Note: A few years down the road and we see the happiness of the Haswari family...that and their safety.


Kate looked at her watch when a sound of 'Mommy' came into the bullpen. She was met by Nasira, who hugged her.

Her siblings followed, Mia was now ten and quite bright for her age while the twins were eight and Noor was six. It wasn't but seconds later that two identical girls ran to Ziva yelling 'Ima' and hugged her.

"I think it's time to go home." Kate smiled when she heard her husband's voice, Ari eyed her and she nodded.

"Yeah, I think it is."

"Grandpa!" All the kids screamed and ran to Gibbs as he entered with coffee; he set the coffee down before they reached them. He gave them all hugs and smiles before managing to up their sugar by giving them pieces of toffee…of which Kate and Ziva could not deny him the joy of doing so.

"I think we need a daycare Boss." Tony came in the room and looked at Gibbs; in his arms was his son…Anthony DiNozzo III or Danny as he was called, after his middle name of Daniel. The two year old was fast asleep.

"Who will take care of it…last time I checked, no agent wants to go near these kids. With Ziva's deadliness and your attitude…they don't get near them." He looked at Kate and Ari, "their kids are so well behaved, I doubt they'll ever see a cop."

"I see your point, but hey…other agents are complaining about daycares…NCIS really needs one. See what you can do or I'll send Ziva to do it…one look at her and Vance will say yes."

Ziva looked at her husband, "why would he do that?"

Everyone looked at each other, they began laughing before Gibbs answered in four words. "You're pregnant and ex-Mossad."

"I see your point."

The Haswari Family was safe and thriving…as well as the DiNozzo one too. Mossad had not tried to hurt them in the four years they had been back and Gibbs doubted Eli David would ever try to harm them again.