Lets do this, shall we? Enjoy this chapter of Brawlers in Konoha! (Finally, huh?). Also…thanks Agurra for giving me ideas for the attacks for some of the Bakugans.

Subterra Rumble

As Shino went to look for Naruto, Lucifer was walking down the streets, as Leonidas relaxed on his shoulder. "So…what should we do now, partner?" asked Lucifer, confused.

"How about we try to find one of the brawlers and spare for a bit?" asked the Dragon.

"You love to fight, don't ya?" laughed Lucifer, as he looked around, and saw a silly sight; Julie and Billy were staring at each other with smiles, as Leonidas smirked.

"Dare I?" asked the dragon, smirking more.

"Go ahead." Lucifer smirked and nods. Leonidas then floated close to them, as they just kept staring at each other.

"HEY GUYS!" Leo yelled, making the two yelp in surprise as they fell back in shock.

"Dude, not cool!" said Billy, annoyed. He adjusted his hat, since it fell off when he fell. The two kept laughing, trying to stop.

"It wasn't that funny!" said Julie, sounding mad. Then they heard footsteps coming towards them, as she asks "What is that?"

Lucifer turned around and in front of them was a muscle-bound figure wearing an ANBU-Root uniform, looming towards them.

"No clue, dude. But I don't think he is a good guy." Cycloid said, getting out.

"Got that right." Laughed a mean-sounding voice, as they saw a Manion on his shoulder, only with a darker color with a red facial area.

"Manion? Is that you?" asked Leonidas, shocked. Gorem and Cycloid looked angry at this, glaring at the man.

"Yes, I am Subterra Manion." The sphinx sounded evil while he said this. "And now it is time to be defeated."

"I'm just after the girl." Said the ROOT ninja, making Julie looked shock and then disgusted.

"Sicko!" Julie said, angry. Manion then laughed, knowing what she thought.

"Not in that way, child." Manion said, as his partner gets out a card. "Shall we begin?"

"Fine." Billy said, as he, Julie and Lucifer put on their gauntlets.

The man then gets on a evil-looking Sub Terra Gauntlet, glaring at them. Manion then says "Lets begin." As they all put their power source in their Gauntlets.

"GAUNTLET POWER STRIKE!" yelled all four, as their Gauntlets glowed, slowing time around them.

Lucifer gets out a gate card and says "Gate Card, stand!" The card landed with a green light as it began to form a giant green square that spread to the area. "Bakugan Brawl!" He throws Leonidas and says, "Omega Leonidas stand!"

Omega Leonidas: (565 Gs)

Suddenly Leonidas roars as he forms into his true form, roaring. The ROOT-Anbu then says "Bakugan brawl! Manion Stand!"

Manion came out, saying "Time to be eliminated, fool!"

Manion: (400 Gs)

The green dragon growled at Manion, as Lucifer says "Ability Activate!" he puts a card in and says "Omega Eraser!"

Leonidas: (565 + 200 = 765)

"Eat this!" Leo yelled as he fired a blast of energy at Manion.

"Ability Activate!" The ROOT yells out, as he gets out a card. "Manticor Spikes!" Manion roared as he sent out a barrage of jagged spikes right for the energy attack, slicing through it and hitting Leonidas a lot.

Manion: (400 + 175 = 575 Gs)

Leonidas: (765 – 200 = 565 Gs)

"Leo!" Lucifer yells, shocked, as Julie just glares.

"Time for me to join in!" said Julie said as she grabbed Gorem and says "Bakugan Brawl! Subterra Hammer Gorem stand!"

Gorem gets into full size and glares. "Lets do this." He said, cracking his knuckles.

Hammer Gorem: (450 Gs)

"Ability Activate! Gorem punch!" Julie said, as Gorem runs at Manion, who looks surprised.

Hammer Gorem: (450 + 150 = 600 Gs)

"Eat this!" Gorem yells out, as Manion got punched in the face, knocking him down, ending the battle.

Voice: Root Agent 23 down 50%

Lucifer nods and says "Nice job, Julie and Gorem."

"Nice hit Baku-Babe." Said Billy, as Julie just blushed a bit.

"I told you not to call me that!" Julie yelled, as the Root threw down a gate card.

"Lets see if all of you together can defeat me," said the Root ninja as Manion came out.

Manion: (400 Gs)

Billy smirks and says "Now your talking."

"BAKUGAN BRAWL!" all three yelled, as their Bakugans came out.

Leonidas: (565 Gs)

Hammer Gorem: (450 Gs)

Cycloid: (500 Gs)

The three glared, as the Root says "Gate Card Activate! Tricky Gate!"

"What does that do?" asked Billy, confused. Suddenly Leonidas, Gorem and Cycloid groaned.

"It makes the weakest Bakugan win."

"I resent that." Manion said plainly, as all the Bakugan began to fall down a bit.

"Not so fast!" Said Billy, getting out a card. "Ability Card activate: Left Giganti!" Suddenly Cycloid's arm grew and then he smashed the gate card with ease.

"That was to close." Said Gorem, as the Root got out another card.

"Ability Activate! Manticor Roar!" the Root ninja yells out, as Manion roared, making him stronger but the others weaker.

Manion: (400 + 400 = 800 Gs)

Gorem: (450 – 200 = 250 Gs)

Leonidas: (565 – 200 = 365 Gs)

Cycloid: (500 – 200 = 300 Gs)

Manion then charged at them, but then Lucifer says "Ability Activate! Solar God!"

Suddenly a ball of fire went into Leonidas' hand, ready to throw.

Leonidas: (365 + 400 = 765 Gs)

"We'll join in!" Billy said, as he and Julie both get cards out. "Ability Activate!" The two yell at once. "Rocky Punch/Grand Impact!"

Cycloid: (300 + 400 = 700 Gs)

Manion: (800 – 400 = 400 Gs)

Gorem: (250 + 200 = 450 Gs)

The two giants both hit Manion into the air, "Now Leonidas!"

"Eat this!" roared Leonidas, throwing the fireball at Manion, defeating him and ending the brawl.

Voice: Root Agent 23 down 0%

All three Brawlers caught their partners, as Julie says, "Alright, we won!"

"Sweet." Said Billy, giving Lucifer a high-five. He then felt Julie kiss his cheek, making his face a bit red.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." Said Julie with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Lucifer sighs at this and says "alright Ninja-boy, what kind of idea was it to try to attack our friend?"

"Yeah." Leonidas growled, as the Root Ninja just smirks a bit.

"None of your business." Said the warrior, throwing down some spheres and suddenly a smoke screen happened, causing the three to start to pass out.

"Why do…bad guys…always…cheat?" groaned Billy as he fell over, unconscious.

The Root Ninja then gets out a communicator and says, "Master Danzo, I've gotten the Earth-using girl and her two friends. What now?"

"Bring them to HQ. Wait until further orders to get the last one." Danzo ordered, as the Root Ninja hoisted the three onto his shoulder, causing Billy's hat to fall off.

After he disappeared, the smoke caused the hat to fly away a few feet, and landed on the road near by.

Near that very road, Kiba was walking down the streets until he stepped onto the hat. "Hmm?" he asked, as Akumaru picked up the hat, as Kiba took a good smell of it.

"It belongs to that one blonde kid." Kiba said, as he pocketed the hat and goes to find Naruto and the other Brawlers. He then passed the battlefield and sees the large fissure that was caused by Cycloid's attack and the broken smoke bombs.

"Seems a battle happened here." Shino said, surprising Kiba since he didn't see him there.

"When did you get there?" asked Kiba, shocked to say the least.

"I was looking for Naruto, but he wasn't at the Ramen Shop. And that isn't like him." Shino said calmly. "Come on, we need to find him before this gets out of hand." Kiba nods as the two went to find their friend before time runs out.

End of Chapter 13

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and before you ask; the next chapter will take place in the same time as this chapter. Anyway please Read, Review and Suggest away!