A/N: This story is set in the 'A Time for Trust-verse' which can be found under the name ToyzInTheAttic (that's me ^_^). This takes place immediately following the chapter 'Loyalty' where Megatron forces a confession of --that's right-- LOYALTY from Starscream. This is my first attempt at slash between these two so I hope it came out alright. Reviews are greatly appreciated and I'm not opposed to constructive feedback.

If you haven't read A Time For Trust and have no desire to then here's a quick summary to get you caught up: This is all happening post Season 3. The 'Cons escaped from the EG and went back to Earth to (big surprise) collect the remaining All Spark fragments. Blackarachnia resurrected Starscream and crossed him with the brain of a brilliant organic chemist. Her intention was to build upon Starscream's (G1 canon reference) Cybertronian engineering skills so he'd have the ability to purge her of her organic contamination (Primus woman, get a new hobby). In the scene 'Loyalty', Megatron returns to the 'con base from a losing battle against the Autobots. This would normally put Megatron in a foul mood, especially since Starscream is the one patching up his battle wounds, but considering Starscream just invented a means of perpetual energon, Megatron's mood is teetering on the edge of reasonable.

Sticky, dubcon and fluff

Enigma by ToyzInTheAttic

Megatron strode across the base with satisfied pride, leaving Starscream frustrated and humiliated on the computer platform. The Decepticon leader passed by his subordinates and nodded approvingly to their progress with the energon transmutation. He made for the tunnel, stopping to glance back at Starscream with 'the look' before disappearing into the dark passageway.

Starscream knew the 'the look' too well. That look said 'I won this round and now it's time for me to collect my trophy.' He pouted as he left the platform and reluctantly headed for the tunnel. The other Decepticons watched him from the corners of their optics, pretending like they didn't know what was about to happen. This further jabbed at Starscream's pride. Had he really come all this way just to be back at square one? Immortality, monumental breakthroughs in cloning technology, unsurpassed genius…yet still beckoning to Megatron's every need? Pathetic.

The former SIC dragged his feet and purposely avoiding optic contact with the others. As he wandered down the crude tunnel, he wondered if Megatron originally intended to carve out such a convenient passageway to the surface, or if it was just coincidence that the result of his fusion cannon fit was an improvement to their base's floor plan. Regardless, it was a reminder of the tyrant's unpredictability…one of the few things Starscream did truly still fear about his leader.

Starscream jetted up to the surface, immediately switching his scanners on and taking a sweeping 360 degree survey of the forest. The crickets chirped like they had a Primus-given right to. Apparently, they didn't get the memo of speaking only when spoken to when in the presence of Megatron. He ventured further into the forest, anticipating an accosting at any moment. Finally an energy signal registered in his cortex, from behind…typical.

The seeker stood his ground, refusing to face the source of the signal. He had to scrape at what little pride he had left that evening, and feigning indifference was the only tactic he could muster now. Rhetorical question time: "What is it you request of me, Lord Megatron?" he delivered casually, insincerely.

The energy signal drew closer. Starscream could feel the heat from his leader's chassis merely a breath behind him, but still refused to turn around. His spark began thrumming. Was it fear, anger, arousal…or a familiar mix of all three? The strong grey thigh that brushed over Starscream's hip pointed to arousal: time-old, aggravating arousal. The formidable mech now stood flush against the seeker's body, just off center behind his shoulder plating.

"How long has it been?" emerged a gravelly purr.

Starscream kept his feet planted into the earth but folded his arms across his cockpit as if to stifle the visual increase in his ventilations. That question irritated him. Megatron knew damn well when the last time was. It was probably one of their best. It was sparked by the residual high of a recent battle with the Autobots; a battle they won. A rare victory, one to be rightfully celebrated. Starscream shifted his feline brow just enough to catch sight of his leader's crimson optics.

"Not long enough." Starscream sniped sarcastically.

Megatron lightly chuckled then lifted a powerful finger to trail along the edge of the wing directly under his mighty chin. Starscream tensed and shuddered, heat levels rising quicker than he'd like.

"Still on the defensive, I see" Megatron spoke lightheartedly as he leaned into his soldier's neck and drifted his hand across the candy red collar armor. Starscream titled his head away, exposing his neck and regretfully releasing a raspy moan.

"That's more like it" whispered the tyrant as he nipped at inviting neck cables. He lifted a hungry hand to Starscream's face, thick black thumb traveling up the long chin and stopping on the pinched mouth. The fusion cannon was merely inches from the seeker's optics.

With urgency, Starscream grasped at the menacing weapon and unhinged it from the entrapping arm. He tossed it a safe distance away and sneered at it for good measure. Megatron eyeballed his displaced weapon, chucking again as he shifted around the wing so his chest now pressed into the cockpit.

"I had no intention of using that." He kept his hand lingering on Starscream's face, enjoying the feel of the mouth gradually softening under his touch. Megatron leaned in so his lips were hovering over the slender cheek, metal brushing metal as he spoke with a taunting smile. "Unless you want me to."

Starscream yanked his head with irritation from the probing hand then, to Megatron's surprise, pressed into a hard, bitter kiss, instantly pulling a growling moan from his leader. Megatron's responded immediately, gliding his glossa across his soldier's lips, enjoying the traces of energon still clinging to them. He probed into the pinched mouth and moaned again at the flavor of a lingering overcharge. His hand trailed down to cup over the seeker's hip. He pulled the slender body into his own, locking it in place by smoothly shifting his leg over the back of the skinny leg. Starscream pulled from the kiss, gasping with arousal and overwhelmed by how much of their bodies were now touching. He trapped Megatron's neck in his claws, aiming to reconnect the kiss, but Megatron reacted with a painful groan.

"Mind the neck wound" warned the tyrant through gritted teeth. He pulled Starscream's arm off the wound then forced it to wrap around his red plated flank.

"My apologies, oh great one" murmured Starscream with surprise and slight conniving. He eased back into the kiss with a smirk. Megatron slid his arms around the seeker's waist and crept his hand along the perky red aft. He slipped his fingers between Starscream's legs, pressing at his interface panel. The panel retracted and two, thick black fingers immediately slide into a wet valve. Starscream's optics popped and he pulled away completely, grasping at his crotch and looking at it in shock.

"What in the All Spark is your problem?" snapped Megatron as he beheld the bewildered seeker with insult. Starscream simply stood, his hand buried between his legs. He looked back and forth between his body and Megatron, face awash with stupefied shame. "You're behaving like this is your first time" continued Megatron, annoyed.

Starscream gaped at Megatron with a dawning, humiliated expression. "Um…technically…in this body…it is" he said sheepishly. Megatron looked him over in disbelief. "My original body was stolen by the Headmaster, don't you remember?"

"You're joking" denied Megatron. He strode over to Starscream and circled him, eyeballing every inch of him. He ran his fingers along the back of a wing, searching meticulously over the streamline seams. Starscream relaxed slightly but kept his shielding hand buried between his legs. Megatron stopped behind him, his fingers repeatedly gliding over one spot on the wing.

"You see?" offered the jet. "The scar is gone."

Megatron groaned in disappointment. "Pity…I rather liked that scar" he complained with a furrowed brow.

"Of course you did" retorted Starscream. "You put it there." Megatron slightly softened with nostalgia, impartial to seeker's insulted tone of voice. He grabbed the red hips and spun the jet to face him. Starscream feebly leaned in for another kiss but found himself pushed backward, almost tripping over his own feet.

His aft bumped into a fallen tree (a giant of a tree, even by transformer standards) and Megatron lifted him onto the moss-covered berth. Starscream sat upon the tree, looking questionably to Megatron, whose shoulders pushed past the knobby knees and scraped up his thighs. Starscream's interface panel was still open and guarded by one of his hands, but Megatron forcefully pushed the hand away then wrapped his fingers around the erect spike. Starscream tensed and threw his head back, shuddering in desire.

The tree's girth was massive, enough so Starscream could lean back and rest his head in the miniature ecosystem growing from the bark. The sensation from his leader's firm grip sent shivers through his entire virgin chassis. Megatron squeezed his spike rhythmically feeling pleased with himself for the writhing he was pulling from the beautiful, hungry body. Starscream couldn't see Megatron's face as he stared euphorically at the forest canopy, but he could sense the pompous, satisfied smile.

Megatron pulled an energon cube from his cockpit, the pink glow catching the seeker's eye. He dipped two fingers into the liquid, swirling it around a bit then trailed his dripping hand over Starscream's interface panel. Starscream lightly jolted at the feel of the cold substance then moaned in surprise a he felt his spike coated with it.

"This is…new" gasped the seeker as he dug his claws into the moss around him, his chest lifting up and down in sheer arousal. He cried out and bucked as Megatron's mouth closed around his spike, his thighs pressing against the former gladiator's helmet. Fear crept into Starscream's rush of ecstasy. Megatron never behaved like this, never pleased him like this. Something wasn't right.

"Why…"he whimpered "are you—"

[Because you earned it] interruptedMegatron through their silent comm speak. Megatron was far too dignified to speak with a spike in his mouth, especially a comment as flattering as that. Starscream was beside himself. This was too weird. He was for sure going to die tonight. Megatron would find a way to extinguish his spark for good. There's no way he'd keep anyone alive after performing such an act on them. Starscream's mutated processor screamed paranoia but his spike throbbed in pleasure.

Megatron dipped his hand into the energon again and slid the wet fingers into an already wetted valve. Starscream's processor nearly exploded. The sensation was too much to take in combination with the fear. One of them had to go. He finally concluded that if Megatron did offline him tonight, it wouldn't be such a bad way to go, and so he abandoned his fear and gave himself fully to the pleasure. He rolled his body up to lustfully claw at Megatron's helm, but a mighty black hand slammed him back down.

The tyrant pulled the throbbing spike from his mouth and lifted himself upon the tree, his knees straddling Starscream's hips. He kept his fingers plunged inside the valve, thrusting them in and out with fluid movements. He retracted his own panel unsheathing his fully erect and frightfully impressive spike, which immediately caught Starscream's eye. The unpredictable mech began stroking himself while he continued to plunge his fingers in and out of the quivering seeker.

I- I don't…understand, Me—Megatron" squeaked Starscream. "why—"

"Why must you constantly speak?" interrupted an irritated tyrant. Starscream jolted as the fingers then pulled out of him then shrieked in pain as the monstrous spike drove into him. Megatron tilted his head back and growled in delight at the feel of the virgin nodes; his arousal further heightened as Starscream's body writhed in pain at each forceful thrust. He looked back down over the helpless form, his hunger growing even stronger. The entire contents of the energon cube splashed out over the length of the jet's body and Megatron leaned over to lap up the sweet spillage.

Starscream arched and squirmed, nearly mad from the mix of sensations. He hollered out, all dignity abandoned when he felt rough, strong fingers wrap around his spike and start slowly stroking it. Megatron ran his glossa up the cockpit, over the red collar then into Starscream's neck, stopping to bite down on a major cable. The seeker strained in resistance but couldn't stop his overload from erupting, sending hot transfluid seeping over Megatron's fingers.

Starscream went limp, shuddering in residual after effects and somewhat fearful of the smile he felt form against his neck. Megatron trailed his wetted hand up the length of the jet's body, dipping his fingers into small pools of energon which his glossa had missed. He plunged two fingers into Starscream's mouth, his hand dripping fluid onto the chin which Megatron proceeded to lick up with a scheming smile. The seeker moaned helplessly at the taste of himself, the energon and the feel of Megatron's fingers on his glossa.

Stricken with overwhelming sensations, the jet only lay motionless, feet dangling listlessly off their organic berth. Megatron pulled his fingers from the whimpering mouth then captured it with his own, growling lustfully at the mix of flavors. Starscream dimmed his optics, allowing himself to get lost in the intimacy; something he'd been a stranger to for far too long.

The euphoria was spoiled when strong fingers forcefully pried open Starscream's cockpit. He wriggled out of the kiss and glared with shock and insult into Megatron's intent expression.

"Do not fight it Starscream." Megatron spoke in a sinister whisper.

Starscream shifted his arm to close his spark chamber but Megatron pinned it to the tree. "You know you cannot stop me from taking what I want" continued the tyrant.

"I know what you're doing" seethed Starscream with a painful realization. "You want the formula!"

Megatron looked down on him in guilty annoyance. He now had both of Starscream's wrists pinned with one hand and was hardly bothered by the attempts to struggle free. He gazed into the seeker's spark, squinting at its intense luminosity. He opened his chest panel and unveiled his own spark, much to Starscream's fear. The jet struggled more, creating unwanted and pleasurable friction from Megatron's spike, which was still fully erected inside him. Starscream winced as he felt his nodes welcoming the spike, his wall lining with more transfluid.

Megatron could only behold his soldier with maddening want. He began slowly thrusting into the eager valve, his optics dimming with pleasure at the regretful squeaks he invoked. The seeker's tight, untouched valve clenched hard around him, causing the him to buckle. It took all his strength to keep the writhing arms pinned down.

Starscream ground his teeth in euphoric rage. He did NOT want a spark merge, not with Megatron, not with anyone and especially not while his processor was in this state. He needed to talk Megatron out of it. He opened his mouth to protest but could only moan feebly as Megatron thrust forcefully in and out of him.

"It doesn't…work that way" he finally muttered, weakly.

Megatron slowed his thrusts down and stared deeply into the Starscream's face. "If a merge…actually could transfer the formula…it would still be…useless to you."

"I don't believe that for an instant!" snapped Megatron. He stopped thrusting completely and tightened his grasp around the seeker's wrists. He leaned closer to him, their sparks now lighting each other, and bore his blazing red glare into Starscream's twitching face.

"Then…you're a fool" defended the seeker.

Megatron's optics illuminated fiercely and he jerked his body with a single, threatening thrust, reminding his soldier of his delicate situation. Starscream whimpered in fear but continued his attempts to protest the action.

"The formula will do you…no good…I already told you this."

Megatron scowled. "You lie."

"It's the truth" pleaded the seeker breathlessly. "It would take you years of scientific study to even remotely grasp the complexity of it…years which you cannot afford right now."

Megatron grimaced as he looked over the helpless scientist with irritation, his spike still throbbing inside the responsive valve.

Starscream could feel his words sinking into his leader's logic circuits.

"Please Megatron…don't do this…It will only put my altered processor at risk." Okay, slight stretch of the truth, but Starscream knew his damnable leader wouldn't know the difference.

Megatron leaned back slightly, separating their sparks from the dangerous proximity and pushing on the brink of embarrassment.

Starscream sank in relief, ventilations still heavy and sensing every bit of Megatron's defeat. He relaxed a notch, relishing the mech's pathetic desperation and slightly amused by the extent the old fool was willing to go to get what he wanted. There's nothing Megatron wanted more than that which he could not have; this Starscream knew too well. Despite the massive spike still buried in his pristine and sensitive valve, Starscream no longer feared the situation. The game was over; Starscream won and Megatron's obvious displeasure was all the trophy the former SIC needed.

"And another thing" Starscream spoke up brazenly, "you would no longer have an excuse to keep me around…if you could do my job."

Megatron furrowed his brow in heated disapproval as Starscream faintly smirked. The frustrated tyrant slowly resumed thrusting his hips, the friction on his spike softening him enough to curb his temper.

"What are you implying, Starscream?" he inquired with an attempt at indifference. "Do you think I enjoy having you around?" His movements picked up momentum, causing Starscream to tilt his head back and whimper in delight. "That I take pleasure in constantly looking over my shoulder?"

"Yes" breathed the seeker.

Megatron reared up with anger, yanking his spike from the hungry valve and slamming both their spark chambers shut. He flipped Starscream over to lay face down in the moss then pressed his mighty length back into him, gripping both hands over the petite red hips. Starscream hollered in pain but his body shuddered in pleasure. Megatron, perched firmly on his knees, thrust hard into his soldier's valve. Starscream's face and cockpit were buried in the moss but his aft was stuck in the air; quite an undignified pose but one he was used to with Megatron and therefore, despite the humiliation, he was strangely at ease.

Megatron pumped mercilessly, ramming his pelvic plating into the cherry aft and leaving scrapes of black paint on it. He slid his other hand up Starscream's lower back then into the groove between the wings. Starscream's vocalizations of pleasure were constant, in-time with Megatron's thrusts and but laden with an obvious exhaustion that took Megatron by surprise. The tyrant slowed his thrusts slightly and allowed an annoying concern to drift into his processor.

"When was the last time you recharged?" he inquired, pretending not to care.

"When I was offline" Starscream replied casually.

"What! What are talking about?" Megatron grew irritated and slowed his thrusting down even more. "You never went offline…not with that blasted fragment wedged in your cortex."

"You're wrong" he argued weakly "that fragment is gone. The ninjas removed it with their Processor over Matter."

Starscream loved contradicting his leader. It brought him joy, especially when the contradiction was enough to distract Megatron from satisfying his own sexual needs. Starscream dimmed his optics and basked in the confusion he could feel in his leader's uneven thrusts, but those thrusts quickly picked up and become hard enough to drive the seeker's face further and further into the moss.

Megatron grunted as each of his violent movements inched him toward overloading. Starscream felt another round of fear well in his spark, purely for the thought that Megatron might draw this out far longer than his aching valve could withstand. Luckily the pleasure that built from the immense friction drove the seeker's fear away and he found himself moaning in time with his leader's grunts. They ascended into overload together, Megatron squeezing the quivering hips as he threw his head back and hollered a sound that undoubtedly scattered any and all wildlife in the vicinity.

The Decepticon commander collapsed onto his soldier's back, flattening him to the bed of moss. He lay there a moment, ventilations heavy while he mulled over his thoughts, his hand autonomously tracing the length of the pinned body. He finally shifted his massive chassis to lay on his side upon the tree and half-press into the static lump that is Starscream. He rested his chin on a protruding wing and analyzed the colorful chassis, drifting his fingers along the curves and pondering the odd reality of his re-born scientist.

"If that fragment is gone, then what in the All Spark is keeping you online?" he asked with confusion.

"Umm…my spark?" Starscream's voice was muffled by the moss, but his sarcasm was blatant. "That little glowy thing you just tried to defile?"

"How did your spark regenerate itself? Especially since this isn't even your original body?" continued Megatron, trying to stifle his annoyance at Starscream's bratty behavior.

"The All Spark fragment in my head restored it" he replied casually, almost inaudible.

Megatron pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Blast it, Starscream, you're not making any sense."

"Sure I am" he assured. "I used one of the protoforms on the Nemesis in this body, which allowed my All Spark fragment to start forming a new spark in me."

"But you just said the ninjas offlined you when they took your fragment."

"They did. My spark wasn't strong enough yet to keep me alive without the fragment."

Megatron rolled over onto his back, fingers still pinched on his brow. "Now you're just purposely toying with me" he vented in frustration.

"No, I'm not. Not this time" Starscream spoke earnestly but with a smirk as he lifted himself to sit back on his knees, the action pulling a fatigued groan from him. He looked over Megatron's chassis then traced his tapered claw along the black pelvic plating, merely a twitch away from the spike that had no right being that large for just having overloaded. Megatron promptly slid his interface panel shut, nearly slamming Starscream's finger in it. The seeker flinched but couldn't help smirking wider in amusement and he kept fondling the grooves and curves of the impressive chassis beneath him.

"Had Blackarachnia never intervened, I still would've come back online eventually" he continued smugly.

Megatron looked up at him, puzzled.

"How is that possible?" he barked with annoyance as Starscream dug the tips of his claws under the black panel. Megatron was fed up with the teasing and yanked the seeker down to lay flush against his chest. He wrapped his arms underneath the wings and pressed the black helmet into his neck, wincing slightly as it brushed against his freshly-patched wound.

"A protoform's spark is strong, no matter the size" he whispered into his leader's neck, unable to hid his shock at Megatron's affection. "It's built to grow, evolve and shape itself around the body it was chosen for. My body simply had to relearn to draw life from my spark again rather than the fragment. However…this is a slow process."

Starscream let his chassis sink in relaxation and Megatron responded by tightening his embrace. He couldn't help but respond to the rare affection being given him and had to wonder if there were ulterior motives or if he was just (lucky?) enough to catch his arch nemesis in such an unlikely state. He quickly deduced that thinking too hard on the matter distracted from the enjoyment of it and that he's better off continuing his rambling to help distract from any potential awkwardness.

"The humans would've no doubt scrapped my body for spare parts if Blackarachnia didn't find me. According to her, all color was sapped from my chassis. I appeared so offline that she feared I wouldn't retain any of my memories…or so she said. Her scientific abilities are respectable enough, but she was hardly a replacement for me after you promoted me to—"

"So you are in debt to her" Megatron interrupted.

"We all are" he countered.

Megatron chewed over this but Starscream was already bored with the discussion. He drifted his fingers up Megatron's neck and lightly pressed at his recent patch job. The wounded gladiator winced in pain and snatched the seeker's hand in his own, pulling it back to down rest upon his chest.

"How do you figure?" snapped Megatron.

Starscream brought his knee up and dragged his leg over Megatron's pulling another painful twitch from the mech as he scraped along the leg wound.

"Will you please desist the antagonizing and answer the question" Megatron ordered.

"Put the pieces together, oh mighty one" he replied sarcastically, his smirk now at its fullest. "Without her, there would be no me, and without me, there would be no formula." Starscream shook his head. "Perhaps I should I draw you a diagr—"

"That's quite enough!" interrupted the angered leader as he squeezed tightly and threateningly on Starscream's hand.

"Why must you incessantly try my patience? Do you enjoy receiving my wrath?"

Starscream's chassis warmed as he felt Megatron's temper push to the surface. He scooted up, burying his face in the mighty neck and nipping at uninjured cables.

"You should..." he spoke in between nips "know the answer to that by now." He propped himself onto his elbow then pressed his lips down upon his leader's tightened mouth. Megatron, despite his rise of aggravation, reactively pressed the back of his soldier's helmet, deepening the kiss.

They moaned a duet of passion, much to each other's surprise. The kiss wasn't typical; it was expressive, sincere and ultimately…confusing, but neither of them wanted to end it. Their glossas probed, their hands explored, and their bodies squirmed. They could almost swear they felt time take a break and nod its head to their altering of the natural order of the universe.

Megatron finally broke the kiss, but only enough to give his lips space to talk. He kept his optics dimmed, as Starscream did; neither of them willing to confront the unexpected intimacy. Starscream's lips began quivering, ramping up to break the silence but Megatron cut him off, his lips brushing Starscream's with each word.

"You are…truly an enigma, Starscream."