This is the five parter fic that I'm writing as a Xmas gift for my good friend and all famous beta, Tako- the artist previously known as Toast. heh, anyway, this is part one. The other four parts will be added as time goes, just like the four other fics that I have to work on as gifts... ............ oh joy...


Fifth Time's The Charm

Try 1

The smells of grease covered food, fake cheese that had enough fat in it to clog even the healthiest vegetarian's arteries, and all the meat one person could slap onto one pie, Tsunade was drooling. Across the booth, mouth hanging open, sat Naruto. The duo managed to ignore the sounds and other occupants of the local Pizza Hut as they sat, staring at their "prize"… a triple large meat lover's pizza. Naruto purred, slipping a slice from the pan and cradling it in his hands as he brought it u p to eye level.

"Ah, my lovely… you and I are about to become acquainted with one another on a whole new level…" he purred, salivating at the thought of biting into the freshly made pizza pie. A snort and the blond woman across from him grabbed her own slice.

"Food coma… here I come…" she stated, shoving half the piece into her mouth. The blond male stopped and blinked, lifting his gaze to his date.

"Um… Tsu…"

"Hmphnah?" she asked, the question coming out as more of a muffled noise.

"There's a guy behind you… and he's been staring at you for the past fifteen minutes…" he muttered, frowning slightly.

Tsunade blinked and turned her head in the direction he'd indicated. Indeed, there was a man there, staring at her. She snorted. "It's just Jiraiya.. he always does that."

"Well I don't like it..." Naruto pouted, crossing his arms and turning his head away. The blond woman sighed and reached over to pat his head.

"He only ever chases unmarried women..."

"So he'd stop staring if you were married?"

She nodded. A light went on in Naruto's head.

See... when Uzumaki Naruto got an idea... he got an idea...

Slowly, he turned his grin to Tsunade. She blinked and arched a brow. He got up and went over to one of the cheap, twenty five cent vending machines and came back with a gaudy looking ring. She blinked again. He knelt down on one knee in front of her, holding the ring up, all the while grinning like an idiot.

"Senju, Tsunade.... will you make the happiest man alive... and marry me?!" he practically screamed out. Tsunade blinked a few times before smacking him over the back of the head.


Naruto blinked. "So... it wasn't the ring?"

".... no...."
