Disclaimer: I do not own torchwood or any of the characters, they belong to the BBC and RTD.
'Sprawled' is a good description, Jack decides. 'Gorgeous' is his usual epithet for Ianto, but right now 'Sprawled' could be added to the list. If he'd been awake, Ianto would have added 'Knackered' to Jack's list, which was why he was so uncharacteristically 'Sprawled' face down on the vast mattress. Ianto usually slept the same way he lived – 'Neatly', normally these days that also meant 'Safely' and 'Comfortably', curled in Jack's arms.
Earlier in the night Ianto would have said 'Ravished'. Jack likes when Ianto feels 'Ravished'. He loves creating that feeling in his Lover. Jack smiles to himself and adds the title 'Husband' to the list of words he associates with Ianto.