Chapter One

Review please it isnt hard...and who doesn't love green buttons?


I was vaguely aware of someone banging on my door, but I was busy listening to my iPod. So I didn't answer.

"ROSE! Let me IN!!!!" Yelled Lissa. I figured she would annoy me until I let her in...and it was inevitable. I had to talk to her eventually. I walked over to the door and unlocked it.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I come in?" Well, she didn't look like she wanted to murder me...

"Yeah." I moved to let her in. She walked over to my bed and sat down.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me, Rose. I'm your best friend. Don't you trust me?" She looked dejected, with her head hanging down, sitting there pitifully. She wasn't angry, just worried I didn't trust her.

"Of course I trust you, Liss! It's not like I told anybody. I was planning on telling you...but then you found out." I sat down beside her.

"But why? I mean, it's just so unexpected."

"I don't know. It just happened."

"Ok. I understand." She smiled up at me. "So how long have you guys been going out?"

"Well, we never really...went was more...stolen kisses, I guess. Stuff like that." It was good to finally be able to talk about it, even if just Lissa knew. I heard another knock on the door, and immediately stood up to let whoever it was in. When I opened the door, I saw Adrian standing there.

"Really, Rose? You and Belikov?" He said. His face was contorted in pain, and I could see tears brimming in his eyes.

" did you know?" Only Lissa had found out. That was it...right?

"I overheard you and Lissa talking."

"So you just assume it's Dimitri?" Now I was angry. "What? You just stand outside my door and listen to my conversations?"

"I know it's Dimitri, because I just saw you the edge of the forest. And you and Lissa talking confirmed it. By the way, I came to check on you. I wasn't spying." He looked at his hands. "Just...why him? Why him and not me?"

"You saw us kissing, too? Geez, how many people saw?"

"Well, um, you know Lissa heard it from Ralph... but Jesse and Ralph paid me for some beer. They got kind of drunk...and wandered over to the forest and saw you. Well, that sobered them up a bit, and they ran off to tell everyone."

"You...this is your fault!" I slapped him.

"Ow. But I guess I deserve that." He rubbed his face.

"You sure as hell did! Go away, Adrian." I slammed the door in his face and walked back to my bed and flopped down and started crying. I felt Lissa's hand on my back, soothing me.

"I'm sorry, Rose." She said. "What are we going to do? Will Dimitri get fired?" I hadn't even thought about that.

"I don't know, Liss." I said between sobs. "It's up to Kirova. And she hates my guts." My cell phone vibrated, and I reached over and flipped it open. One new message. It flashed. I clicked on it and saw it was from Dimitri.

Who saw? Roza, what are we going to do? Kirova wants to talk to me. I'm currently in the waiting room.


well jesse and ralph paid adrian 4 some beer so they got a littl drunk and wandered over to the 4est and saw us. that soberd thm up and they went to tell ppl. Thts how evry1 found out. wat r u gonna do? r u gonna get fired? :(


Great. Damn zeklos. We'll figur it out. idk... i mite get fired. but it doesn't matter. im tired of hiding our relationship.


Dimitri u can't lose ur job! wat will u do?? where will u go??


Roza, I will be fine. Just worry about you. Please. I have to go, Kirova just called me. I love you.


I set the phone down. "Who was that?" asked Lissa.

"Dimitri." I whispered. "Kirova is talking to him."

"What are you going to do? How can I help?"

"I don't know, Lissa. God this is bad. Dimitri is going to get fired...I might be expelled...We won't be able to guard you. Damn, my life is screwed." I put my face in my hands.

"It's ok, Rose. It'll all be ok." She soothed. There was I loud knock on my door, followed by Stan's voice.

"Rosemarie Hathaway. Headmistress Kirova wishes to speak with you." He said. I motioned for Lissa to be quiet.

"Go back to your dorm after the coast is clear," I whispered, heading towards the door. She nodded and knelt behind the bed. I opened the door and walked over to Stan.

"Well, come on. I don't have all day." I glared at him before turning abruptly and heading down the hall.

I walked through the door to Kirova's office and sat down in a chair next to Dimitri. He looked tense...yet relieved. And odd combination.

"Rose. I assume you know why you are here."

"Yep." I said bluntly.

"You realize it is illegal, right?"

"Not really. I turn 18 in a week."

"Could you have waited a week, then?"


"Ok, then. I summoned you here to tell you that the Academy will try to cover this up, smooth it over. Vasilisa deserves a guardian as good as you. And Guardian Belikov has resigned. He will work at Royal Court, as will you and the Princess after graduation in two weeks."

"Wha...really? Just like that? It's gone?"

"Just like that. Well, I imagine you will have to undergo the rumors from your peers."

"I can handle that."

"Yes. It's happened before. Well, you two may go." She was already looking down at the files on her desk. Dimitri held the door open for me, and we went to the guardian lounge, which was empty. I sat down and Dimitri fixed us some hot chocolate.

He handed me mine, which I hesitantly sipped. It wasn't too hot, so I chugged it. I heard Dimitri chuckle.

"Wimp." I muttered.

"Oh, Roza." He bent and kissed the top of my head. "what will I do without you?"

"It's just two weeks." I said. But I was already upset about the small separation.

"Two weeks without you," He said as he bent down to kiss me. He pulled back after a few minutes, breathing heavily.

"Let's go to the roof." He said.

"Ok." He pulled me out of the chair and we walked towards the roof, hand in hand. We didn't see anyone, but it was daytime, so it wasn't too surprising.

We sat down on the edge of the roof, and Dimitri put his arm around me, pulling me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he put his head on top of mine. We watched the sun rise, our last one together for a while.

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