AN: Here it is, sorry for the HUGE delay, so i guess this is finally done. here's gilberts POV. thanks for reading and you patience.

Grand Finale

Now gradually add the flour, shit! Shit! Screwed up, I think I hate cooking… I growled at the sauce pan in disdain, now I remember why Mattie is the one who cooks, I have all the culinary talents of Arthur.

Well hopefully I can get him drunk enough on wine so he doesn't taste the burnt crap that will be our anniversary dinner…

Our fifth anniversary, god I can't believe we made it this far. Today isn't officially the day we started our relationship, that's the day he uses. I use the day we first locked eyes in that forest; the day I saw an angel.

I didn't think he was real, just some figment of my imagination brought on my temporary insanity. By hopelessness that I was feeling, the dropping out of school, the constant pestering of past loves that felt wrong to wake up next to.

He was beautiful, and for a moment, it felt right, looking into those eyes. All those flings were nothing compared to that one moment.

I knew then that this was the one I wanted to wake up next to, that I wanted to try and remember anniversaries, birthdays, just be happy to sit next to him and not needed a word to be said.

As awesome as I am, I didn't start it out to smooth. I wouldn't change it though, or I wouldn't have seen how plucky he was, how strong he was, even in his shyness, the awkward way he bears himself.

"Who?" I felt a paw at the back of my leg, Kumathing wants some fish, and I'm surprised that he didn't come sooner when I actually put it on the grill.

"No, this is our salmon, shoo" I gently pushed Kumathing with my leg but it was persistent. I huffed and picked it up and held it on my hip before opening a can of tuna and placing it a long ways away from the kitchen. Damn thing, not messing my awesome cooking thing more than it already is.

Kumathing was done that can of tuna and awkwardly climbed up on me, I stared down into my lap, where it was sitting and I picked him up again and held him out to gauge his weight. I give my evil smile of doom.

"Guess who's going on a diet fatty" I said with sadistic glee, the bear whined and wiggles out of my firm and awesome grip. "Yup no more salmon for you, and a fuck ton of berries" I cackle, because really Mattie spoils the thing rotten, it's starting to get fat, and I'm not believing the whole, that's fur gilbert bull crap. Like a cat, you know when its stops being fur and know when it's fat.

I put him on my arm and pet him to calm him down then dump him on couch on my way to the ceiling to floor windows in our apartment living room. It was getting dark. I was getting anxious.

Matt always has this way of making these uncool emotions run around in me, making me feel all weird.

Then I smell burning. Right when Matt walks in, flustered and rosy cheeked. He's a bit taller, stronger too. But those eyes still look young and soft; his lips are still as plush and kissable as they always are.

I rush over to him and gather him in my arms, loving the way he just melts in them. I kiss him, the way he kisses back; the way he yields to me, to my tongue is intoxicating.

Then he smells burning.

"Gilbert!" he thumps my chest disapprovingly as he backs away. I duck my head and rush over to my abomination of a dinner and prepare the table quickly with his help. I tossed the apron I was wearing over my dress shirt and pants on the back of a chair before pouring two glasses of fine French wine that Francis gave us for my birthday. I'm glad Mattie picked up his tastes, because they sure are fine.

"Here, drink this first" I say, handing him a glass as he sat down at his seat.

"Why?" he asked, suspicious.

"Because do you want to take my cooking sober? Because it makes Arthurs cooking taste like a gourmet meal" I added.

"I highly doubt that Pinky, at least I can tell its food" he grinned taking the glass anyway. I smirk and sat down opposite of him, taking his hand, we said grace, as he prayed; I said my own prayer in my mind.

A thank you to god for forgiving me enough to allow this angel in my life, a being so perfect and bright that It hurts my eyes some days just to see him smile; A thank you for giving me a chance at happiness and companionship when hell knows I don't deserve someone like him, Most importantly a thank you for giving him the ability to eat crappy cooking.

Though, I have Arthur for that, because really, he ate everything on his plate, heck I can't stomach this crap that I made. Then again, I'm used to being spoiled rotten by Mattie's cooking.

"Well that settles whose the better cook between you and Dad" he laughs, sipping his wine. I smirk in my own glass; maybe tomorrow I'll call that punk up and brag about it.

"So what's for dessert?" he grinned seductively. Five years with him and that smile still sends my stomach and making my dick twitch in interest.

I give him a sexy smirk of my own that became a playful grin.

"You" I said, my voice dropping in the way I now he likes. His violet eyes darken as his cheeks flush and jaw slacken. "Now go to the bed and take off your clothes" I walk around and lean on the table next to him, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look in my eyes. He smirked and got up, hand trailing up my chest, resting on one of my nipples, tweaking it slightly.

"Don't make me wait, Gilbert, I might have to start without you" he winked and licked his lips slowly as he sauntered away to the bedroom, my eyes fixed on that ass of his. I rush to the fridge and grab the chocolate and whipped cream, and rushed back after him.

I pause at the door, and look at him sprawled on the covers, naked as the day he was born. Cock proud and standing at attention. Even now it makes me catch my breath at how beautiful he was.

"get your ass over here Gilbert" my knee's buckle at the way he says my name, smooth and slow, I give a low growl before tossing him the whipped cream and chocolate sauce and taking off my shirt then my pants and briefs in one motion. I stood there proudly hand on my hips.

Mattie rolls his eyes and sprayed some whipped cream in his mouth, missing it, I swear on purpose, and having is spray on his chin.

'Opps" he smirked as he looked over to me with hooded eyes. I grin and crawl over him, forcing him on his back.

I licked his chin then his lips before kissing him deeply, tasting the sweetness and the taste of Matthew. He groaned when I pulled away shushed him before marking him with a chocolate coated finger, tracing designs on his skin and licking it off slowly, biting in places I know he loves. All the while he wiggles and groans, in ways he knows I love. Gasping my name when I lick in his belly button, a surprised gasp when I scraped my teeth against his right nipple, a soft moan when I pinch the other, but when I start to pour chocolate and whipped cream on dick he gave a low groan in anticipation.

That groan became loud when I took him all in one smooth move, I sucked my way up, feeling it throb, I look up and looked at him, he reached over to the bedside table and tossed me the lube we kept there.

I go about bobbing as I prepared my fingered and slowly entered them in his tight hole, causing him to buck and thrust on my finger greedily. God I loved when he did that. I pull my mouth off him with a pop and stretched him, grinning when he fucked himself on my fingers wanting more.

I pull out, he whined, but we looked each other in the eyes and his thighs clamped on my sides as he pulled me in close, panting like a bitch in heat, soon replaced by one long moan, one that I joined in soon enough when I felt his tight hot heat wrap around my prick.

Shit that's never going to get old.

When I was fully in I stopped, just to watch him, the flushed cheeks and lips, the impatient stare he gives me every time I do this. I kiss him slowly, deeply and started to move.

I wanted this to last; it was after all a special day, with every thrust I gave a low moan of matt. He did the same, clinging onto me like his life depended on it.

We exchanged kisses that made me tingle, and not in the sexy way, this tingle was in my heart, he was muttering things, things in French, my name mostly, but the way our eye meet every time we pull out of a kiss, even in that one second between kisses and thrusts when we stare at each other, we are connected, we are one.

I wake up to the sun on my face, I blinked and looked over to Mattie, who was curled up under the sheets, my cute cuddled up Canuck. I can't help the smile, every time I wake up and he's there, snoring softly. It feels, right. Perfect. Like he's meant to be there next to me, the first thing I lay my eyes on when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I sigh and kiss his forehead and get up, stretching at the side of the bed. I look over and notice my violin resting softly in the corner.

Sitting on the bed I rosin by bow before picking up the instrument and plucking out a few notes softly, soon I started to play a short little piece.

"Mmm Gilbert?" I smirk as I feel arms wrap around my waist and a nose travel up my spine to rest in my hair. "Isn't that the tune you were playing when we first met?" he asked, voice still groggy.


"Mmm, even after five years, you still pull on my heartstrings"