Kinyuki blinked in surprise.

"Excuse me? A girl? I'm sorry, Halibel was it? I think you're a bit confused." Halibel rolled her eyes. Without warning, she reached over and ripped Kinyuki's sweater off. Kinyuki, shocked into standing on her own, backed away, letting out a small yelp as she did. Her hands immediately moved to cover her chest. It was wrapped tightly in bandages to hold back her boobs. But seeing as they were bigger than the average pair, she still had to wear baggy clothes like the sweater that Halibel had just ruined. Halibel just looked at her with a you-were-saying look. Kinyuki just looked away, her cheeks bright red.

"I knew it. Oh and by the way, nice rack. They're almost as big as mine." Kinyuki snapped her head towards Halibel, her cheeks getting redder by the second.

"So what? I'm a girl, big deal! And what about my rack?!" Halibel just laughed. She reached over and pulled the ribbon out of Kinyuki's hair. It came down in soft silky strands, despite the fight that had occurred a little bit ago. Halibel looked at her with soft confused eyes.

"You're so pretty. Why do you cover it up? You could have any guy in Hueco Mundo with that cute lil face of yours. Hell, you could probably even seduce that hot head Grimmjow." Kinyuki blushed even harder.

"Why would I want to seduce him?! He's an asshole!!! And besides, its not my choice to cover it up!" Halibel, once again confused, looked at her questioningly.

"Then whose is it?" Kinyuki looked down. She always hated to admit defeat, so dressing like a guy had felt like the most ultimate defeat there was.

"My hollow. I call him Hiroki. I'm the only transgender vizard in existence and Hiroki said if I wanted control of my soul I had to dress like, act like, and fight like a guy. If not he would take control when I least expected it and kill my loved ones. So I ran away from the vizards and became a guy. I went back after a while, but I had to leave again. So I came to Hueco Mundo. Got picked up by Emo boy and asshole. And here I am." Suddenly she couldn't breathe, because Halibel had wrapped her tightly in a hug.

"Oh you poor thing. Forced into such a miserable life. Well you don't really have loved ones here, so you can be a girl." Kinyuki struggled to get her face out of Halibel boobs so she could breathe. Finally she took in some air and answered Halibel.

"True, but if a guy hits on me Hiroki will probably kill them. His logic behind that is that since we're practically one in the same, if a guy hits on me, then the guy is hitting on him to. He doesn't take too kindly to that. Please Halibel, you can't tell any one I'm a girl. Promise?" Halibel just squeezed her tighter.

"Ok, I promise. Oh you're just so adorable. Too bad. It'd be nice to see Grimmjow get a girl. Especially a looker like you." Kinyuki blushed.

"I told you I don't want Grimmjow!" Halibel laughed again. Kinyuki liked when she laughed. It almost made her feel safe. Almost.

"Sure you don't. Whatever. I saw you blushing while you were fighting him earlier. But if you want to be stubborn about it then fine. Come on. Lets go get you some clothes." Using what was left of her sweater to cover her chest, Kinyuki let Halibel lead her into the changing rooms. She was happy, knowing that in such a hostile environment she'd made a friend, or, at the very least, an ally.

Kinyuki was examining her new uniform in the mirror. It had taken a long time to get it because her and Halibel couldn't agree on it. And Halibel kept insisting on giving her a girl's uniform. They eventually settled on this one. Her pants were the same as Grimmjow's and Ulquiorra's, and she wore a long sleeve shirt with a high collar, with black lines forming a cross on her chest. The uniform hid her feminine parts nicely. For the final touch, she pulled back her hair. Halibel sighed.

"What? What is it? Do I look funny?"

"No, no. You look like a respectable young man. But that's the problem. You look like a young man instead of a young lady." Kinyuki smiled and hugged Halibel.

"I appreciate your concern." Halibel hugged her back and got up.

"Well I should probably get you back to Grimmjow. Come on lets go." Sighing Kinyuki followed her out of the dressing rooms.

"Ya, I guess so. Hey can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"I don't think Grimmjow likes me that much. Could you maybe be my…?"

"Wing girl? Of course. See, I knew you wanted him." Kinyuki smacked herself in the forehead. Halibel was not going to give that up.

"NO. Not that. I mean kind of like…..a body guard. Because he thinks I'm a guy. And I would prefer to keep my limbs attached to my body." Halibel put her hand on Kinyuki's back.

"Ya. If he starts shit with you just tell me. I'll snap him into line." They fell silent after that. Halibel stopped Kinyuki and pointed to a door to their left. "This is Grimmjow's quarters. Good luck." With that Halibel wrapped Kinyuki in another hug, pressing Kinyuki's face once again to her gigantic bosom. Suddenly the door opened. Halibel and Kinyuki looked at Grimmjow, who was standing wide-eyed at the pair. Halibel just looked at him and shoved Kinyuki his way. "Here's your new pet." She looked at Kinyuki and winked. "You stay out of trouble. And if you get into trouble……give me all the details afterward." Kinyuki looked at Halibel, rolling her eyes. Halibel walked off, leaving Grimmjow staring at Kinyuki in surprise. He was starting to agitate her.

"What?! Can you please stop staring? You're making me uncomfortable."

"How the hell did you….? With her…?" Kinyuki sighed.

"You're sick you know that?" She walked in the room, Grimmjow right behind her. She looked at the room. There was one bed, a dresser, and a couch. Quite messy. "So…how does this work?" Pulling her roughly by the arm he opened a door that led to another room. Looking in, she saw four guys. The room looked even worse than Grimmjow's. Kinyuki shuddered at the thought of what organisms might live in that mess.

"Yo, D-roy, Shawlong, Ilfort, Edrad. Meet Kinyuki. He's gonna be staying with us for a while." Kinyuki waved kinda sheepishly. The others just stared. Agitated once again, she turned to Grimmjow.

"What is with people and staring here? Is there something wrong with me? Do I look like a freak?" Grimmjow just shrugged.

"Not from what I see. Then again you and Halibel…..there's got to be something weird going on in there."

"Will you shut up about that?! It's not what you think! And make them stop! They're freaking me out!"

"Alright fine! God you're so touchy. You act like a girl." Kinyuki froze. She couldn't let them find out. It was bad enough Halibel knew. She felt a hand on her head. The hand, belonging to Grimmjow, twisted her head towards his. It took her a second before she realized she was staring straight into his eyes, his face inches from hers. Wow. He has gorgeous eyes. Grimmjow was looking at her with an odd expression on his face. Half amusement, half curiosity. Kinyuki's cheeks felt hot, which meant she was blushing again. "Are you gay? Because you act weird for a guy. If you want I could hook you up with Szayel. The guy with the pink hair." Grimmjow stumbled backward from the force of Kinyuki's punch.

"No I'm not gay you ass!" Kinyuki began massaging her hand, because she'd hit the side of his face with his mask fragment on it. "Dammit. All you arrancar are fucking retards." Grimmjow started laughing. Kinyuki growled. "What? What's so fucking funny?!" Grimmjow, still laughing, got up and walked over to Kinyuki.

"I think I might actually start to like you Kinyuki. Whatever. Your bed is over there. Go ahead and get your stuff put up." Kinyuki looked at the room again. She turned back to Grimmjow.

"Is there a possibility that there may be a…..cleaner room available?" Grimmjow looked at her for a second and then went into another fit of laughter. Kinyuki frowned. "What's so funny this time dammit?"

"Are you sure you're not gay? You're the first guy I've ever heard complain about a room being a little messy."

"A little messy? That is the most disgusting room I've ever seen! God, I'm surprised they don't have AIDS or something." Grimmjow looked at her, clearly confused.

"What's AIDS?" Kinyuki was surprised. But then again he probably hadn't been to earth in years. So he probably wouldn't know.

"AIDS is…..never mind. I'll tell you about it some other time. If you get me a clean room." Grimmjow thought about it.

"Ah what the hell. I've got an extra room. But you can only have it if you tell me right now."

"Oh this is going to be awkward." Jumping on what would have been her bed, Grimmjow leaned back.

"Well explain away." Kinyuki took a deep breath and launched into her explanation of AIDS………………

-five minutes later-

"……..and that's what AIDS is…..basically." Grimmjow was now sitting straight up. They were all staring at her, wide eyed. Kinyuki growled. "Again with the staring! Stop it!" Grimmjow stood up.

"Well that's a part of my innocence I'll never get back." The arrancar with what looked like a turban on his head snorted.

"You innocent? Please you've got the dirtiest mind of us all." Grimmjow smirked and nodded.

"Damn straight." Kinyuki looked at Grimmjow wondering just how dirty his mind got. Shaking the thought off, she looked at him expectantly.

"I believe you have a room from me?" Grimmjow grinned.

"Ya I guess I do." Leading her back through his room he opened another door (there were three from what Kinyuki could see). She couldn't help but smile at the small, white, clean bedroom. It was simple like Grimmjow's with a bed, a dresser, and a couch. "Well go ahead and get yourself set up. When you're done D-roy will show you around." Kinyuki nodded.

"Ok. I'll be out in a little bit."

Kinyuki walked into her room happy that the day was over. She stripped out of her uniform and unwrapped her chest. Collapsing on her bed, she just lay there. Suddenly there was a sharp knock at her door. Kinyuki frantically scrambled for the covers and pulled them over her shoulders, as to make sure her bra straps didn't show. Grimmjow walked in.

"Hey, I almost forgot. Tomorrow you've got- OW!" Kinyuki heard something incomprehensible from the other side of the door. "Fine you can tell him! You've got a visitor Kinyuki." He smirked and winked at her, moving out of the way so her visitor could come in.

"Halibel! What are you doing here?" Grimmjow closed the door while Halibel moved to sit on the end of Kinyuki's bed. Kinyuki dropped the sheets and sat up.

"I wanted to see how things were going. Do I need to kick his ass yet?"

"No. It was weird. I punched him in the face and he said that he could probably start liking me. And then I had to explain what AIDS was." Halibel cocked an eyebrow.


"Just let it go Halibel. Just let it go." Halibel just nodded.

"Well about the whole start liking you thing, Grimmjow doesn't like weak people. You showed him a fighting spirit…..well kinda. He enjoys a good fight, and he sees that you do too. So, yeah. I'm glad your getting along well."

"Thanks. Oh and by the way….I hate you." Halibel put on an innocent face.

"Oh, why?"

"You have Grimmjow thinking that you and I are….involved. If not that he thinks I'm gay." Halibel laughed.

"That's what you get for being a guy."

"Halibel! Sympathize with me here! I refuse to live with his teasing! And what did you mean by trouble?! And telling you the details?! What did you think I'd be doing?!"

"Oh I was just throwing that out there, in case you decided you wanted be a girl." Kinyuki threw a pillow at her.

"You're not gonna let that go are you."


"Whatever. What did you come to tell me?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. Tomorrow I'm picking you up and taking you to the training field. Can you do a cero?"

"Vizards can, but I've never learned how."

"Then that's what you're learning tomorrow. I'll see you then. Be a good girl while I'm gone." With that Halibel walked out. Kinyuki sighed and lay back, drifting lazily to sleep.

Kinyuki struggled with her limbs trying to get them to do something. Her left arm was injured and she had a good sized slice to her stomach. And if she didn't move fast she was going to be dead. Mustering as much strength as she possibly could, she moved just as Amaya Tenshi came down. The whip, made of blood instead of water, missed her by inches. Whipping her own Amaya Tenshi around she aimed for her opponents throat, missing. Because her opponent was gone. Looking around she readied Amaya Tenshi. He had just disappeared into the rain. She looked around frantically, searching through her souls everlasting night. A cold breath on the back of her neck made her stiffen.

Looking for me?

Kinyuki had no time to move. A bright red pain flared in her back. Kinyuki just barely realized she had been hit. She fell, landing face down in the wet grass . He made no attempt to hide his presence as he strolled over to her. Kinyuki didn't need to see him to know he had that bastard smile on his face, standing over her with his damn superiority. She was desperately fighting for movement now. She screamed when she felt him kneeling on her wound, pinning her down to the ground. She felt him grab her by the hair and lift her head up. He leaned down and licked the side of her face. She whimpered, wanting him to let her go. Or just end it. Her whimpers seemed to please and amuse him. He snickered, and inhaled the scent of blood and fear, relishing it greatly

You taste quite nice. I have half a mind to consume you right now. With you so weak and defenseless, it would be almost too easy. I could just devour every part of you, you smell so delicious, and you taste even better.

He moved and bit her on the neck, drawing a small trickle of blood. Kinyuki let out a small cry. He licked some the blood off her neck, savoring the taste. His tongue left a stinging sensation on her neck, like snake venom.

Yes, I could easily devour you….but I won't. I'll make a deal with you. If you abandon your vizard friends, and live like I tell you, you can live. I will let you control your body, let you live life. Just live it my way.

Kinyuki just lay there, silent, wondering if it was a trick. Her hollow's hand moved to caress her throat, gentle and threatening.

Do we have a deal?

Kinyuki nodded to the best of her ability. He smiled, took one more taste, and got off of her back. Kinyuki watched her soul world fade to black, and waited for reality to seep in.

Sitting straight up, Kinyuki looked around, terrified. She was still in her room in Hueco Mundo. She let tears fill her eyes and sat on her bed, crying. After she stopped, Kinyuki got dressed, not wanting to fall asleep again.

Oh my! Well chapter 3 is up and running. I will start working on chapter 4 immediately. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm actually having writers block on my authors notes so I'm going to get back to writing the actual story.