, but I guess she loves him.

Who am I talking about you may ask? Only the most beautiful blond I had ever seen; Uzumaki Naruto. His blond, messy locks made me want to go sleep in a field full of daisies and his blue eyes made my coal eyes look like, well, coal.

Right now you're probably thinking that I'm some loser who has a crush on the most popular guy in school, right? Well, you're kind of right, I'm not a loser because I am a loser, but because I chose to be. I didn't like the idea of having everyone knowing who I was and having girls all over me like Naruto did.

This particular day though I was sitting under a cherry blossom tree waiting for Naruto to come. I had placed a note in his locker and told him to meet me here at the end of school and so far… he was an hour late. I wouldn't let that get me down though. I was planning to confess to him and nothing was going to stop me.

I looked around me and took in my settings. I was under the cherry blossom tree that smelled amazing. Small pink petals were falling all around me and I wondered if I looked like some mysterious guy from the movies. It smelled of sweet honey and blooming flowers. I was hoping that it wasn't making me smell like that or I would surely seem odd.

The school was a short distance away from me, but not close enough to where you could make out who I was from a window. The school was nothing special; just a two story high school that needed a paint job. I was a second year at Konoha High School while Naruto was a third year.

I got to my feet and threw my school brief case over my shoulder preparing to leave until I heard rushed footsteps coming my way. I looked to my left and noticed a flustered Naruto coming my way. The wind was in my favor because the way the wind was hitting me made me look amazing. Small petals were falling around me, a sweet smell enhancing the senses, and my semi-long, black hair was blowing around my face.

I looked down to make sure my school uniform looked nice, decided it did, and looked back up to see Naruto was right in front of me. I let him get his panting out of his system and just admired his glorious body.

Naruto calmed down and looked me directly in the eye before he asked, "So, what is it that you wanted? You didn't say why you wanted to talk in the letter. Is it important? Oh, sorry for being late." He gave me a small smile before he continued, "I was with Sakura and Ino in the unused classroom getting it on. You understand, right?"

Pictures of him 'getting it on' with Sakura and Ino flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but get disgusted. I nodded my head in agreement anyways and continued to stare into his bright, blue eyes. I was hoping I wasn't about to make an idiot of myself, but I had to try, right?

My work was quick and I didn't like beating around the bush. I grabbed onto his arms and slammed him against the cherry blossom quickly planting a kiss on his slightly chapped lips. He didn't make any movement to stop me so I continued with what I was doing and started moving my lips with his.

After a few seconds of kissing nothing but a shocked boy I stepped back and looked at him. His eyes widened and seemed to notice what just happened. He put his hand to his mouth and just looked at me. His frame was slightly shaking and I thought that he was going to go into shock at any moment. Perhaps he had never kissed a boy before, but he wasn't really kissing, was he?

He bent down and picked up his school bag before he started running away. Perhaps I had overdone it, but I had to do it. I needed to do it. Maybe he would think about it through the day and come back to me. Maybe, maybe not. He's probably going to think I'm an ass, but at least he now knows how I feel.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking away from the school. I had about five and a half hours to kill before I had to go to work. I didn't need to work, but I wanted to; same as my social status. I worked because my job made me feel sexy and I knew how to do things. What did I do? I was the town whore of course…