A new story!

I know I said I was going to do Carlisle/Bella

But… 'CauseILike'EmHOT gave me an idea!

Plus I need some people to say that they like my idea…

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Summary: Bella is an orphan with a tough past and Billy adopts her. Every house
that Bella goes to she is sent back to the adoption agency within a month and
expects this to be the same. But when she comes to live with Billy Paul
imprints on her. What will happen? Will she tell everyone what happened to her?


I was sitting in my room, well they call it a room but I call it a closet I share with three other girls. I just found out I was getting adopted. Apparently they have seen me around here and thought I was perfect, I don't see why they would think that. I just got done packing. Most girls would be excited that they are getting adopted but I've been through this too many times. I usually stay for about a month before I have to go back. I don't think this one will be different.

I am brought out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my door. I look up to see Becky, the person who owns this place. She is the nicest person that I had to stay with while waiting to get adopted. The others would call me names like slut. "Isabella, your new adopted father is here." She says in her high pitched voice. The only thing I don't like about her is that she calls me Isabella instead of Bella.

I just nod my head and grab my small duffle bag. I follow her out my old bedroom's door. We walk down the stairs and into the conference room. The first thing I notice is a giant. I'm not exaggerating either. He had short, sleek black hair. He had to be at least 6'3. He was really tan. I think he they are Indian.

"This is Billy, your new adopted father and his son, Jacob." I flinched when I heard the last name. Jacob. That was the name of the guy I lost my virginity to when I was eight. I looked at the giant, I mean Jacob, to see he was frowning. Crap! I ruin everyone's life. "And this is Isabella." Becky continued.

She called me that again. "It's Bella." I said turning to look at Becky's face. She looked confused. I sighed. "I go by Bella. I've told you that." I said, annoyed.

"I don't see why. Isabella is a lovely name." She said.

"For someone like you, not someone like me." I replied, probably sounding like snobby girl.

She stared at me in shock. I've barley said any words to her since I've been here. Billy cleared his throat awkwardly. I turn to look at them at them. "You ready to go, Bella?" He says. I smile at him calling me Bella. I nod my head. Jacob, I still flinch when I think his name, grabs my bags and heads towards the door. I wave at Becky and follow Billy out the door. We walk out the door of the adoption agency. We walk to a 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit. "A Volkswagen Rabbit?" I say out loud to no one.

"Yup, it's a-" I cut him off.

"A 1986." He looks over at me in shock. "I know a little about cars." I shrug.

"Where'd you learn about cars?" He asks once he helps Billy in the car.

I tense. "I had to get a job at my old adopted parents' house. I made a couple of grand in three weeks." I said stiffly.

"You only stayed for three weeks?" He asks. I nod. "What'd you do with the money?"

Crap! "I gave it to my adopted parents'."


"They made me." I said glaring at him. I saw Billy look at me from corner of my eye.

The rest of the car ride was silent. After about three and a half hours we got to their house, I mean our house. The house was a red color. It was pretty small but it looked homey. I got out of the car and helped Billy. I decided that if I was nice, I might not get to hurt. Every time I got adopted, I would get hurt. I've been without a family since I was six. I don't even remember anything before then. The first time I was adopted, I would always get hit. I stayed there for three months. That was the longest I stayed a place but then my teacher called the cops when she saw slap marks. Ever since then, I would only stay for a month or less because of what they would do.

When we were inside, Billy turned to Jacob. I am actually getting better when I think his name. "Jacob." I flinch a little. Maybe I spoke to soon. "Will you show Bella her room?" He nods and picks up my duffle bag.

He walks up the stairs and turns to his left. He opens the door so I can see a small room, bigger then the closet though, with baby blue walls. He puts my bag down and turns to me and smiles. "My friends and I painted it blue because it's kind of a girl and boys color. We didn't know what color you like. If you don't like it we can change it." He says nervously. They did this all for me? No one has ever done that before.

"I like blue. This room is great," I hesitate before saying, "Jacob." I tried keeping my voice neutral but I don't think I did well.

"Do you hate me or something?" He asks suddenly.

I hesitate. I walk over to the bed and sat down while Jacob stood by the door. "I don't hate you, I just don't like your name." He raises his eyebrow at him. "I lost my virginity to a Jacob." He looks at me in confusion. I stood up and walked over to the door. He took a step back so he was outside the door. "I was eight." I said and slammed the door shut.

A few seconds later, I heard him yell, "You can call me Jake, if you want!" I shake my head and grab my duffle bag. I put the little clothes I have in my new dresser. When I was done, I ran downstairs. I needed to know where the bathroom is before I start crying. I follow the sounds of people and turn into what could be the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are. Are you done packing?" Billy asks. I nod and ignore Jake.

"I was wondering where the bathroom is." I said politely. I was still scared that they'll do something to me.

"Oh. You'll have to share one with Jacob. It's right across from you. Is that alright?" I nod and head back up the stairs. I open my new bedroom door and shut the door. Yes! There is a lock. I lock it and throw myself on the bed.

I can't believe I just told Jake that! This is horrible! He'll know I'm weak. He's probably planning his attack. I sat on my bed crying for how long, I don't know. Finally I got up and unlocked my door. I opened the door hesitantly. I didn't see anyone so I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the water from the sink and splashed my face. They couldn't know I was crying. That would just show more weakness.

Once I was sure, you couldn't tell that I was crying, I brushed my fingers through my hair. When I looked to see my hair was in better shape, I open the door and walked out into the hallway. I slowly walked into the kitchen again to see Billy and Jacob sitting at the dinner table.

"There you are, Bella. We were just discussing what we are going to eat for dinner. I was thinking about ordering pizza." Billy said with a friendly smile. I wonder if Jake told him what I said.

"Actually, I can cook for you guys." I said.

"No you do-." I cut him off.

"I want to. Plus it helps me calm down."

"Are you sure?" I nod. "Well, if you really want to but we don't have much food here. We only really have fish."

"I know a few fish recipes." I said shrugging. Billy showed me where everything was. Billy sat at the table reading the newspaper when Jake came in.

"I'm going over to Sam's to tell them I'm not eating over there, okay?" Billy nodded.

I walked over to the table. "Do you eat like a pregnant woman?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Are you saying I look pregnant?" Jake asks incredulously.

I shake my head. "I'm asking if you eat like your eating for two."

His mouth forms an 'o' shape. "No I eat like I'm eating for four people." He says smiling hugely.

"Alright then. What about you Billy?"

"I eat for two." He says chuckling. I nod my head and go back over by the freezer to start cooking.

I decided to fry the fish. It didn't take long to cook. I cook really fast. When I was putting the food on the table, Jacob and someone else walked in. Billy wheeled in after them. "This smells good, Bella."

"Thanks." I reply.

"Bella this is Sam, Jacob's friend. Sam this is Bella." Billy says.

I try my best to smile at him. Sam just smiles at me.

"Nice to meet you, Bella. I just came to meet you. Jacob came over to tell us you were cooking for them so I decided to come over and meet you."

"Ok…" I said letting my voice trail off.

"It does smell really good." Jacob says sitting down. I nod and start for the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Billy says confused.

"Oh, I'm not hungry." I replied.

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten all day. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just not hungry." I said trying to smile reassuringly at him. I turn around but stop and turn back around. "If you hear screaming coming from my room tonight, don't worry I'm fine. Nice to meet you, Sam." I said and turning around leaving them confused.

I walked in my bedroom and grabbed my pajamas. I walked to the bathroom with my bathroom supplies. I took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas. I ran out of the bathroom into the hallway into someone. I look up to see Jacob and Sam.

"Sorry." I mumble and start heading to my room.

"Wait." Jacob says. I turn back around. "Why would you be screaming tonight?"

"I have nightmares." I said and slipped into my room. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper next to my dresser. I look at the mirror above the dresser. I sigh.

I am so plain. I have brown curly hair with brown muddy eyes. I'm really white and am 5'4. I don't why anyone would want me at all. I shake my head and go to climb into my new bed. I hope I don't wake anyone up with my screaming, was my last thoughts before I fell asleep.


I was sitting in my new bedroom. I was eight years old. This was my second home since I have been putting into a foster home. I first got a new home when I was seven but the person was a mean. My new parents came in. They were really pretty. They both had blond hair and blue eyes but their eyes were a scary icy color.

"Isabella, we are going out of town. We'll be back tomorrow. Listen to Jacob. Do you what he tells you to, okay?" I nod and they left.

I was in my room for the next two hours. Then Jacob came into my room. I looked up at him. He was seventeen. He came down and sat on my bed and just stared at me.

"Do you need something?" I ask politely.

"I need you." He said and pinned me down. He was gripping my arm so tight.

"Let go! You're hurting me!" I screamed. He took one arm off me and ripped my shirt off. While he rapped me, I kept on begging him to stop. When he was done, he got off me and fell asleep with the condom still on. I sat there crying for a few minutes. I finally got off and grabbed my new robe. I ran downstairs and out the door. I stumbled to the neighbors.

They answered the door and looked at me in shock. "Help! I need help!" I screamed.

~end dream~

I woke up screaming help. Darn! One day I want to be able to sleep without having nightmares.

I got up and noticed I was sweating. I usually don't shower in the morning because my hair will be really wet but I only do when I'm sweating so badly.

I grab my clothes for that day and went into the bathroom. I took the fastest shower ever. I changed my clothes and brushed my hair. I through my pajamas in the dirty laundry and ran in the hall to go downstairs. I hope they have coffee. Usually I don't drink coffee unless it's cappuccino or if I'm really tired which is a lot of times.

When I got downstairs, I saw a bunch of half naked guys in the living room with some girls. "Bella! These are my friends." Jake says.

"Oh. Hi Jake." I notice Sam there too. "Hi Sam." I said nodding to him. He just smiles at me. "Hi everybody." I turn back to Jake. "Do you guys have coffee?"

"You drink coffee?" He asks me sounding incredulous.

"I don't really like regular but I've gotten use to it." I said shrugging.

"The coffee's in the kitchen. You know where the sugar is, right?" I nod. I was about to turn when I saw him. He was gorgeous. He had a caramel complexion. He had the same black hair as Jake except it was shorter and a little spiky. His eyes were a deep brown that I could get lost in. He had both ears pierced. He was staring back at me in awe. I blush. I haven't blushed in a long time. Crap! I turned on my heel and walked in the kitchen to get my coffee.

When I got my coffee, I went and sat down at the kitchen table. A few minutes later, Billy came in with everyone else following him. He smiled at me and got himself some coffee. Jacob sat down next to me while everyone else tried to find a seat. I sat there staring at my coffee. I ignored everyone else around me. "Bella?!" I heard Jake shouting. I looked over at him. "I've been trying to get your attention." I gave him a look that was meant for me to say sorry. "I wanted to introduce to my friends." I nod telling him to go on. "This is Embry, Quil, Quil's girlfriend Claire, Seth, Seth's girlfriend Crystal, Leah, Leah's boyfriend Joe, Jared, his girlfriend Kim, Collin, Brady, Sam's wife Emily, and Paul." He looked at me like I was suppose to do something at Paul, the mega hottie. Wait, did I just say that? What is up with me?

I look up at everyone and say, "Nice to meet you." I look back down at my coffee.

"Brady, Collin and my girlfriend isn't here rught now." Jake says frowning. I nod.

"Do you want to go shopping with us girls? We can get you more clothes." I look and notice Kim said it.

I sigh and reluctantly say, "Sure."

"Great we'll leave once we get a hold of everyone else and you eat." Claire said.

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." I said shrugging.

"You're not hungry again. You didn't eat yesterday either. Are you fine?" Jake asks.

I notice Paul looking at me with concern all over his face. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

"We'll make sure she eats lunch, won't we?" Claire says.

Crystal nods in aggreement. "I'll go call the rest of the girls." I sigh. Today is going to be long.

What do ya think?

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I need help! What should Brady, Collin's, and Jacob's imprints name be?

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Peace and Thanks for reading.

*P.S. Should I enter my own story to my own community?