iDamien x Christophe


People in the world care too much for their own pitiful good. And they become so blinded by their care, that they become oblivious and truly ignorant to the ones that don't give a rat's ass about their hugs, and kisses, and chocolates, and teddy bears with those ridiculous i'Get Well Soon'/i cards. I, Christophe, despise those loving pansy bitches.

I take my job very seriously for one that isn't even 17 years of age yet. I'm not even sure how I've lived through all those crazy, near death, adventures that I'm so foolish to call my 'business,' yet I always end up successful. Sure, I take a few bullets, cuts and scratches here and there from my stupid enemies.

Not everyone is as tough as me, which is why they need friends and lovers. They need someone to be their support, someone to rely on. Someone to tell them that the stunts they perform are idiotic, immature, and flat out stupid. No one's ever been there for me. Sure I have my parents, but they're just as useful as the dirt I spit on. I've grown up on my own. I've been my own support and always will be....or at least.....that's what I thought a few months ago...before I met him...