No ceiling fan. No popcorn ceiling. Instead there were high rafters of old, dark wood…the underside of a sloped roof. He blinked a little, trying to force his eyes to focus better on the rich, golden light that was filling the room. It was all there…warm and scented with nature, the light, lemony hint of pine needles wafting in through an open window instead of the cold smells of concrete. His eyes took in his surroundings slowly, his whole body flooded with tension as he tried to keep from looking over to the sound of Hakkai's still shaky breathing just yet. He…he could get to finding out if that was really here in a moment.

There were some cups on the table on the other side of the room. Fired clay, from the looks of it…he could see the bubbles in the glaze from where he was. It was one of the oddest things he figured he'd ever take comfort from, but the handmade look of them bolstered his spirit more than he could ever explain. Little inns near rivers did shit like that. Saved money. The fact that he knew that…the fact that he wasn't desperately trying to dig around for information he didn't have, made him bolder.

Bold enough to finally look over at the other man.

His heart nearly stopped…it really was Hakkai…and in an instant all of the doubts he'd had, the fears and worries…they just…disappeared. Who cared if he was dead in some other world? Who gave a shit if he'd written himself off to some kind of unknowable demise by waking up to this. Hakkai was worth it.

I already promised I'd die with him anyhow. Right after I promised…everything else…


If there was anything that could make him decide once and for all that this really was what he'd give up everything for…it was the sight of those beautiful green eyes, brimming with tears. And the warm, solid feeling of Hakkai's body against his as the other man all but tackled him, babbling panicked nonsense about how worried he'd been, how afraid he was that Gojyo would never open his eyes again.

It took what felt like hours to get Hakkai to calm down, but Gojyo was glad for it. Every time he heard the right name fall from those lips, his heart felt a little lighter. Regardless of whether or not it had been a dream, he was starting to remember that he'd gone that whole time without so much as touching someone else, and the way that Hakkai held him, kissed him…

"We thought you were going to d-die…the youkai that stabbed you…his knife had poison on the blade." Hakkai's voice was still shaky, even after Gojyo had finally managed to coach him back down to where he could smile that beautiful worried-but-happy smile he saved for when things finally started to look up after all hell broke loose. "I did everything I could but…dear God Gojyo we came so close to losing you…"

"It's fine, 'Kai." He couldn't help the smile that stretched his lips as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the other man's eyes. Red hair… "I'm here now, ne? And I'm not leaving again."

The breeze made the wind chime in the window rattle a little as he sat there on the bed with Hakkai all but curled around him, murmuring soft, vehement words of thanks and all of the worries he must have been suffering from all this time. Gojyo ignored it, just like he ignored another sound, just on the edge of hearing…like the wail of sirens.

It disappeared soon enough, though. Drowned out by the clatter of the door opening again and the more than welcome noise of Sanzo and Goku coming to check on them both.