– Hey guys…I'm trying my hand at a new one here. I don't watch much Kyo Kara Maoh, but I thought that this would be a cute pairing…especially since Gwendal seems to be the straightest of all the guys. lol. So yeah, R&R my friends!

White Lies

Gwendal rolled over on his back, twisting the sheets around his legs. He grumbled softly, rearranging the offending covers. A steady rain pattered against the window pane behind him, and he could just barely hear the distant thunder rolling in. He sighed, knowing what that meant. He reached over to push the knitted plush toys that usually shared his bed with him into a basket beside his bed. He fluffed the pillow next to him – knowing full well it wouldn't be used at all. He briefly considered putting on a shirt – but decided he'd be too warm if he did that. Finally satisfied, he stretched back out, throwing his right arm above his head, absentmindedly twisting at a strand of his long hair as he fell back asleep.

He was almost dreaming when the little creak of the hidden passageway door brought him back to wakefulness. He listened to the pitter patter of bare feet padding across the floor towards him. He felt the bed shift under added weight and the blankets move as something burrowed under them. Finally, a slender trembling body scooted up next to his, pressing as close to him as it could. Her head rested on his wide chest, tickling his skin with her quick, shallow breaths. He brought his arm down around her waist, holding her to him and rubbing his thumb across the dip above her hip.

"Shh, I'm right here," he whispered, instinctively knowing what she needed to hear.

After all, they had begun this ritual when they were small children. She had always been afraid of thunder storms, and since they were young she'd slept in his bed during them to calm her fears. When it came to her, Gwendal was a pushover, and she knew it. He didn't really mind though. He'd never admit it out loud, but sometimes it was nice to feel her soft body next to his, relying on him to protect her. That's what he did best after all…protect people. It was his job and he loved it. Sometimes it stressed him out – but that's why he had her. And when she was the object of his stress – he knit…which she taught him how to do in the first place. She whimpered a little when a loud crack of thunder shook the castle. He offered a kiss to the top of her head, whispering little nothings to calm her down. She finally relaxed, slipping a leg between his to get comfortable and rubbing her cheek against his chest like a kitten. Her breathing slowed finally as she fell asleep, sheltered from the storm raging outside.

"I wonder if you'll ever outgrow this Anissina," he thought to himself.

He fell back asleep himself, his hands tangled in her long magenta locks.

The next morning, Gwendal awoke to his name being called softly. He opened his eyes to find his friend straddling him in a nightgown.

"Anissina," he growled, his voice even more gravelly from sleep. "What are you doing?"

"You overslept, lazy bones," she accused, throwing a pillow at him.

Even though he was still groggy, he easily batted it away, scowling up at her. Her thin silk gown made it hard to keep that scowl plastered to his face though. Shaking his head, he threw her off him roughly. She landed next to him with a bounce, yelping at his action.

"You're welcome, you grump."

He cursed under his breath when he realized just how late it was.

"Get out, I need to dress."

"I think you should go to work like that," she teased, gesturing to his sleep pants.

"You know Ani…if you weren't such a baby about the storms, I wouldn't be late for work."

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep better when I'm in bed with you," she shot back.

He had nothing to say to that, because he knew she was right…and so did she. She sauntered over to him in that damn…thing…she was wearing – he was seriously considered issuing an order banning the use of silk for sleep attire. She approached him, running one tantalizing fingernail down his chest.

"I don't see what the big deal is Gwen, it's not like I haven't seen you in your underwear before," she mewed.

"Not since we were kids, you haven't," he said, attempting to back up and get his clothes.

She followed his movements step for step, her hand still hovering above his skin, "Incorrect. I have in fact seen you completely naked three times since then."

He balked, "What!?"

"Well, you were unconscious for two of those times and unaware of my presence for the third," she explained.

"I don't even want to know," he sighed, resigning himself to defeat.

He finally decided that there was no point in being more late than he already was, so he discarded his sleep attire and donned his uniform quickly. Anissina, for all her fuss, wasn't even paying attention. She was playing with one of his knit kittens. He ran a brush through his hair then attempted to tie it. His ribbon snapped though, eliciting a grunt of frustration from him. Anissina grabbed another ribbon from his drawer and tied it up herself. Mumbling a 'thanks', he strapped his sword to his side and made for the door. He stopped before opening it, turning to her with a softer look in his dark blue eyes.

"Thank you for waking me up Ani," he hesitated a moment before adding, "Gunther says it is supposed to thunder storm intermittently for two days…so just leave your nightgown in my dresser if you like. But you can't take over my bathroom again," he warned.

She grinned at him, "I won't, I promise. Just get to your office before Gunther comes looking for you. I'll see you later."

"Okay…'til then," he mumbled, putting on his 'serious' face and leaving her.

She smiled after him…silly Gwendal. He'd never know her secret unless she told him. Maybe she would tell him soon. He might be just about ready to know that she hadn't been afraid of lightning, thunder, storms, or anything of the kind since she was a teenager. She giggled to herself. So many decades had passed and he still hadn't figured it out. Now she only hoped that the thickheaded man would figure out the implications once she told him. Oh well, she supposed she could spell it out for him – she did enjoy torturing the man. Speaking of torture, she needed to work on her latest invention today. With any luck, she'd have it finished by lunch time and she could test it out on him in a few hours! With that goal in mind, she set off to her rooms to dress and get ready. In her haste, she used his regular door instead of the hidden passageway though.

Elsewhere, three maids were reconsidering their bets about who would end up with the irritable Gwendal Von Voltaire...
