Sorry, people it took me so long to update. I have a lot going on, tests, mid term and projects are getting me crazy. I would try to update it faster…

I don't own POT


Last Chapter:

The girl tilt her head looking at Ryoga and then at Ryoma. "Ehh!! I'm so sorry, Oma chan" the now sat on the floor instead of Ryoma with a puppy eyes. Ryoma sigh and look at the girl, "Hana, it okay", the girl call Hana broke out a smile and hug Ryoma. Ryoma got up, but with Hana cling on to Ryoma's neck. "Who is she?" Fuji asked with his eyes open again but, this time he has a very sweet smile.

Ryoma looked at the girl and then at the regulars. "Oh, she is Ecchi Hana."

"Who is she to you?" Fuji keeps questioning Ryoma.

"She is…" Ryoma was interrupted again.

"I'm his fiancé!!" the girl name Hana let go of Ryoma and bowed to them. After 1 minute of shock, Eiji lung to Ryoma and rub his hair.

"Ochibi you are so tricky. You never told us you have a fiancé nya!!!" Eiji exclaimed. Ryoma shrugged to get loose and keep yell out 'She not my fiancée!!' After a minute Ryoma was let loose by his sempia.

"Sempia tachi, could you guys come over to my house I need to discuss something important with you." Ryoma said seriously.

"Sure" they answer. Ryoma gestured to follow him and they head toward the front of the school but, before that Ryoma cancel the spell he put on the people.

"Get in the car; this is the only car that could fit so many people we need to get to my house soon as possible it not safe here." Ryoma told them. The regulars got in but, before Ryoma got in he turn and face the school.

"In the name of Prince I summon the angel of protection Ariel, in my command come forward, Summon!" Ryoma chanted a spell and a the wind gush around Ryoma and sudden a bright light formed in front of Ryoma and as later the light clear out there was a beautiful lady hair with long in the color of aqua and wearing a white short dress that showed her back.

"Hi, Prince Ryoma it been a while." The lady said. Ryoma smiled back, "It been a while, Ariel I want you to protect this place, create a barrier around it. Protect them, my friends." Ryoma say warmly. The lady call Ariel smile back, "Of course my dear Prince even if I risk my life. You are the only one I care about; I would do any thing that will make you happy." Ariel flew off to the sky.

"Thank you" Ryoma whispered.

Flashback how Ryoma meet Ariel:

Ten years ago during the winter in Greenvalley, Ryoma who was at the age of 5, walk alone into a snowy garden that was behind his house. As the little Ryoma wander around the garden he came upon a road that was hidden behind the bushes. 'Hmm… I never saw this road before. I wonder where it leads to. Curiosity kills cats, hmph.' Ryoma smirked and walked into the road. As Ryoma walk down the road he kicks the little rocks that was in front of him. 'It nothing special' Ryoma thought until Ryoma saw a sapphire crystal shining on a flower.

"WOW, it so beautiful." Ryoma whisper to himself. Ryoma walk closer to the crystal and stuck his hand out of his pocket to touch the crystal.

"OUCH!" Ryoma quickly retreat his hand and clutch it closely to his chest. 'Oww…that hurt. I wonder what it is. It like it has a barrier around it.' Ryoma again reach for the crystal, but this time he slow move his hand close to it. When Ryoma felt the barrier he stopped and let his hand stay there to felt it. 'It warm' Ryoma smiled and slow move into the barrier. It burn Ryoma hand a bit, but soon it stop. 'It accepts me' Ryoma thought happily. Ryoma was about to grab the crystal until he heard a voice.

"What are you doing?" he heard a female yelled harshly. Ryoma turn around and saw a young girl with blue wavy hair dressed in baby blue tube top dress that looked like she was about the same age as Ryoma.

"What are you doing?" the girl asked again glaring at Ryoma.

"None of your business" Ryoma answered coolly. The girl was angry at the answer, she puff up her cheeks and yell, "If it about the Kurisutaru no kabe no (Crystal of barrier) then it is my business." The girl yells at Ryoma.

"Kurisutaru no kabe no? Is that was it calls?" Ryoma tilt his head and ask.

"YES!! What do you want to do with it??" the girl screamed to Ryoma with a tint of pink on her face. 'He is can of cute. Ughh, what am I said, he is an enemy!!' the girl yelled to herself in her mind.

"I just want to see it" Ryoma calmly told the girl.

"Really?" the girl asked with suspicion. Ryoma nodded his head, the girl relaxed.

"What do think I was going to do?" Ryoma asked.

"Nothing" Ryoma smirked when he saw a tint of pick on her face.

"Hmm…really?" The girl didn't answer instead she look up to the sky. It started to snow and the sky started to darken.

"Come on, come in here!" Ryoma grab her wrist and pull her into the cave that was near by them.

"What are you doing? Let go!" the girl struggle to get loose.

"Do you want to freeze to death!?! It snowing and you're wearing a freaking dress!!" Ryoma yelled at her. The girl pulls away, "NO, baka!!" she sat across from Ryoma and clutches her knee up to her chest. She was cold, but she didn't want to admit that he was right. Both of them didn't speak to each out, they sat there in silent. Ryoma look at the girl, 'Che, liar. She say she not cold and now she is shivering, girls.' Ryoma got up at sat beside the girl.

"Why are you sitting next to me?!" the girl yelled. Ryoma ignored the yell and took off his jacket and hand it to the girl.

"Wear this you're freezing."

"No!!" the girl push it back to Ryoma. Ryoma sighed and push it in to her face, "Wear it or do you want to be a popsicle!" The girl finally gives in and took the offer. 'It warm now, but I'm still cold' she thought to herself then she felt Ryoma arms wrap around her.

"HEY!!" she blushed.

"What you are cold right?!? I'm warming you up." Ryoma told her.

"But…" Ryoma smirked when he saw her blush,

"Are you shy?" Ryoma teased her.

"What are you talking about?" the girl yelled as she trying to control her blush. The weather got worst, and the temperature decreased. The two kids snuggle closer together to keep the heat.

"It so cold" the girl complained as she shiver.

"I know." Ryoma hug her closer and trying to think of an idea to keep warm or both of them would freeze to death. There was no wood or anything could make a fire out of, 'Baka place, there nothing to make a fire' Ryoma complained. 'Aa, I remember the crystal was warm, maybe it could help us!' Ryoma let go of the girl and got up to get the crystal.

"Where are you going?" the girl ask softly.

"I'll be back soon." Ryoma smiled to reassure her. Ryoma quickly got the crystal and ran back to the girl ignoring the pain the crystal is give him.

"What are you doing with the crystal??" the girl asked.

"Here feel it. Doesn't it feel warm??" Ryoma sat back down and held out the crystal while the girl feels the warmth of the crystal.

"Yea, it so warm." The girl said cheerfully. After a few minutes, both of them were warm, but Ryoma was in pain. Ryoma wince from the burn from the crystal. The girl saw this and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yea, ouch…" Ryoma wince again. The girl look at Ryoma hand a saw burned mark.

"Omg, is the crystal burning you. Give me it and I hold it." The girl said as she trying to get the crystal out of Ryoma hands.

"No, it fine. You are a girl, you wouldn't burn marks on your hand." Ryoma told her.

"But…It okay, it would heal. Here let me hold it too. You protect me form the cold, it time for me to protect you from the burn." She smiled. Ryoma sighed and let her hold it too.

"Ouch, How do you hold this thing, are you a masochist!?" the girl complained. Ryoma chuckled,

"No, I'm not. If you can't hold it let go."

"No, I'm fine!! Hey, what is your name?"

"Ryoma, Echizen Ryoma, yours?" 'Echizen? So he is the prince?'

"Ariel Sapphire, the fairy of barrier."

"You're a fairy?" Ryoma asked. Ariel nodded her head, "You're the prince, right?"

"Yea, you don't mind?"

"No, why would I? You protected me. Prince Ryoma-"

"Call me Ryoma"

"Ryoma, you are my friend."

"Friend? You are? Are you going to treat me different because I'm the prince?" Ryoma asked softly. Ariel smiled, "No, you are my true friend. If I treated you different like I wouldn't yell at you." Ryoma chuckled, "Yea, you're a mean."

"HEY!! I'm not that mean." Ryoma chuckled again, "Mada mada dane." Ariel chuckled too, soon they forgot the pain from the crystal.

"Hey Ariel, it doesn't hurt any more?" Ryoma told Ariel. Ariel tilt her head in confusion, "Yea, I wonder if it broke." Both of them poke the crystal, but nothing happen. Sudden both children hear a voice laughing.

"Ryoma, do you hear what I hear or I'm going crazy?" Ariel asks Ryoma.

"No, you not. I hear it too."

"Who is it?" Ryoma shout out loud. They hear the voice laugh again, "Don't worry, I'm Goddess of Empodio (Barrier in Greek)"

"Goddess of Empodio?" Ariel and Ryoma said to themselves.


"Where are you? Come out now!!" Ariel demanded.

"I'm here. I'm in your little hands." Ariel and Ryoma look down at the crystal.

"You're the crystal?" Both of them ask. They felt the crystal shake like someone nodded their head and a bright light wrap around them.


"Where are we?" Ariel ask Ryoma as both them look around them.

"I don't know, but at least it not cold anymore."


"Hey Ariel, look over there!" Ryoma point to the light.

"What is it? Let go see, Ryoma" They ran off to the light. They stopped when they saw a lady staying there.

"Who are you?" Ariel asked. The lady turns around to look at them, "I'm Goddess of Empodio. The voice remember?" the lay spoke with soft voice.


"What do you from us?" Ryoma asked her. Empodio smiled, "I was moved by your friendship. Ryoma, you didn't care if you are hurt or cold, you just wanted to safe your friend. Ariel, You who knew Ryoma was a prince, you didn't care not like other people who just befriend with him because he is the prince. You truly want to befriend with him and protect him. Both of you had deeply moved my cold, frozen heart."

"So, what do you want I need to go home or baka dad, would command the whole city to find me and Ariel need to get rest!"

"Yea, me and Ryoma need to eat." Ariel nods her in agreement with Ryoma. Empodio smiled at the two impatience children.

"Ariel, do you want to be with Ryoma forever and protect him?" Empodio ask the young girl.

"Yea" Ariel nodded her blushed face. "Ryoma, do you want Ariel to be with you forever?"

"Yea" Ryoma answer bluntly making Ariel blush harder.

"Good, I as the Goddess of the barrier, my job is to protect stuff, stuff that is precious. I have nothing to protect anymore, I am willing to give my power to you, Ariel."

"Me?!?" Ariel asks in disbelieve. Empodio nodded her head, "Yes you. You are the fairy of barrier too. You have the power to protect people, but I'm just giving you more power. You will inherit all my power."

"But, why?" Ariel asks.

"I have no long have anything to protect, but you are different you have something precious to protect. Here Ryoma hold the crystal." Ryoma hold the crystal in his hand and wit for the lady to tell him what to do.

"Ryoma, now I would transfer my powers to Ariel. When I'm done listen to me carefully." Ryoma nodded his head to show he understands. Empodio turns to Ariel,


"Ready" Ariel confidently answered.

"I as the Goddess of Empodio, now I drop my job as a Protector and Ariel Sapphire would replace my spot as the Goddess of Empodio until her time have come." Ariel and Empodio shines and the power are been transfer to Ariel. 'It so warm, I feel stronger' Ariel thought. The light dim and finally the transfer have done.

"How do you feel?" Empodio asks Ariel.

"Strong." Arial answer back as Empodio lip curves up.

"Now it your turn Ryoma." Ryoma step forward with the crystal.

"This crystal has a bond with Ariel, now all you have to do is accept Ariel as your Protector and fuse with the crystal." Ryoma nodded his head and now Ryoma look at Ariel face to face.

"Prince Ryoma, would accept me Ariel Sapphire, now as the Goddess of Empodio to be your protector until our time have come?" Ariel asks Ryoma.

"I as the Prince of the Angels, I accept you Ariel Sapphire to be my Protector forever. Now I command as my Protector, to be loyal and protect me with your barrier with all your heart."

"Your command in my wish." Ariel bowed slightly. The crystal now shines and the blue light wrap around the two of them. The crystal enters Ryoma's body and fuse with him. At the end, Ariel has a new look. Now Ariel is a beautiful girl with long hair in the color of aqua and wearing a white short dress that showed her back.

"Prince Ryoma."

"Ariel" they both smiled to each other as they watch the exEmpodio slowly vanishes into thin air.

End of Flashback

"Ochibi, get in!!!" Ryoma heard Eiji voice and got into the car.

"Ne, Echizen who was that cute girl?"

"Huh?" After a few seconds, Ryoma understand Momo.

"Ohh… she was my guardian, Protector"


"Ryoma, what do you want to tell us?" Taka asks.

"I'll tell you guys when we get to my house." The regular nodded their head eager waiting to get to Ryoma's house.

"Here we are." Ryoma walk out and Ryoma show them the way around the temple.

"Wow!! Ochibi you have 2 tennis courts!! Sugio!!" Eiji jumped up and down.

"Aa, I have 2 more on the other side."

"It data. 70% that Ryoma is rich." Inui wrote in his little notebook. When Ryoma open to the door of his house, it shocked the regular.

"Oma chan, are they okay?" Hana asks Ryoma as she wave her hand to get there attention.

"Echizen, I never knew your house is so big in the inside!!" Momo said.

"You never ask. Come here I have something important to tell." The regular follow Ryoma to rectangular table.

"Ne, chibisuke, I go take a shower, okay?"

"I'll go change okay, Oma chan?" Hana asked. Ryoga and Hana walk off when they saw Ryoma nodded his head.

"Ryoma, what do you have tell us?" Tezuka ask his kouhai.

"Do you guys remember what you ask me before Hana interrupted me?" The regulars think back what happen and when they remembered they nodded their head.

"Momo asked 'If we are not human, then what are we?' right?" Oishi told Ryoma. Ryoma nodded his head, "Yes."

"What we are not human?!!? Ochibi then what are we?!" Eiji asked in concern.

"You guys are angels." Ryoma stated. There was a moment of silent like the time has stopped until the regular yelled out loud except for Fuji and Tezuka.

"WHAT!! HOW!!! WHEN!!!"

I hope it was good. I'm sorry if there are few grammar mistake I trying my best here.

If anybody has any advice or ideas feel free to review about it…

