Disclaimer: This is what happens when I write on a whim late at night. I own nothing. The title was suggested by the inimitable PhilosopherCat.


Martha Jones told herself that she hadn't meant to do it. Some pushy blokes at a pub kept asking for her number, so she'd given them her old one. She knew she should have just made one up, or refused entirely. She also knew that calling the Doctor and warning him would be the right and correct thing to do. But it was the end of exams, she'd had a few too many, and she didn't make any great effort to remember.

So she forgot.


The Doctor bolted around the console and grabbed the chirping mobile. Without bothering to check the caller ID, he flipped the phone open and pressed it to his ear. "Martha Jones!" he crowed, excitement causing his voice to leap an octave or two.

The voice on the other end was masculine and wholly unfamiliar. "Hello, darling."

The Doctor froze. "Um."

"It's Nick." The Doctor knew five Nicks, three Nnics, and at least one N'k. This person sounded like none of them. "From the pub," the person added, which hardly narrowed things down.

"Hmm," the Doctor said pensively.

"So," Nick continued, "what are you wearing?"

"White shirt, third-favorite tie, pinstripe jacket and trousers, brown overcoat, and white Chuck Taylors--All-Star, not One-Star," the Doctor rattled off. "Hang on, which Nick are you?"

The person on the other end hesitated. "I don't…"

"How many legs have you got?" the Doctor asked impatiently, hoping to at least narrow it down.

Nick hung up.


The next time Martha's mobile rang, the Doctor answered it with a wary, "Hello?"

"Doctor? It's Martha."

The Doctor's face broke into an ear-to-ear grin. "Martha Jones! How are you?"

"Really good!" She sounded happy, the Doctor was pleased to note. "But look, I just remembered, and I thought I should tell you…"

"Yes?" the Doctor prompted.

"I may have accidentally given my old mobile number out to a few people."

The Doctor leaned back against the console. "I see."

"Just… some guys," Martha said, sounding sheepish. "From the pub. I'm really sorry; I wasn't thinking, and I just gave them the first number that came to mind."

"It's quite all right," the Doctor reassured her.

"No one's called you, have they?"

The Doctor considered his answer for exactly one second. "Nope, no one."

"Really? I mean, that's great—I'd hate to think of random blokes ringing you at all hours."

"Nah, nobody's called. In fact," the Doctor started to grin, "I've rigged the phone to reject any calls that don't come from your number, so you can keep giving it out as far as I'm concerned."

"Oh!" Martha said, sounding somewhat taken aback. "Makes sense, I suppose."

"I am nothing if not sensible," the Doctor said, feeling quite pleased with himself—so much so that he only deflated a little when Martha started to laugh.


The next time Martha's mobile rang, the Doctor carefully checked the caller ID. It was an unknown caller. Grinning widely, he flipped open the phone.