A/N: Hello, my darlings! We are back, and getting down to business. Not much news on my end, except that this story is almost to 100 reviews! It's so close, I can taste it... So, after you read this terribly exciting new chapter, review!
Disclaimer: Don't own Twilight. Except on Blu-Ray. I also own New Moon on Blu-Ray. You guys are lucky I even left my living room this week!
"What?!" I gasped as Jake dragged me to the window, checking to make sure that Charlie was out of sight. When he saw that the cost was clear, he motioned for me to jump out the window. I ripped my hand from Jake's grasp, wheeling on him in astonishment.
"What do you mean Charlie's back? I thought you said he was at your dad's house!"
"He was," Jake spit out, trying to get me to jump out the window. "But he's back now. We have to go! Charlie can't see you like this! It would kill him!"
Charlie's here? Now? In this house, at this very moment?... And he wants me to leave?
"No." I said, surprising even myself.
Did I really just say that?
I shouldn't want to stay. I should want to run away and protect Charlie. I could kill him! Even if he didn't notice my strange appearance, he would want to know where I was, and why I had disappeared for a week. I couldn't actually tell him any of that. I should want to run away, and forget what Charlie looked like. I should want to make it easier to forget him. I should want to make it easier on myself to be immortal. I should leave now.
And yet, I couldn't.
The urge to protect Charlie was overpowered by my burning desire to see my father. This might be my last chance! How could I live for the rest of eternity, knowing I threw away my last chance to see my father? I needed to see him. I needed to say good-bye. I needed some closure.
"Are you crazy?!" Jake gasped, stopping in his tracks to gape at me. "What's the matter with you? Charlie's going to want to know where you were! He's going to ask questions; Questions that you can't answer!"
"I don't know!" I yelled at Jake, backing away from him like a petulant child. Why did this matter? Maybe he wouldn't ask any questions! Maybe I didn't even have to worry about it! Even if he did ask, I could fabricate a story; I got kidnapped by someone, but I escaped. Something like that… It… It didn't matter. One way or the other, I needed to see my daddy one last time. Why didn't Jake understand this?
"Bells, even if he doesn't ask questions, you could still kill him! Don't you remember what you are now?"
Don't I remember? Of course I remember! How could I forget?! But I have to see Charlie. I can't throw this chance away; It's too precious.
"Come on Jake, I just want to see him one more time." I put my hand on his arm, looking up at him pleadingly. "Please Jake, I need to see him one last time."
Jake huffed out a short breath, and looked down at me with horrified eyes.
"No." He spat out, shocked I would even ask for such a thing.
Why was he doing this?! Why couldn't I see my own father?
Why am I even asking for his permission?!
It wasn't any of his damn business if I wanted to my father! It was my father! I could feel my rampant New-Born emotions begin to take control of me, but I didn't care. I wanted to see my father, damn it. Couldn't I finally have this one thing? Couldn't I finally get what I wanted?!
For years I had been doing what other people wanted; first with my mother, then with Charlie, then with Edward, then with Jake. I was just a lump of clay, ready to be molded into whoever they needed me to be. I had been a filler; only focused on what they wanted. I was a brainless, personality-less, ditz, who could be turned into the Bella they wanted.
Oh my god. I thought, my fists clenching at the realization that I had been so focused everyone else, I didn't even know who I was.
Sometimes I was Edward's Bella, sometimes I was Jake's Bella. But who am I really? Who am I without Edward or Jake? Who am I?
"Bella, this is stupid. We have to leave, right now." Jake grabbed my hand again, scolding me as if I were a child. I looked at him in wonder, fury bubbling up in me like lava. What right did he have to treat me like this?! He didn't. I wouldn't be Edward's Bella, or Jake's Bella any more. I was just Bella. Me. Myself. No one else.
As I sorted through my identity crisis, I noticed Jake glaring down at me, a disgusting look of reproach plastered all over his smug face. He pulled on my arm, trying to get me to leave with him, peaceably.
He really does think he's better than I am. He thinks he's my parent.
Although I knew that I was acting like one, his treatment of me only fueled my anger.
Again I pulled away from his grasp, my anger flaring dangerously. Who was he to tell me what to do? He couldn't tell me what to do! In the first place, I was older than him. I deserved seniority! In the second place, it wasn't his business what I did. And in the third place, I, for once, was stronger than he was. He couldn't make me do anything that I didn't want to.
"No." I stood my ground, growling low in my chest. I looked up at him with fierce determination, clenching my fists so tightly, that my nails began to dig into my rock solid skin.
"What?" Jake leaned back on his heels, and let out a frustrated breath. "You are being ridiculous, Bella. I won't let you put Charlie in danger."
"You won't… let me?" I growled, my anger threatening to boil over. "It's none of your damn business. He's my father, and I can see him if. I . Want. To." My voice grew quieter, and quieter, and became an icy whisper.
"No, I won't let you be this stupid. Come on, we have to leave." Jake stepped forward, motioning for me to come with him.
In that moment, something inside of me snapped. I snarled at Jake, my fury controlling my actions. I fell into a defensive crouch, waiting for him to dare to move towards me. If he thought I was going without a fight, he was sorely mistaken.
Jake snorted in indignation, and began to step forward once again. Before his foot touched the ground, I had sprung at him, tackling him to the floor. Jake was caught by surprise, allowing himself to wrestled to the ground. Half a second later, when Jake realized what had happened, he threw me off, throwing me onto my bed. I was stronger than he was, but I didn't know how to fight like he did.
I dove at Jake again, trying to pin him to the floor. I needed to force him outside, so I could have time to see Charlie. Then, even if Jake got back in, it would be too late. Charlie would already have seen me, and Jake wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Jake wrestled against my hands, twisting out of my grip.
"What the hell, Bella!? What are you doing?" He yelled, backing away from me.
"Jake, I have to see my father. I have to say good-bye!"
"But you're going to kill him!" Jake and I circled each other, each trying to gain the upper hand.
"No. No, I can't kill my own father."
"Yes. You will. How are you going to live with that?"
"Jacob," I pleaded, looking for any weak point in his stance. "If you knew that you weren't ever going to be able to see Billy again, and you knew that he was going to think you had been murdered if you didn't tell him you were still alive, what would you do? Would you be able to walk away, and never speak to him again? Would you be able to pretend he had never existed? Could you let your own father think that you had been brutally murdered, even though you were secretly alive?"
Jacob paused, considering my question, for a tenth of a second.
"Well," Jacob exclaimed, beginning to circle me once more. "I wouldn't lead Billy to his death, like you. I care about my father too much."
That did it. I sprang at Jake, my vision tinted with red.
How DARE he say I don't love Charlie!
We tumbled around the room, wheeling through the air; each of us trying to get the other out the window. I darted out of Jacob's grasp, and leaped backwards onto my bed. I wheeled around, so quickly, that I must have been nearly invisible with speed, and I pounced at Jacob. I grabbed his arms, and flung him over my shoulder, dragging him towards the window. Jacob squirmed, trying to get out of my grasp, but I held firm; I would not let him get the best of me, and I would see Charlie. Nothing could stop me.
Jake's right hand broke free, and he let out a whoop of exultation, but his celebration was short lived. I seized his hand, and using it as momentum, swung Jake around me, and shoved him out the window in one fell swoop.
I felt a grim satisfaction as I heard his body "thud" on the grass below. It wouldn't kill him, I knew, but it might at least wind him long enough for me to find Charlie. I chuckled to myself, and began to close the window. But, before I could go any farther, I heard a quiet gasp behind me. Suddenly, the sweet scent of human blood overwhelmed me, and I wheeled to find myself facing a pair of very familiar brown eyes.
"Bella?" He gasped, his gun dropping to the floor.
It was Charlie. This time, it actually was him. And he had just seen me throw Jacob out a second story window.
Awwwww, dang. Charlie's here! And it actually IS him this time!
You know, I just realized, every single chapter I've written ends with a cliff-hanger. How odd. I wonder why that is...