A/N- Just a very short one shot that I wrote when I was in a really angsty mood. Cookies to anyone who can work out who's POV it is written from! Xxx
You never thought this would happen to you. It's been three weeks now, and he hasn't come. They keep on ringing you, but you don't answer. They tried to come and see you, but you supposedly changed the locks.
You don't know what to do. No one knows what happened, you just disappeared. But no one would notice anyway, they never see you. They just see the tea boy- they only notice you're not there because of the lack of coffee. Everyone I bring here stares at you. I can see it in their eyes- dirty. You let me do this to you. You're a slut.
Jack would know what to do. But Jack isn't here. He's left you, just like the rest of them Ianto. Because you're worthless. You're dad was right, you realise that now, don't you? Everything that happened was your fault; the accident, the investigation that followed and your mother's death. Everything.
No one will ever love you, Ianto. No matter what Jack says, he doesn't mean it. It's all lies, Ianto. He's just saying that to keep his fuck toy. You're meaningless, Ianto. In Jack's world, everyone is meaningless. He will live forever, and remembers no one. Except me. He will remember me for all eternity, because he loves me. And you're just getting in the way. Oh, Ianto, don't cry. You're not worth the tears.
You cried on the night that it happened, didn't you Ianto? You cried when I attacked you. When I dragged you down an ally and raped you, in broad daylight. You screamed, and no one came, especially not Jack. Why would he come to you Ianto? I'm the one he loves. I'm the one he cares for. And he'll realise that, now that I've got you. Now that the eye candy has been taken away, he'll listen to his heart.
I don't know why you scream for him Ianto, he's not coming. There is only me. Me and pain and darkness.