Savage and Graceful Beginnings

I wanted to write something about Larxene and Marluxia, so here's my vision of their pasts.

Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix and Disney. I did, however, come up with the Ki-Tanean tribe.

"It is for the best we are forgotten, lest the outsiders who slew our tribe destroy us completely. We, the Ki-Tanean warriors, will survive in secret, and we have foreseen that we will play a part in the last act of our world."

--From the sacred texts of the Ki-Tanean tribe

Relena Candace Ki-Tanean never knew the true home of her tribe. Not even her mother Candace Maura Ki-Tanean remembered it. The eldest of the Ki-Taneans…sometimes they spoke of a world outside the forested area and the cavern that hid the home of the remnants of the tribe since the outsiders nearly annihilated them all. Sometimes the girl wondered what it would be like if the Ki-Taneans didn't have to stay to the forest or risk death…sometimes she wondered if it would be better.

Yes, Relena was told all the stories by her grandparents and the other Ki-Tanean elders. Their tribe once was the greatest rogues on their world—possibly of any world—and they were feared and hated simply for the skills they were born with. One day, those jealous of the natural skills of the Ki-Taneans decided to destroy them…and very nearly did. Only about three dozen of the tribe escaped and relocated to the forest, going into hiding. Relena's grandparents were two of those who escaped. Her grandmother was once a powerful ninja and leader of the remnants until she retired and took to the life of training young Ki-Taneans, leaving the job of leadership to her daughter Candace.

Candy had very little skill as a rogue— Ki-Tanean skill was borne in the blood; if one didn't have it from the start, they couldn't be taught—but what she lacked in physical ability, she more than made up for in leadership skills. The entire tribe respected and loved Candy, and her children got only the best.

Relena had incredible potential as practically any job a Ki-Tanean would hold. The elders said she'd be a fine warrior, ninja, thief…or maybe even a tribal leader like her mother. She wondered if maybe Ki-Tanean skills skipped a generation in her family. Her mother had little skill, but her brothers and sisters all had potential, even though she had more than all of them. She had been trained since the time she was four years old, and now, ten years later, she was on the verge of being considered a full-fledged Ki-Tanean.

Alimaru hated his job. Having to take care of five little sisters and run a florist shop was fine, if only the mentioned shop made enough money to support the six of them! It had been better when their mother Rose had been alive, even though she had been so upset about her husband abandoning her. Rose had a job as a singer, she made very little money but it was enough for her and her children to survive, but she had died two years ago of a broken heart.

Alimaru was a trained assassin, but he despised doing it. He hated having to kill people for money. It hurt his heart, and he could never let his sisters find out or they'd be heartbroken. The little money the florist shop brought in was put away for his sisters, so all the money for food and other necessities came from Alimaru the Reaper. He sometimes wanted to turn his scythe on himself, but then who would take care of his sisters? Alimaru would protect Lily, Holly, Petunia, Daisy, and Violet with his life, since nobody else cared about them.