Aww, finally we're here again! Did you guys miss us? Lol. Sorry for the late update, but we hope the waiting will pay off –smirks–

As per usual, the beta-reading process was done by the other author, and we will never get bored to say that La Corda d'Oro boys are not ours xD

So, let's stop talking now and we wish you enjoy your time with our next boy! Prepare tissues and a glass of water in case you'll have a massive nosebleed or even a sorethroat from drooling to much. What, you're telling us drooling has nothing to do with sorethroat? Well, we do hope it has nothing to do with it though xD

Anyway, enjoy the story~

Melody #6

The Taste Of Love


Oh no, maybe a giraffe.

That one would be Doraemon.

Wait, on a second thought... it's moving now and it looks like...


I palmed my face, sighing. What was I doing exactly, staring at the blue, blue sky, testing my imagination about what the groups of clouds looked like... And here I was supposed to be a diligent, hard-working office lady...

Glancing around to make sure that no one was here, I finally rested my back on the wall. It was nearly dusk, so most of the students had gone to their homes. Only some of them were still at this school, either practising for the upcoming inter-school concourse and forgetting about time, or still stubbornly trying to sharpen up individual skills for next month's sport tournament. Typical of high school students, huh?

I shut my eyes, letting a small huff escape my lips. I basically took this job as the chairman's secretary in my own former high school because I loved my high school days so much that I wouldn't want to be apart of it. I still remember how those times had given me memories; those of friendship, life, and... romance. My first love.

I chuckled with a fist before my lips.

How funny. That time I was still a naive, seventeen years old girl from the general education department of Seisou. I didn't know what love was; I didn't understand why people say that love is bittersweet. Even until now, never once I felt the bitterness, nor the sweetness of love. It all just felt the same: tasteless and hollow.

First of all, my first love was someone who could never be reached by this mere hand of mine. He, who always stood so proud and firm – his charisma always succeeded in making me silent. I had no courage, of course, for I was still a no one. So the love ended even before I could taste how it felt like to love someone so far away from my touch. Well, I was a wimp, huh? To give up so easily like that...

At the moment, though, I was still a wimp. When I found myself unable to leave my high school, when I realized that I chose to apply a job here... I knew that my feeling for him had not been ceased by time. Yet, I diverted the growing emotion to every other else. Dating again and again numerous men, pretending to be broken-hearted every time I got dumped and went to 'recover from broken heart journeys' with friends, while in reality I was just too distressed of this empty feeling that crawled within me.

Yes, I still wasn't brave enough to face my love for him...

"And what exactly are you doing up here, on the rooftop, when you are supposed to be in my office?"

Snapping my eyes wide open, my mind jerked back to the ground as soon as I heard the familiar voice come by the door.

"Kira-rijichou!" I half-shouted. Oh crap, I should have not skipped my work this long!

"I believe I have told you to wait until I'm done with my work, and not me, who should wait for you and waste my time until this late," he narrowed his eyes, clearly annoyed, stepping nearer to where I sat.

"I... I Know! I deeply apologize, Kira-rijichou!" stuttering, I promptly sprang on my heels, bowing immediately before he could shower me with daggering words any further.

"And I also do believe that it is you who needs my help," he continued on until he at last stopped right in front of me; his scent greeting my nose, carried by the teasing breeze.

"Uhm, well, I really, really apologize, rijichou..." I shifted on my feet uncomfortably.

I knew it, I should have gone to the office since an hour ago, but my shrinking courage was what had stopped me from doing so. It was so delightful, to get him offer his help about my relationship problem, but...

On the other hand... It meant that I must face my love for him.

He sighed with an expression which stated that I was only a child for causing such troubles for him. "Doesn't matter. We are running out of time."

"Huh?" I cocked my head upside, a bit bewildered at his statement. "Running out of...?"

"You're not planning on taking all of my time tonight, are you? I have an appointment at nine. You gave me the schedule this morning, so let's move now!" he tweaked his brows before turning back and started walking to the roof entrance.

"And when I said now, I really meant now," he added, glaring over his shoulder as he noticed I was still frozen in place, causing me to yelp and comply in a rush...

"You really are still a child," he sighed as his hands expertly spun the steering wheel. His words, no doubt, were digging a hole inside me that made me flinch at once.

"And a child shouldn't play around with guys too much. Being dumped five times in only one year... How many times have you been dumped the year before that, I wonder."

I knitted my brows together, throwing my gaze outside the black limousine's window.

"Thank you for your concern, rijichou, but rest assured. I hadn't had time to have a boyfriend when I was still in college," I practically snapped at him. Not really clearly of course. He was still my boss.

"And for your information, a twenty-two years old woman is considered as a lady, more than a child."

"I'm not talking about your age, what makes you think I was referring to your age or... appearance?" he simply answered flatly, making me almost throw the car's tape to his face. "Your attitude of course," he carried on, uncaring of me gritting my teeth.

"If Kira-rijichou isn't really willing to help me, then just say so," I burst out, bringing a hand to my chest and clutched the front of my blazer. "Wasn't it Kira-rijichou himself who offered his help to me?"

He glanced at me through his eyes' corner, before focusing back to the road.

"I did because I don't want to give you any more days off for your silly broken-heart-journeys. But I never said I will tolerate those who skip their job just because..." he paused midway.

I tilted my head to have a better view of him, wondering what he wanted to say.

"... they want to guess what the clouds look like."

I briefly opened my mouth in surprise, lost of words.

"How... But why..?" I shrieked in disbelief.

I certainly remembered that I kept my imagination in my head, not saying them out loud! How could he...? And since when was he actually there, watching me make weird facial expressions then?

"See? You panicked just like a child," a faint smirk curved on his lips for a split second. "Who said in the job interview about having a habit of watching the clouds moving on the rooftop?"

At the revelation, once again I made a dumbstruck expression.

Oh geez, he was right. That was what I said in the interview, when they asked me what my favourite thing in this school was when I was a student.

I pouted subsequently, tossing my gaze outside the window again. Not before, not now, not later. I would always remain a child for him.

"We're here," the car suddenly halted and the awkward silence without the sound of machine washed us. I quickly glanced around – I wasn't aware of where we were going albeit my eyes bore a hole in the window – and found that we were in a dark, empty road. No lamp was there, but it was still bright enough to see around. Maybe it was the moon's doing?

"So... What are we... doing here, Kira-rijichou?" I gulped as bad images started creeping me out. It couldn't be... Kira-rijichou wasn't that type of man! … Or was he?

Instead of answering me, though, he silently got out from the car and briefly walked over to my side and opened the door for me.

"Just get out," he plainly commanded without emotions. And upon hearing him, I obeyed instantly, silently scolding myself of why I was doing so.

Closing the door again, we then walked for a while; him guiding me with a hand on my back. The road was uphill so we had to put quite an effort to walk, as not so long after, we reached the peak – which had fences all along. We stopped by the fence, and upon arriving there I gasped at the view.

Down there, I could see thousands of lights coming from the city, with dark velvet sky becoming their roof and the full moon hanging above. So beautiful and colourful, that made me keep my mouth wide open from losing words to speak. They were all just like gems scattered on an expensive Persian Carpet. Unconsciously, I reached out my hand, as though I could feel the softness of the blue sky, and the smooth surface of the diamonds.

"Kira-rijichou, this place...?" I breathed out my curiosity, unable to hide the excitement as a smile spread across my lips; eyes glancing at the calm man beside me.

"Just a place I discovered quite a long time ago," he leaned forward to the fence. Although his face remained the same, his eyes softened while observing the night view beneath.

"Quite a long time ago... When?" tilting my head to the side, I was enthralled by his surprisingly soft side.

He diverted his gaze at me, seemingly thinking for a while.

"Five or six years ago, perhaps."

I stared at him in silence; we both were eye to eye in a comfortable soundless situation. His black strands tousled by the wind, as if they played with each other and revealed the fair-skinned forehead above those perfectly shaped brows.

"I sometimes come here to cool my head," he admitted, tossing his gaze to the sparkling lights below. "The breeze tonight is suitable for us to come, at least."

I blinked, surprised.

Not that I thought Kira-rijichou was somewhat... unexpected. Well, he was unexpected. I always thought he was calm ever since the day he was born and that he couldn't get any calmer than that. But... didn't he sound a little bit too sweet tonight?

I could imagine him enjoying the landscape alone with a cigarette between his fingers though. The image was so... alluring.

Crap, it was bad for my heart.

"And why..." I gulped, hesitating for a moment. "Then why is Kira-rijichou taking me here tonight?"

Well at least, this place was something quite special for him, so the fact that he brought me here was...

"I need to cool my head off, obviously. You just happen to be with me tonight," he stated while exhaling.

"Oh..." I opened my mouth to close it again, "...I... I see," I smiled sourly.

Oh come on, what made me think that I was a special person for him? Silly me.

"This will make you talk easier, won't it?" he continued on, now settling his eyes on me.

"Huh?" was what I could muster.

"This kind of place," he threw his gaze to the panorama again, "usually calms people's nerves."

I was stunned at that.

Calm people's nerves? Then... he wanted to help me? He noticed my uneasiness?

...Oh God...

What should I do...

A smile bloomed on my lips.

I'm so happy I could die...

"So I prefer you to start at once and stop wasting my time," he stated firmly so suddenly, glaring at me as though I'd made him wait for a hundred years. It successfully cut my imaginations and destroyed my felicity, of course.

"I... I know!" I exclaimed childishly, pouting. A moment later, though, I mentally slapped my head. I wanted to be recognized as an adult, yet I acted so childishly. How clever...

"Well," I inhaled deeply, trying to get rid the mixture of emotions inside, "to tell you the truth, I don't know what my problem is. I have no idea why I never succeed with my relationships."

"Hmn," he listened without changing his expression. "No hints at all?"

I tilted my head to the side, thinking. "I don't know... I don't think I'm too clingy or something. I could do everything by myself and—"

"That's it," he cut in. "Too independent is one of women's weaknesses."

"Uh... really?" I inquired, quite puzzled. "I thought men like independent women..."

"We do," he closed his eyes while folding his arms over his chest, "if we know those women are in love with us."

"But Kira-rijichou, are you implying that my exes thought I didn't love them?" I countered, bringing my fist to the front of my chest.

Opening his eyes, he locked his gaze at mine – deeply.

"Are you implying that you actually loved them?" he answered my question with a question, something that made me clam up.

"Men want their women to depend on them to secure their own feelings. Nobody wants a doubtful relationship," he paused, still staring at my eyes as though he wanted to peek inside me, reading my mind or sensing my heart. "Do you believe you have granted them what they were looking for in a relationship? Do you get what you are looking for through them?"

I was practically speechless, frozen in spot. It was as if Kira-rijichou knew what I'd been feeling to him. That I never ever loved the other men I dated. That I never got what I'd been looking for. Of course I wouldn't get it. Something I'd been dreaming of was him and only him...

"You played with their hearts. It is obvious that you'd be dumped," he sighed tiredly, a mocking tone could be heard vaguely.

"What does Kira-rijichou know?" my voice suddenly became barely above a whisper; cracking. "What do you know? It's not like I'm happy to play with their hearts..."

He shifted his eyes on me, somewhat surprised with my reaction.

"I... tried to love them..." to forget you.

"Why should you try?" he plainly countered. "I don't see any good points from it."

"Well, if you ever love someone who's not at your reach and... and that you are forced to give up... What other choices do you have except for searching for a new love?" I retorted, half-screaming. A tear threatened to drop from my eyes. He didn't understand me. He would never ever understand me. He, who was so perfect in everything, and...

"Have you tried reaching for him?"

At the term, I halted.

"You haven't, have you?" his eyes narrowed. He seemed to have known me even before he saw my reaction.

"Pathetic," he sighed, turning his body as now his back was leaning to the fence.

"I... But it's just obvious that I wouldn't be able to get him..." I reasoned, throwing my gaze to the side, fingers clutching the fabric of my blazer. It's obvious, isn't it? He would never ever acknowledge me, a former student, to be his...

"Stop making lame excuses," he sternly stated. Although my vision wasn't clear for I lost my courage to look at him straightly, I could still see his face filled with disappointment and irritation. "You're just trying to make exculpation for your lack of guts."

And at that, I could sense my nerve snap.

"Why should you say so?" my burst out came in a high pitch. "You said you wanted to help me!"

The contrary of what I thought he would do, like snapping and retorting two times sharper than my tantrums, he merely stared at me in silence, making a sudden awkward nothingness overwhelm us. A moment later, however, he spoke up still with his eyes on me, wearing an expression that showing his pity to me.

"What makes you think that I'd appreciate people who give up before even trying?"

I opened my mouth and closed it again, the two part of my lips trembling. My eyes shook as I, slowly but sure, felt my heart shattering from a whole piece into dust.

"...Come on. You have time to think about it once you're home. Let's get back to the car," he shook his head a bit, then took my arm in his hand. Following him with nothing coming out from my mouth, my head could hear his words echoing again and again.

"Have you tried reaching for him?"

No. No, I never tried.

"You're just trying to make exculpation for your lack of guts."

Indeed, because I was a wimp.

"What makes you think that I'd appreciate people who give up before even trying?"

No, I didn't think that he would appreciate me. Even for a second, never once the thought crossed my mind.


...I am.

He opened the back door and immediately sent me to sit on the back seat. With my mind still distorted from the confusion, I obeyed as though my body was only a doll without a soul. He stared at me for a while, his expression somewhat unreadable, before sighing and turning his body to walk to the driver seat. In that very moment, however, I grabbed his wrist without thinking.

Facing me with surprise in his eyes, he was about to say something – if I didn't cut him with my own unreasonable blabber.

"I know that men might never appreciate a woman like me, like you said. I know I'm pathetic. I'm a coward...," my voice began to crack, but I fought my tears not to spill out and urged my tongue to produce a proper sound. No crying needed. No need to make him disgusted of me even more.

"But I don't know what to do to make the one I love return my feelings. I'm a child, just like you said, again. Despite my age, I'm still a child. No matter how much I tried to be as mature as possible, to be in adult in his eyes, I..."

But I failed. The tears had blinded my eyes. My effort was fruitless. I cried.

"I would always be a mere former student from yo— his school, I can never be woman enough for—"

My mind went blank out of a sudden; my eyes widened as my heart almost flew out from within my ribs. I couldn't register what just happened. All I know was...

That his lips suddenly attached mine... and it felt so soft.

"So what if you're still a child?" he breathed in between his kisses. "Let it be because that's who you are," he brought his hands to my shoulders, slowly pinning me down to the car seat. In response – although my brain was still in a shocked state, I warily lifted my hands and placed them on his neck.

"Does Kira-rijichou like a child like me..?" I could barely muster the statement as a shiver ran down my spine once he teased my earlobe with his tongue.

"Once I taste her," he replied while trailing his lips now down on to my collarbone, "a child doesn't seem really bad."

I smiled at the remark, despite a tear from before still sliding down my cheek. "So I taste good?"

"Listen," he stopped kissing me, staring sharply to my eyes as his fresh breath touched my face. "Do you want to know what adults look like?"

I shivered. His gaze, his body which was half-pressing me, his grips on my shoulders, his scent... all sent my sanity away. His deep voice was husky and tempting; I really couldn't think anything else aside of: he looked like an emperor of the night. Were all adults this experienced? Were all of them this composed in this kind of situation?

"Do you want to know what adults do?" he smirked faintly; I could read his eyes spark with something like a challenge. And for that, I nodded reluctantly – half-scared, half-excited.

"Then let us make you an adult," he smiled, attacking my mouth once again as I immediately clenched my eyes shut. I was so... nervous. What was this situation...? What should I do...?

"Ki...ra-rijichou... if it's making out or... making love... I've done that too," I breathlessly voiced out, despite my lips still touching his. And suddenly his tongue broke into my cavern, causing me to almost yelp in surprise and also panic. He licked my entire teeth, before engaging my tongue into a battle. And the sensation was... different.

"Don't misunderstand the difference between shagging and making love, you child," he released my mouth from his, showing a slight confident smirk on his face. He caressed my cheek with his palm, before placing a small kiss on my forehead, gently sweeping away some locks on it. "What love is, I'll let your body know."

At once, my face grew hot and I could sense a shade of red cover all of my skin.

He wore his grave expression again right away, as he made a gap between my face and his. He stared at me with those sparkling red orbs; as if they were sucking my soul, resulting the throbs within my ribs to fasten their speed.

Indeed... This was the first time I ever felt this nervous. I could even sense an imaginary bead of sweat starting to roll down my forehead.

"Forget all of your childish experiences with them," he whispered, stroking my cheek, my nose, my lips, down to my collarbone with his fingers, whilst his other hand sustained his weight on the seat, right beside my arm.

"Make your body remember an adult's touch..." he shortened our gap, blowing lightly onto my earlobe. "Mytouch."

And that successfully made me almost die from a heart attack.

He crushed his mouth again to mine – causing me to gasp before responding. This time our kiss was filled with passion, rage, yet so very sweet that my tongue could taste his smoothness and warmth.

Without parting our kiss, he pulled me up until I was in a sitting position, before pushing me to move deeper to the other side of the car. He took a seat beside me, a hand rested on my back, as the other one slowly closed the car's door. And wow... he did that all without losing his concentration on kissing me! It felt amazing...

He pushed me to the corner, making me lean my head in between the soft car's cushion and window, whilst his hand began travelling my flesh. He gently caressed my neck, making it become so sensitive that sent shivers to me. Right after that, the delicate fingers made their way ever so slowly lower to the collarbone, and slipped under my collar. He stroked the area again and again, teasing me since he didn't touch the area I wanted him to feel.

Breaking the kiss, he smirked.

"Impatient, aren't we?"

I merely stared at him, as I believed that my face couldn't grow anymore redder than this.

He answered my gaze with silence, only his tongue was now wetting the crock of my neck, nibbling softly and trailed light smooches around the area. His fingers began to unbutton my velvet blazer, followed by the shirt. Once I felt coldness on my breast, I knew that he somehow had unclasped my front-clasp-bra.

I only could clench my eyes shut tightly and bit my lip immediately, when his cold finger stroked my bud; letting me produce a detained moan. His lips continued to place small kisses along my body, until it stopped just barely above the hardened nipple. Then... he licked it.

I bit my lower lip harder. A new sensation stroke me. His fingers were cold; they were fondling and sometime pinching the bud gently, while his mouth spread its warmth by suckling the other nipple – sometimes biting it grimly. The combination of cold and warmth his fingers and mouth gave me was adding the desire inside me, as my body became rigid from anticipation.

I felt the air grow thicker; his breathing was deep, and I was muffling my moaning – trying not to make any loud noises. He moved his other hand – which was rested on my back before – to circle my waist. He titillated my belly teasingly, making me almost fail to restrain my moans.

"Kira-rijichou, could you please stop teasing me...?" I finally managed to talk, breathing heavily from lust.

"Why...?" he huskily whispered, releasing the already swollen nipple. "Are you in a rush?"

At that I really felt he was playing with me. He must have known that I could go insane if he continued to tease me like this.

"You have an appointment at nine... Argh!" I arched my back once I felt he bit my nipple, sending lightning to my eyes. " will be late... Mmmh..."

"I could always re-arrange my appointment," he answered calmly, before continuing in abusing my bud. His hand tardily tickled me, from my left breast, down to my belly button, until it reached the place my skirt still covered. "Isn't that why I hired a secretary?"

"You're... such a tease," panting, I gasped as he lifted my skirt, letting cold air greet the sensitive place.

A moment later, he stopped what he was doing, staring at me right on the eye and ignoring my flushing face and hot panting.

"I'm not," he breathed out. "I'm always being a serious person," he stated while claiming my mouth once again, as out of the blue his finger pressed my sensitive spot down there – in between my thighs, forcing me to stark my back and almost producing a loud moan.

His tongue ragingly invaded my cavern, sliding and sweeping everything in there, whilst in the back of my mind I noted, that he was indeed the best kisser I'd ever met in my life.

His fingers continued their ministrations down there, stimulating me from the outside of the thin-laced fabric. I couldn't help but gasp every time he touched the right spot; lightening strikes continued to come again and again, as my body started to tremble from pleasure. Thereafter, he at last pulled my panties off tardily, sliding it down until it stopped on my knees. The long fingers then made their way back to the place where they were before – now free to touch without any obstacles.

"Relax," he whispered without letting my lips free from his. Before, I couldn't really register what he meant, but now, I immediately understood as his finger slid inside me, resulting me to cry in both expectation and pleasure.

First, he only thrust one finger tenderly but didn't forget to caress the wall of my inside along its movement. His thumb playfully fondled the tiny nerves button; as it sometimes sent electric shocks right through my entire body. Now I really wouldn't have been able to restrain my moans anymore if only he didn't help me with his tongue in my mouth.

As if feeling enough to play with one finger, he began to put another finger inside. It caused me moan even harder, of course, while tears fell down bead by bead uncontrollably. My whole body trembled. I felt so contented, yet scared from the growing sensation inside me. And along with his thrusting, I was getting more and more impatient, until the first group of stars that night appeared in my eyes.

"Feeling nice?" he wasn't exactly questioning, I believed. He had that confident smile after all. Yet I answered him with a nod nonetheless, still wasn't able to overcome the wave of emotions that enveloped me from reaching my first orgasm that night.

Responding to my nod, he pulled me up out of a sudden, turning my body until I faced the window on my side – making me kneel on the car seat. From behind, he embraced me soothingly, and I could feel his warm breath on my ear as he whispered deeply.

"This is only the beginning."

Upon the statement being said, I could sense my heart hammering even louder, and the fire within me sparked bigger, as if it were sprayed with oil. I sent a hand behind, caressing his hip up and down, as one of his hands began to unbuckle his belt. He didn't undress completely, in fact, he was still as handsome as ever in his black suit, only his pants were now undone.

Grabbing my hand from his hip, he pushed it forward, telling me to sustain myself and lean to the window. So I complied and raised my other hand as well to the window, whilst he brought his hands to massage my breasts, fondling the nipples until I moaned, and sliding down to stop on my hips. And in one thrust, he entered me.

I arched my back, nails digging to the icy glass before me. Slowly at the beginning, he fastened his thrust bit by bit, until my forehead pressed against the glass along with my hands.

He was neither rough nor too gentle. It was... just like him. Inside his ignorant feature, there was kindness. Someone who cared about his workers and remembered every little details of them although outside he had no mercy. And those personalities were showed now even when we were engaged in this intimate activity. He was just perfect for me. His movement blew me away to heaven.

My breathing grew raging, moans and panting slid out from my mouth. I felt full with him. The man of my dream was filling me, inside me, showering his love and trailing my neck with kisses. His breathing was something I became fond of to hear. He was as composed as ever, just really different to those of my exes. However, that might be because he was Kira-rijichou, someone I'd been loving for years, that made everything about him was so perfect in my eyes.

Yet, his ability was no lie. He was extremely capable in making me lose control. I cried, lost my mind and let the fire of love ate me. It came from my inner thighs, crawling upper, upper, within my blood vessels, beyond my stomach and chest, until my vision went white and I felt the second jolt hit me that night...

However, he was still moving. I panted, trying to keep my balance despite of his arms now enveloping my waist and shoulders. I could feel my energy was almost emptied from coming two times, but now that he had given me more and more stimulation, I still wanted more. I peeked at him through his reflection on the window, and he was still kissing my back of neck – sometimes nibbling my ear and stroked my hair.

My private part was still so sensitive from the last orgasm, so when one of his hands slid down to tease the bud of nerves, I shrieked, widening my eyes. The sensation was too much for me to handle, as though I was smashed with hundreds of lightning, as my moan could be heard so clearly, mixed with whimpers.

I shook my head right and left violently, biting my lower lip until it hurt to control the jolts I constantly received. And I still could feel him kissing my back of neck, with his hand continuing its job along with his thrusting.

"Kira-riji...chou... Please..." I turned my head, glancing at him through my eyes' corner; practically begging. "I can't... anymore... it's hot..."

I could see him smile at that, and obeyed.

Along with the faster and faster thrusting, harder and harder fondle down there, I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my fists on the window. I knew, if I didn't come now, maybe I would lose my sanity forever. But luckily, I did.

The third orgasm I had tonight was the best and the hardest. All I could see were only the colour of white and the sparkling of stars, as my body was panged by an imaginary thunder once more. And along with it, I could hear Kira-rijichou let out a small groan, as something wet sprayed inside me...

You really have to cancel your appointment tonight," I sighed, putting on the seat belt whilst Kira-rijichou started the car machine.

"Indeed," he replied flatly. "I can't go with this suit all wrinkled."

"And you're all sweaty," I pointed out, smiling merrily at the view of Kira-rijichou with the wet-look. He was too gorgeous to be true. Too hot that made me wipe my mouth, afraid if there was a drool on it.

He only smiled a bit, then went back to his usual expression. The car moved smoothly toward the city, as I couldn't stop staring at the man beside me. I couldn't believe it. We had just made love!

"What?" he questioned, glancing at me a while to see my idiotic expression.

"No, but... How does Kira-rijichou know that you are the man that I love?" I cocked my head to the side, suddenly feeling the need to ask about it.

He smiled faintly, focusing his gaze to the road again. "You're an open book. No need to be a psychic to read your mind."

"Eh?" tweaking my brows, I shifted my sitting position so that I could see his face clearer. "If you knew from the start, then why did you say those harsh words?"

He smiled again at my reaction, before answering quite lightly. "That's your punishment for running away from me and playing around with boys."

"What?" I widened my eyes in shock. "So all of this..."

I couldn't continue my words.

So everything was as he planned! He must have known that I was uneasy on the rooftop because I must face my love for him! He said those harsh words to force me open my eyes and admit my feelings for him! And he pretended as though he was clueless at the beginning!

I glared at my boss, who was wearing his calm expression – acting all ignorant. No doubt, I was irritated at his conduct. He was, as expected, the evil director Kira Akihiko.


Smiling gradually, I brought my hand to touch my lips.

"What?" he asked again, this time his brow knitted together from bewilderment.

"Nothing!" I chuckled. "I'm glad I love you!"

He remained silent for awhile, before sighing and smiled. "Don't be late tomorrow, you have no excuse to slack from your job. And no more 'broken heart journeys'."

Pouting, I crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes, yes, evil boss."

Moments later though, a smile came back to my lips, and so did he. No more words were there to utter along our way back home, but it was an enjoyable silence. And I knew, I would never ever forget this day.

Kira Akihiko was an evil director, someone whose mind was twisted and wicked. He could be really scheming and trap you if needed. Heartless and cold that often daggered wounds into your hearts. But I didn't care. Because he was my super gorgeous devil.

Yes, he was mine.


Woohooo... another chapter has finished! What? Kira sounds like a pedophile? LOL. Well, he practically is a pedophile. But it's fun to write a night emperor Kira with a girl much younger than him! xD

Anyway, we hope you really didn't get the sorethroat, really ;)

Well then, we'll be waiting for your reviews again; reviews from both of registered and anonymous readers are greatly awaited! Finally, please stay tuned for the next boy!