Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Stephenie Meyer. The original characters are the property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.

I've made you wait long enough, so on with the story.

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Chapter 43


A couple of hours later, we were settled in Bella's maternity room, with the babies beside the bed in the incubator bassinets. We were able to relax because we had a full army stationed outside the door and all over the hospital, courtesy of the FBI and local law enforcement.

In between naps, Bella and I discussed which names we felt fit the babies now that they were here in the flesh.

We decided on Garrett Edward and Giana Marie. Garrett weighted in at 3 lb 10 oz, 16 inches, and Gia was a whopping 3 lbs 7 oz. 15 in.

Emmett and Jake were both staying at the hospital until everything was settled and Tanya was sent to a psych facility. They both respected our space and agreed that we needed to bond as a family without constant visitors.

When Gia woke up and demanded a bottle, our nurse appeared at the door with a tiny little one, warmed up and ready to go. Prior to the kidnapping, Bella and I hadn't decided if she was going to breast feed, but that decision had been taken away from us by Tanya due to the drug injection that she gave Bella.

Dr. Denali wasn't able to determine what Tanya gave her, so we weren't taking any chances that she pass the drug on to the babies through breast milk.

The FBI had extensively interviewed Dr. Denali and even put him into a polygraph examination and it was determined that he didn't play a role in the kidnapping and baby stealing. He had no prior knowledge of what his daughter had planned. I had truly hoped that he was telling the truth, and was completely relieved, that my dad's friend and longtime business partner was the upstanding man that we always thought he was.

The other business owners and employees in the building gave statements and none of them had seen Dr. Denali at the office since my dad had moved to Seattle, effectively ending business operations. They assumed that Tanya was a real estate agent who was preparing the space for sale or rental. No one had ever asked her any questions about why she was there.

According to Emmett, Carmen was a godsend after Tanya arrived at her house with Garrett. She immediately took possession of my son and continuously made excuses for Tanya to not hold him. She knew that her daughter had not acquired the baby legally, but didn't know whose it was. She opened a 911 line and left her phone on the hall table in order for the police to come to their house. She was not aware that not only were the local police already on their way, but so was the state police, Sherriff's office and FBI.

Selfishly, I wished I could have been there to see Tanya's face when all of those law enforcement vehicles and helicopters pulled into the entire neighborhood. Emmett recapped a little of what happened, when they got to the scene.

He had been able to catch a ride in the chopper with Charlie and took it upon himself to grab Garrett when Charlie shot Tanya. I couldn't wait to get the full story on how that all went down.

I heard through the hospital rumor mill that Tanya felt every stitch during the suturing and they even let a first year student practice his sewing skills.

I still let out a chuckle each time I think of it.

My parents had taken care of coordinating everything at home and waited until they heard that we were all in one place before making the drive to Port Angeles. They didn't want to be in the car headed to Port A only to find out that we were in a different city, or headed to a different hospital.

We expected them any minute now. And truth be told, I couldn't wait for them to arrive. There is nothing like a hug from your mother no matter what age you are.

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We were settled in with another bottle when Charlie came huffing and puffing into the room. It seemed as if he ran the whole way through the hospital. Both father and daughter burst into tears when they saw each other. Charlie immediately sat down on Bella's bed and gently pulled her into a bear hug and they cried on each other's shoulders. It brought me to tears.

Part of me still felt that what Tanya did was my fault. It was going to take me a little while to get rid of the guilt that I felt.

"Bella, please tell me that you are okay." I heard Charlie ask into her hair.

"Yes, daddy, I'm fine now. I was so worried about you. What happened?" She still held on tightly to him and he to her.

"Well, it's a long story, but it all came down to Tanya not wanting to give back my grandson and I just acted. I probably shouldn't have even been in there, but I couldn't just stand back and watch her do whatever that crazy head of hers was planning. I had to get our little guy back, and I wasn't about to let her take anything away from me . . . or you."

"Emmett said that you shot her. Are you in trouble?" Bella questioned.

"No. One of the FBI guys came forward and stated that he asked me to take a shot because he didn't have a clean angle." He looked down at his feet. "As soon as I took the shot, Emmett ran in and grabbed the baby before anyone else could react. He totally caught everyone off guard, including Tanya and her mother. Tanya screamed bloody murder about Emmett taking the baby. Her mother gave him up willingly."

Before we could go any further with the recap's, my parents burst through the door and my mom ran straight to Bella and pulled her into a tight hug, pushing Charlie out of the way. My dad grabbed me and we shared a hug that rivaled the ones I could get from my mother.

"Mom, not so hard, she just had a c-section." I gently reminded.

My mom loosened her hold, but still sobbed uncontrollably.

"We were so worried about all of you." My dad said, still holding on tightly.

"I know. It's been a rough day, but we are all fine now."

Introductions were made with the babies and their grandparents. My dad actually cried when he held them. I had never seen him cry before, but it was an emotional day, and we had all shed more than a few tears.

Emmett had gone out and bought some take-out food for all of us to snack on. While we ate, everyone shared their part of the drama with the group. Bella and I needed to know what everyone went through, and their take on the situation, before we could put the incident behind us and move on with our lives.

We knew there would probably be a trial and we would have to go over other every detail again, but for now, we were ready to enjoy our children and lives without all of the additional drama.

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On the fourth day after the delivery, Bella was being discharged from the hospital and we were able to have the babies transferred to Seattle via helicopter. I had never been more grateful that my uncle was still chief of staff and was able to do that for us. It also helped that Bella was still an employee of the hospital.

After the hospital transfer, our lives became a steady routine. I worked a reduced schedule, and as much as we were able, we spent our time at the hospital caring for our babies. We were lucky that Bella's recovery wasn't any more difficult than a regular c-section.

My parents, Charlie and Emmett were there every time we needed them, for whatever we needed. Charlie took an emergency family leave because he just couldn't be away from Bella and the babies.

My dad kept the practice running and Carlisle was already working there two days a week. The hospital had a couple of promising replacements for the Chief of Staff position, so Carlisle should be able to leave and work for us full time very soon.

My mom cooked, cleaned and did our laundry in addition to driving Bella wherever she wanted to go.

I got the impression that she was still feeling a little guilty for the Tanya situation but was going a little bit overboard.

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Garrett and Gia were almost a month old and growing steadily. They would soon be discharged from the hospital and not only would we be taking them home, but we would be taking them to our new home. We had just gotten the occupancy permit and were starting to pack up the condo. The furniture we had bought was being delivered daily and we really only needed to move our personal affects.

Saturday morning found us boxing up clothes when there was a knock at the door. I grabbed one of the full boxes and took it to the living room before opening up the door.

"Jasper, hey, come on in." I shook his outstretched hand and noted his serious expression.

"Edward. Sorry for not calling ahead of time."

"Nonsense. Come in, have a seat." I said as I walked us to the couch and sat down.

Jasper sat down on the chair and faced me.

"So, Monday, when Alice and I were leaving the hospital after visiting the babies, Tanya's parents approached me and wanted to talk. I didn't come to you right away because I needed to investigate some of the things that they said."

"Okay." I was nervous wondering what they wanted. I seriously hoped they didn't want us to drop the charges against Tanya. And more importantly, why they were at the hospital.

"They want to sit down and talk to you, Bella and your parents. They don't like the way the case is going with Tanya, and I agree with them." He said timidly.

I stood up quickly and started pacing the room.

"Oh, shit. Ed, that isn't . . . crap, it's not what you think. The DA's office wants to pursue an insanity plea. Carmen and Eleazar want her to serve time in a Federal prison. They don't want her out of prison or in a psych facility where she might be able to get out and come back here to mess with your family again."

I blew out a big breath, and went to the bottom of the stairs to call out to Bella, for her to join us in the living room.

Once she joined us, I had Jasper start at the beginning and tell Bella everything that he told me.

It didn't take much to convince us to meet with the Denali's at Jasper's office. I called my parents and they were also on board with the discussion, and I was also going to have Jake there to provide more input of what we could or couldn't ask for in her prosecution. Of course, Charlie would be there, too.

Emmett and about a dozen officers would be at the hospital guarding the babies because we couldn't be too careful.

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AN: Sorry for the epic delay. I didn't like where my typing was taking us on this journey, so I deleted the chapters that I written and started again. It was as if my mind and fingers on the keyboard weren't communicating. I think I like the way things are going now, so you should get more chapters without too much delay.