I'm incredibly sorry to whoever thought that this was a new chapter! I know I haven't updated in months...I've explained below :)

Hello guys,

I apologise for not updating in eons! Between having a laptop blow up, having absolutely no internet connection and being swamped with coursework and exams prep...I've had absolutely no time to type up any of the chapters yet. They are planned out and practically ready to go, I just don't have the luxury to do that right now. Hopefully, well the current plan is to bombard you with updates following the 18th May. I'm hoping that out there that there are people who are still slightly interested in this fic.

In the mean time, I may....depending on circumstance post a couple of one shots I have on the PC before I delete them, they probably will be my last ever Camp Rock one shots, as I've seem to completely gone off the franchise. Sad times.

One of the last reviews said they wanted Nate to appear, so I was wondering if you guys would like me to put in a Nate POV in between this chapter and the next? Feel free to let me know and any sort of suggestions will be greatly cherished :)

Many thanks and hope to see you soon

Cassie :)