Title: Love Thy Enemy

Summary: Esmeralda chooses Frollo. Will she regret her choice or will she be pleasantly surprised?

Genre: Romance/Angst

Rated: T for language and suggestive themes

A/N: This is going to be a chapter story. Again, I hope nobody is OOC in this story. I am very particular about that. Viewpoints change throughout the story.

Chapter 1

Five Wishes

I listened intently as Frollo reads out my charges and my sentence. I shudder as I see the impending fiery torch he grips in his cold, clammy hand. The torch was a symbol of my life's end. I was going to face death's door in a matter of intense minutes. I watched the gigantic cages containing my close friends and Phoebus. Phoebus was struggling with the restraints. He wanted to rescue me, obviously. Yet, how could he break through the strong, unrelenting wooden bars? I was completely at Frollo's mercy.

He had offered me an ultimatum earlier. If I were to live a life of holy matrimony with him, he would spare my life. If not, I die in an endless pit of ravaging flames. I had sneered. If he desired me so, he could have my charred, blackened corpse. I would not surrender to him. He was the real devil. He was pure evil. And yet…I could not help but feel a little sympathy towards him. He had practically destroyed Paris, searching for me. Frollo would have done anything for me. Even kill me.

He approaches me now. The torch illuminates his aristocratic, gaunt features. He looms over me. His height often intimidated me. And now, strapped tightly to the pyre, he terrified me. I attempted to show no fear. My shivering immediately ruined my façade. He began speaking about how he will soon send me back to where I come from. The fiery, dark bowels of Hell. He draws nearer.

"And even now it's not too late," He whispers, his deep voice dripping honey. His granite eyes burrowed into mine. The torch was seriously scaring me. I had always been terrified of flames. My parents had perished in a serious blaze and I was the only survivor. Fire frightened me. The way it burns you, chars you, eating up your skin until the only thing left was a blackened skeleton. Suddenly, I wonder if I wanted to surrender. Maybe dying was too much for me to bear. I did not want to be a charred shell of bone and tissue. Frollo's deep baritone voice caught my ears again.

"I can still save you from this fire and the next one. Choose me…or the fire." He is only a few inches away from my face. He holds the torch threateningly. I pondered this. I certainly knew that dying by fire was my worst nightmare. But, to marry Frollo…I had no escape, I noticed. Looking into his eyes, I saw arrogance and unyielding victory. Somewhere, I picked up a tiny hint of hope. As if, he secretly wished for me to choose him. Did I really want to put up with his prejudice for the rest of my life?

Maybe, just maybe, I could reform him. That was a possibility. A slim one, but a possibility nonetheless. Death would only lead me to Hell. At least with him, I could release my people. I could even be a good friend to Quasimodo. But first, I need to see whether if he was willing to give, as he was to take. Putting on my most confident air, I spoke.

"I choose you. If you are to grant me a few wishes," I was shaking but I tried to look professional. Like we were talking about business. Frollo looked shocked and quite gleeful at my words. However, he soon composed himself and smirked triumphantly. "Alright, my darling sorceress. Tell me your wishes. Keep in mind, there are some I might not feel like granting." I hoped the wishes I told him, he felt like granting.

"Firstly, release my people. I don't want you to disturb them, terrorize them and punish them unnecessarily. I expect a fair trial given to them if they are ever convicted. Allow Clopin to entertain the children. If you can, educate them and you shall see that we do believe in God and his teachings." My first wish startled him. However, he must have known that would be my first wish for he seemed to consider it.

"Fine, but I will be a fair yet very strict educator. And if they misbehave, I will have to interfere. I will ensure a fair trial is given to any of your friends if they are convicted. Their sentence will still be strict, however. As for Clopin, I shall allow his puppetry but he is to not make disrespectful jokes or teach the children blasphemy." I nodded. I had to content with that. At least, my friends won't be languishing in the bottom of a dank, spider-infested prison cell any longer. And Clopin would still be a free entertainer.

"Secondly, you are to attend every Festival of Fools we organize. And you will enjoy it. Quasimodo is to attend as well. I believe it's time he experienced the outside world. You will also allow me to dance at the festival as well." Frollo looked a little reluctant at this. I knew how he despised the festival and always assumed it to be nothing more but self-indulgent foolishness. Yet, I wanted him to attend and I was going to ensure he liked the experience. I also wanted Quasimodo to be free and allowed to roam. He was terribly lonesome up there in the bell tower.

"I will attend the festival but I do not guarantee that I will enjoy it. Gallivanting and indulging in unprofitable 'fun' does not a respectable minister make, my dear," I snorted at his 'holier-than-thou' attitude. I was surprised, however, that he was cooperating with my whims. I thought he'd be more hesitant and unwilling. "As for Quasimodo, I shall allow him to attend. But he is to make sure a shawl covers his face always. I don't wish to have a repeat of this years' events," I flinched at his words, remembering how the poor hunchback was pelted with rotten fruits and vegetables while being pinned down to the pillory. "As for you dancing, my witch, I did not really enjoy all the other men eyeing you like some piece of meat but since you are a very good dancer, I will allow it. But no more using spears as poles in your act." I had a small smirk on my face. I was making some progress.

"My third wish is that you allow me to visit the Court of Miracles whenever I wish too. There are times when I would want to visit Clopin and my friends." This time, Frollo looked really hesitant. I wonder whether he'd still allow me to visit my friends even after I married him. He'd probably lose face. And next to lust, pride seemed to another one of Frollo's weaknesses. Finally after minutes of consideration, he spoke.

"I am not sure whether if I should grant this. I do not want my fiancée to still be fraternizing with these heathens even if they are going to be reformed," I gulped. I really hoped he would allow to visit my friends. "But, oh well, see this as my wedding present to you. However, I will accompany you whenever you wish to visit, as I don't want you to linger too long. And we will be back by sundown." If I wasn't tied to that pillory I would have flung my arms around his neck and thanked him. Although, I probably shouldn't, given the large mob that gathered. The said mob was now buzzing as if they're waiting for Frollo to set the pyre into flames.

"My last two wishes will come later. The people seem a little too curious now. The bottom line is I chose you. So now, honor your promise and save me," I told him hotly. He'd better not have lied that he will set me free from all charges. Smirking, Frollo lifted the torch high and declared.

"The witch has recanted for her sins! And as a pious man of God, I shall take her and the rest of the heathenish gypsies under my wing where they will learn the true meaning of Christianity. The gypsies will have a week to recant for their sins and to learn to abide by God's fair yet strict rules. If they succeed, we will accept them as pure Christians. If they fail, we will continue to look down upon them and their heathen ways."

A majority of the mob cheered at the sudden change of events, particularly my friends whom were all locked up. Some groaned as they wished to witness a burning of a witch. A very few just kept quiet as if wondering what had transpired between us. The mean-looking, bulky guard came forth and cut through my ropes. I was finally free. Or was I? Frollo stepped towards me and grabbed my arm.

"Come my dear. We must prepare for our wedding day," He led me down to his reinforced, rather scary carriage. I glared at him.

"Just a minute. I haven't finished with my wishes," I clambered into the carriage as he followed. He wasn't that happy that he had to keep granting my wishes but he said he would listen.

"Fourthly, give Phoebus back his position. He helped me out of his own free will. He is a good, brave soldier despite his betrayal. I believe you would regret losing him if we ever enter another war." I inhaled deeply. Frollo was pondering this.

"Alright, my dear. But, I do not wish for a young, handsome soldier to be around my beautiful wife-to-be. So, he will be sent to another part of France where he will not only redeem his title, but a promotion," I was really amazed at Frollo's generosity. Maybe he really did love me. Oh, what was I thinking? Frollo's black, empty heart was practically incapable of love.

"And my very last wish is that you are to never call me 'witch', 'sorceress', 'devil woman' or 'heathen'. It goes for my friends as well. And I will not be called 'yours' until after we get married." My last wish seemed simple enough. He nodded and smirked. He seemed really happy at the incoming future. He even reached over and stroked my arm.

And for reasons I can't explain, I didn't feel repulsed in the least. In fact, it actually felt…good. My God, was he rubbing off on me? I hoped not. He will never be my one true love.

Well, that's what I hoped for now that I was to be married to him.

Goodbye, dancing. Hello, marriage.

A/N: Well, that's chapter 1. Chapter 2 may take a while but hold on, ok?