Help me… please! Someone! Why won't you listen? Surely you can see past my mask. Please, why won't you help? I'm drowning in a sea. A sea of expectations and must does. There are many watching, too many, yet they all seem to be blind and also deaf. Is it possible? or voluntary?

Why won't someone help? Can they not see? Can they not hear or feel? I'm drowning, suffocating, help. Please, before it is already to late.

Come now, please. Notice something wrong!? Look past my façade. I don't know how to pull it down. It must be chipped or shattered from the outside. The person on the inside is too carefully restrained, too precisely chained. Help must come to m you see? There is no other way. It is all passing by. They all think I am what they want me to be; but they don't know this isn't me. Can't you see?

Somebody must it is killing me. All this pretending is fake; I don't know how to stop. It is addicting picking me up and dragging me on. Somebody teach me how to stop, teach me to be me! Somebody teach me, somebody please.

It's disappearing, this urge to be me. Everything, even the tears seem superficial to me. Why bother tearing off the mask? The person inside is dying already. No one heard it so no one can help. I'm killing me.

Don't bother anymore. It doesn't matter, I'm not me anymore. It is just a shell of what everybody expected me to be.

I mastered masks and no one noticed because no one could tell.

Don't worry. I'm not here anymore. Don't try. There is nothing left.

I killed myself, something no one else was able to do.