Little Sister: Chapter 3: Troubled.

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach. I own Himeko though :3

Hana-chan was begging again. So here's chappie #3. =w= Sorry for the more than a month-long wait

"Oh. You're not Hisana-chan? Sorry…" Himeko apologized.

Everyone was still staring at her – shocked.

"Himeko, how do you know Hisana-san?" Kurosaki inquired.

"She was my friend when I went to Soul Society."

"You've been to Soul Society?" asked Rukia.

"Yes, of course. 12 years ago." Around the time she disappeared. "I was dragged to Soul Society by a shinigami named Kurotsuchi Mayuri when I was four years old. He brought me to his laboratory and did weird experiments on me. I was able to escape, and found myself in the Kuchiki manor. How I got there was still a mystery to me. I met Hisana-chan while she was walking down the main hall. She found me hiding behind a plant. We talked and became friends. She was very nice, but she seemed ill. She said she was looking for her sister…OH! Are you her sister?" She looked at Rukia.


"I knew it! So Hisana-chan found you! That's great! How is she?" Himeko brimmed with excitement. But something felt wrong.

There was silence.

"Himeko," I began.

"Yes, Ani-ue?"

I motioned for her to move closer.

"Hisana-san died. She died even before she found Rukia-san." I whispered.

"WHAT!?" she exclaimed. "HISANA-CHAN DIED? WH-WHY!? HOW? WHEN!?" She started to cry.

"Himeko-chan…Byakuya-onii-sama told me that she died while searching for me. She was too weak, but still continued to look for me. She died 5 years after she married Nii-sama. Nii-sama found me a year later, and welcomed me into the Kuchiki house." Rukia said with her head down.

Himeko broke down in tears. Inoue-san hugged her and set Himeko on my lap. Inoue-san hit me on the head and said "She's your sister! Take care of her!" and walked out. Apparantly to cry as well.

Why me?

I put my arms around her and said "It's okay, Himeko. Hisana-san was probably reborn here on earth by now. She died in Soul Society long ago."

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ani-ue!!" she sobbed into my chest. "Why did Hisana-chan have to die? Why? Why? Why?" My father said she was mature. I don't see it now.

I sighed. I guess every person has a breakdown every now and then. I hugged her until she was better.

The bell rang. I didn't even finish my lunch yet. I put my bento box back into my bag as Himeko went back to her seat.

Something wrong happened to Himeko 12 years ago.

Hisana-san died far longer than that. Atleast 50 years ago…

Just what happened to her?

[Chapter End]

A/N: Tis short. Sorry.

I did it in a rush...again... Haha. Hope Hana-chan liked it. =w=