A/N I hope you enjoyed the story and again I can't thank you all enough for the reviews, sugestions and suport.

'Till next time.

Love always, Mrs Wentworth




"Éomer? It was Éomer!" Erchirion's eyes were about to pop from his head. "I'm going to kill him!"

"I thought he was my friend!" Amrothros was now red of fury.

"That son of a ..."

"Elphir!" Melian said, stopping him.

The mood was heavy in Imrahil's study in the Dol Amroth Royal family's house.

"My sons, let's all calm down and sit." Imrahil tried.

"Calm down?"

"We can't calm down!" Erchirion said pacing the study, back and forth.

"We have the right to kill him!"

"Amrothros! Stop this nonsense! We are talking about the happiness of your sister! They love one another and they deserve to be happy! And think of Elfwine! Éomer is his father."

"Don't say it, Ada, because just for laying his hands of my sister..."

"Our sister!"

"Yes, our sister! We could kill him for it!"

"Not could, will! He's not getting away with this!"

Mellian and Imrahil looked at each other and just shrugged.

"And you, father, have some of the blame! We said he wasn't to be trusted!"

"Yes, too good looking we said!"

"Not good!"

"Elphir... Listen to yourself... Éomer his our friend and..."

"He's no friend of mine!"

Melian stomped her foot and narrowed her eyes at her husband.

"Elphir, may I remind you that we weren't exactly inocent on our wedding night!"


"Oh don't give me that!"

"But she's my sister..."

"And I'm someone else's sister! Besides, your sister and Éomer will get married soon and all will be well!"

The brothers stopped.



"ADA! You can't allow this!"

"I'm serious, give me my sword! I'll cut his throat!" Elphir threatened.

"We should throw him off the highest level for what he did to Thíri!"

"Or tie him to the haul of one of our boat and let him drow slowly..."

"Perfect! Let's do that!"

In the garden, conceiled by the shadows, Éomer and Lothíriel sat below the almond tree. They could hear the ramblings of three very angry brothers but beneath the starlit sky all they could think about was of how happy they were.

"I think they are serious..." Éomer said as he kised her again. "I'll have to sleep with my eyes open from now on."

"Oh hush! They are harmless..." she said between kisses.

"Harmless!" Éomer said. "Your brothers are three of the finnest warriors I've ever seen and you call them harmless..." shaking his head he added. "I'm so dead..."

"I won't let anything happen to you..." Lothíriel said as she kissed him again. "I won't ever leave your side."

"Hum... Do you promise?"

"I promise..."


And on the last year of the Third Age, Éomer, King of the Mark married Lothíriel of Dol Amroth.