Sorry for the delay... I got ...confused... anyway feel free to leave reviews with constructive criticism and thank you for your patience :D

I do not own Bleach or these characters in any way.

Once they reached Ishida's apartment he hesitated… "I'll be by to check on you in the morning" Ichigo finally said reluctantly. Ishida nodded, smiled slightly and disappeared inside.

Isshin ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He had gotten as far as he could with his own resources and was stalled without a larger lab. Without access to squad four there were only two options: Ryuuken Ishida or Kisuke Urahara…

Ichigo shook his head at the irony, in just three weeks he and Ishida had gone from friendly enemies to constant companions and trusted friends. Not to mention Uryuu had gone from normal, to eating everything in sight, and now Ichigo had to force him to eat anything at all…

Uryuu watched sleepily as Ichigo moved around his kitchen trying to find something to tempt his appetite. He sighed then smiled slightly in amusement "since when do I think of him as Ichigo?" He absentmindedly noticed Ichigo looking at him and blinked. "Ishida what are you thinking about?" Ichigo asked curiously. Ishida blushed so lightly it was almost unnoticeable "Why are you asking?" he replied cautiously. Ichigo smiled "your expression kept changing and then you blushed…" he trailed off as Ishida blushed again. "It was nothing" he said quickly. Ichigo considered pressing the point but decided to simply enjoy watching him instead. "Eat your food and then we had better get to school" Ichigo said reluctantly he had a bad feeling about today...

Isshin had finally decided to go with both options one and two. He just hoped they wouldn't try to kill each other… or him. He really wished he could talk to Captain Unohana but that currently was not an option. Young Ishida would not be happy about his father knowing he was sick if all he had heard about their relationship was true, but Isshin really needed some help on this one. Not to mention the boy's father really did have a right to know what was going on with his only son. And as the only other living Quincy Ryuuken might also have insights into the cause that Kisuke and he himself might miss.

Ryuuken looked down at the blood sample he was testing in confused disbelief. He had never seen anyone's DNA structure change like this. The person going through the change must be very uncomfortable. The metamorphous process acted rather like a cancer and without proper treatment and hormone injections the body would tear itself to pieces. That blasted Reaper was right Kurosaki definitely needed his help on this one…

Kisuke was fascinated! Where ever Isshin Kurosaki could discover or provide the most intriguing things for him to study, and if he wasn't mistaken this was Quincy blood…

Isshin sighed; it had been a very rough couple of hours. After trying to stop Ryuuken from leaving and keep Kisuke from taunting him he had to explain to Dr. Ishida that his son was the source of the blood sample. It was a good thing they were under Kisuke's shop because his clinic would not have survived the reaction. Ryuuken had immediately blamed Kisuke and tried to kill them both! And of course Kisuke had hidden behind his fan and teased him. Isshin had finally gotten them to settle down and to business.

"Ryuuken I have no idea how your son got into this situation" Isshin began cautiously, "but my son dragged him to our clinic when his fever continued and he couldn't stay awake. I have been performing regular checkups and he has been eating dinner with up for several weeks." Ryuuken glowered "Explain all of the symptoms again" he demanded. "Extreme weariness and trouble staying awake, constant hunger and strange cravings followed by a complete loss of appetite, and over all is the fever. He has had a fever the entire time and even when he ate all the time he lost weight. He has told me that his genitals have lost sensitivity and I blamed the fever" Isshin explained. "So his body is devouring itself…" Kisuke trailed off. "How much have you told him?" asked Ryuuken? "Nothing" Isshin replied "I have said that I sent his blood away for testing and that I would let him know when I found out what was wrong." Kisuke looked intrigued "Well we know what is happening to him so I suppose the next question is why or how if you prefer, and maybe once we figure that out we can decide what to do about it." At peace for now the three men got down to business.

Ichigo watched Uryuu closely as he wavered again why did their desks have to be so far apart? Ishida stood up suddenly and Ichigo flash stepped to reach him as he fell…

Uryuu blinked. What just happened? He stood to go talk to Ichigo and… Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki was holding him and… and what? What was he thinking about again? Ichigo. He was thinking about how nice and safe he felt being held by Ichigo… wait why was Ichigo holding him in the first place? He frowned, and where were they going?

Ichigo caught Ishida before he hit the ground and looked at Orihime and Rukia before nodding to the door. Once in the hallway he asked them to tell the teacher that he was taking Ishida to the clinic and to take care of anyone who noticed his flash step. He was doubly worried as he noticed how little Ishida weighed. The already slim boy was becoming very frail. He watched as Uryuu stirred slightly in his arms and blinked curiously up at him with an adorable expression of confusion on his face. Just as Ichigo decided to explain Uryuu sighed lightly and snuggle into his chest looking content and peaceful. Ichigo blushed. Maybe he should walk a little faster things were worse then he'd thought…

Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated :D