Meee: Lol. So here's something really dumbb.

Dislaimers: Noo not minee.

He saw the way he stared at him.

It was so disturbing.

C'mon, really? Braig (lovehimlovehimlovehim) couldn't believe Even liked little boys.

And Ienzo looks like he's catching on. He looks like he's sick to his stomach.

So, Braig was leaning against the castle wall, smoking a Marlboro Red 100 (fuck yeh) when little Ienzo began to approach him. He had a mischievous look on his pale face, and the older man's interest was instantly peaked.

"Hey, kid. What's up?" he asked casually.

Ienzo shifted uncomfortably. "The thing is, well, Even kind of scares me. And you don't."

Braig cocked his head to the side, raising a dark eyebrow. "...And?"

"Can you, well, do something so he'll bug off?" His voice was sincere.

Braig tapped a gloved hand to his chin, smiling mischievously. "Alright. Hold on one sec, kid. I'll be right back." Braig ran into the castle, leaving an impatient little Ienzo to just, well, sit there and tap his little foot anxiously.

A few minutes later, the gunman came out with a weird gun. It wasn't any type of weapon he had seen before. (Insert innuendo here.)

"You're gonna shoot him?" Ienzo asked, almost hopefully.

"Yah, but I won't kill him," he winked. "These are paintballs. You see, Even is a clean guy, and doesn't like when thing's get all dirty. Soo, this'll send him running."

"But won't you get into trouble?" Ienzo asked.

"Me? As if!" he laughed.

Even was inside his room in the castle, doing lordy knows what. Braig and Ienzo crept towards it, before the former turned the knob.

Even was reading something, so he didn't notice (dumb ass.) So Braig loaded a few paintballs, put his finger to the trigger, and fired away.

"What the hell??!!!!" Even screamed frantically, shooting up and looking around terrified. He was now covered in paint, and damn that must have hurt! Bad Braig!

In a flash, Ienzo and Braig ran away while Even TRIED to compose himself.

The blond man stumbled to the door, peering out of it and almost collapsing in pain. "Master Ansem? Master Ansem??" he cried between breaths. "Braig, I'm going to KILL you!"

Suddenly, Aeleus turned the corner and gasped, "What happened to you?"

"Br-Braig. H-he shot me with pai-paintballs," he gasped.

Aeleus shook his head, "Yeah, that was strange. I just saw him and Ienzo running out of the castle."

Even let out an angry sound. "He put Braig up to it, I as-assume. Braig would do anything t-to shoot something."

Before they could talk more (lol, like Aeleus wants to talk to him anyway xDDD), Ansem came around the corner. "Even, Aeleus, what is all the ruckus?"

He groaned, collapsing to his knees, "It was Braig. He and, I-Ienzo pelted me with paintballs. You will do something about it, right?" he begged.

Ansem shrugged, "No, I will not."

The scientist gasped out of surprise, "Why not?"

"I would rather not be shot by my own Apprentice. Something I know he is very capable of."

Even blinked, "Wha--at? He couldn't—"

"He already did. Why do you think I have such a thick beard?"