Almond Cake

"What are you trying to do, Nanako?" The young woman looked back at the Ootori. "I'm trying to bake an almond cake, of course." Kyoya x OC.

By Adaelie

Author's Note; Too many stories? I know, I should be slapped. Anyway, I've yet to see an Alphabet series for Ouran (and if there is one, show it to me). In other words, this is an alphabet challenge for anyone who's willing to try. You can write about any couple, whether it's with a canon or OC. Even both are fine. Different pairings can be mentioned or written about in the series. At least one songfic must be in the collection. And if you can beat me to Z, I'll write anything you want me to write. Of course, if you don't want that; you can bask in the glory that you're better than I am. About the entire series, no lemons. I just, can't stand reading them. If you feel like you want to join, send me the link to the story and I'll follow it accordingly. Also, if you're joining; in the summary mention that it is for Adaelie's Alphabet Challenge, alright? Good luck!

It was a battle.

A battle of many wars to be fought and a battle that the world would forever know as the great almond war.

Yes, that was it. It was a war that would be fought over the almond shortage. That was what it would be called, and that would be what everyone fought for. Indeed, this would be a grand battle that would be known for all eternity.


"Hey!" Nanako shouted, rubbing her forehead. She glared at her significant other, Kyoya Ootori. "What was that for?" The girl exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at him. "Nothing at all." He shrugged in answer, although it seemed as though she would not take that for an answer. "You've been flinging almonds at me for the past few minutes. And besides, I need those!" Nanako complained, stomping her foot onto the ground in irritation. "What? I can't have a little fun from time to time, Nanako?" He answered, the glare of the sun reflecting off of his glasses. "You don't know how to have fun."

He rolled his eyes.

She stomped over, and snatched the bag from the dining table. It was not something strange for him to see her like this. And it certainly was not strange for Kyoya to do something like this, purposely to irritate his wife further. After years, she had finally beaten it into his mind that having fun from time to time was a good thing for him. He hadn't taken her seriously at first, but reluctant as he was; she wouldn't leave him be. So he just went along with it for the time being. Flinging things at her was slowly becoming a favorite pastime for him.

Nanako strolled over towards the kitchen, and grabbed several things. Among those included chocolate cake mix, sugar, marshmallows, coconut, and a package of chocolate chips.

She began to mix the brownish looking powder before pouring it into a pan and sliding it into an oven. This of course was not ignored by the other Ootori.

He however had yet to say a word; instead he just simply stared as his wife fiddled with some sort of liquid with a bemused smile on his face.

Nanako stirred the liquid as it slowly began to solidify. Although, she stopped after a few minutes or so to grab the cake pan out of the oven. Kyoya got onto his feet this time, approaching Nanako as he leaned over the counter. He pinched the bridge of his nose, at least before sliding his glasses up again. "What are you trying to do, Nanako?" The young woman looked back at the Ootori. "I'm trying to bake an almond cake, of course."

He raised an eyebrow, at least before coughing slightly. Nanako had never cooked before as far as his knowledge went. Frankly, it was no wonder why he felt his stomach lurch slightly. There was no way he was planning on eating something that she cooked. Kyoya loved her, but he was not planning on having a cake paralyze him.

She frosted the cake, and dropped almonds on the surface. She dusted off her hands, leaving it there for a moment.

The great almond battle was not yet over as far as Nanako was concerned.

"Why do you look so sick, Kyo-chan?" She said, emphasizing on the Kyo. He narrowed his eyes at her, at least until his expression faltered once she brought the cake and placed it on the counter in front of her. "You want some?" Nanako asked, as Kyoya leaned forward to further identify if it was safe to be eaten.

Her eyes glinted.

She pushed his face forward into the cake, before having a giggling fit only a moment later. "So, you found this to be funny, did you Nanako?" He said, cleaning the cake right off of his glasses.

She traced her finger onto his face, and licking the cake on her finger. "I really do." Nanako answered. He shoved her face into what was left of it in the pan. She lifted her head up, flicking the cake away from her eyes. He mimicked her previous action and licked it off of his finger. He smiled. She smiled.

"Wonderful almond cake, dear."

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, love."

He may have won the battle, but he had yet to win the almond war. Look out Kyoya, Nanako's got plenty more plans up her sleeve.