
Shin sighted and sat down on the chair, he glared at the papers in front of him, wishing for them to burn right there on the spot, wich they didn't, suddenly the phone rang and Shin pulled it to his ear.

"Yes... this is Daichi Shin?!"

A female voice caught his "Daichi-kun, can you come down to the station, a oh so clever murder-suspect wants to see you!" it was Masuyo Emiko, she was a young and clever police officer, just recently moved in to the crime-division.

She was in fact the childhood friend of Wataru Takagi and Miwako's great great great grandchild Wataru Atsuko, they both entered the police force at age of 23 and was working together like they've always done.

"Yeah... I'll be right there!" Shin hung up, standing up, he looked around, nothing particular had changed over the years, often he just sat around and watched Takumi going trough new magic-tricks or making fun of Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko and Ai's great great great great grandchild Tomotsu Akira, who loved to watch Shin do detective work.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms folded around his neck and Shin was forced to turn "huh.." and a pair of lips connected to his'

When they parted, Takumi smiled "work again Shin-chan?" he asked and smiled, Shin sighted "in fact I do Takumi... so can I leave?!" it wasn't a question, it was more like an order, but of course Takumi didn't obey.

"Now now Shin-chan... the work can wait no?"

Shin sighted as another man entered the room, he only looked at them once, then left with a smile on his face, Shin had reached out a pleading hand, but was only met by a closed door.

"Takumi..." Shin warned, but Takumi only dragged him to another door, wich lead to their room "my my Shin-chan... please use my real name when we're together like this!" he whispered seducing into the ear of the other one, who jumped slightly "T... Ka.. Kaito.."

"Mh... yes Shin-chan?" he asked and got a glare "refrain from using that nickname then!" was all that came and he smirked of course Shinichi... I would never stop calling you that... we've lived 127 years, never been separated, I still know!"

A smile came on Shin's face "I'm glad you remember Kaito!"


The next day, Shin was met by a fuming and angry Emiko, who yelled at him for over two hours, not that Shin actually cared that much, the last night had been like almost every night since the day he had first met Kaito, wonderful.

Suddenly a rant could be heard Shin almost thought it was Nakamori, when he remembered that it was only Nakamori Aoko's second great great great grandchild Koji, who, like his great great great great grandfather liked to chase Kaitou KID.

"Another note hm?"

Emiko nodded "yeah... it came three hours ago... now, come on!" she dragged him off.

"Our lives turned into such complicated and immortal life... but we are really happy too, to be able to live with each other for all eternity!"



It's done!!!!

KAMPAII! (cheers)

hope ya liked this story X3

Please R&R though...