Is she an angel

A/N, hey everybody just want to say a couple of things before I let you read the REAL final chapter to this story

1st thing I want to say is thank you to everybody who has given me the amazing ideas you came up with without you I couldn't't have done it so THANK YOU SO MUCH this is all for you

2nd thing is that this will be my last fanfic, if you want me to change my mind and continue in the future then please review and let me know otherwise I would just like to say thank you for all the reads, reviews, favourites… its been fantastic and I thank you all for it its been a real pleasure J

Thank you all so much again, its been amazing

Brittany hugged him back, "I'm so glad your okay now Brittany" Alvin cried joyfully

"I missed you Alvin" Brittany cried, seeing Alvin cry brought on her own tears

"Brittany I wuv yew" Alvin told her

"Alvin I wuv you too" Brittany told him.

Alvin's eyes flashed open, "urgh where am I"? Alvin moaned

"ALVIN" a familiar voice cried out, as his eyes adjusted to the light he became aware of who was with him in this room he now understood to be a hospital room, looking round he saw the faces of his mother and father, Claire and Dave Seville, his two brothers Simon and Theodore Seville and his friends the Chipettes Jeanette and Eleanor Miller and last but not least he saw his wife Brittany Miller

"NURSE, HE'S AWAKE" Claire called out down a hallway and seconds later a nurse comes rushing through the doors

"what's going on here"? Alvin asked confused

"Mr Seville, you've been in a coma for the last six months" the nurse told him…

A/N hope you liked that little twist at the end, I really enjoyed writing this fic, and I just want to thank you all again for being so wonderful and supportive I'm gonna miss you all, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH